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Everything posted by Illustrious

  1. I bought a 9.8 of the Annual last week for my personal collection. I'm less concerned about the "money book" (X-Men #266) as I am about the true, first appearance of a character. I feel the same way about Hulk #180/181.
  2. Although some of these discussions get emotional and heated due to beliefs, opinions and experience, for the most part there are great discussions about comic book history (assumed or otherwise). I wouldn't say because someone posted an extensive amount of research this means you then cut everyone else off from providing their opinion on a topic. So let a good conversation take place. But better to read and listen to everyone's contributions, versus cutting contributors off from sharing their thoughts. Then at least all those sources of information helps build a more thorough picture. Just a suggestion. I agree. Let the discussions flow. They often spin off into useful side topics. They also allow everyone a chance to chime in on their views on the topic at hand. (thumbs u (thumbs u x2
  3. It came out in stores/on the newstand first. Thus, the first time the public saw Gambit...right? Correct - due to a print scheduling error. X-Men 266 ' s story comes first before X-Men Annual 14. I know, that's not debatable (the fact that chronologically the story in XMA #14 comes after XM #266), but error or not it was available to the public first. To me, the first time Gambit was ever featured in a comic story available to the public trumps whether it chronologically falls second within a bigger story.
  4. It came out in stores/on the newstand first. Thus, the first time the public saw Gambit...right?
  5. Well this thread has made me go buy a X-Men Annual #14 9.8, I didn't realize it had that many panels with Gambit in it. I hope the market doesn't catch on yet, I'll happily buy 2-3 of these for the price of one #266 9.8
  6. It is gonna hold it's current value. She's here to stay.
  7. Better grab those AF #15's before they really heat up.
  8. I don't even know what to say about this book anymore. This info will probably spawn a four page argument though, haha. I sense a diatribe of "shill bidding" in our future . Jim And why not, there are 0 feedback bidders pushing up the price. Jaydog has a point and I'm getting the feeling those invested in this book don't want to hear it.
  9. U mean this one with the relentless shill bidding going on? http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&item=221652606157&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2565 -J. Gotta love those 0 feedback bidders. (thumbs u
  10. (thumbs u And then he vehemently rails against CGC and the evils of slabbing to anyone who will listen.
  11. Here you go: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=8020510&fpart=1
  12. You're cornering the market on those Timely Canadian editions.
  13. Ahh, a cryptic post. Are you referring to the "Almost Got 'im" kids book? That discussion has been had. The ruling was, not a comic and did not come before BA 12, or at least no solid evidence to show I was first. If you are referring to something else, I'm all ears That's the book, it gave me a scare since I was holding on to two BA #12 9.8's at the time.