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Sauce Dog

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Everything posted by Sauce Dog

  1. Thanks for the reply, but this still does not make sense to me. Many of the Harlan Ellison "File Copies" were books he never worked on and personally bought from newsstands as a customer. You can see he bought many other books (for example those being collected in this set https://comics.www.collectors-society.com/registry/comics/PeopleSetDetail.aspx?PeopleSetID=67060 ) So my question still remains, why can a book purchased by Ellison and then filed away get a File Copy designation, but a book purchased by Doug Moench and files away not receive such a designation? (books that neither of them worked on) I'm effectively looking to 'name the trait' that separates these two examples. Both are from comic writers, both bought Tales of Suspense books they never worked on, both filed away their comics, both had their collections recognized by CGC...but only one gets File Copy designation? Harlan Books (all file copies and designated with 'from the collection of Harlan Ellison. Also note 'Harlan Ellison Collection' isn't technically a recognized Pedigree and does not appear in CGCs own pedigree page https://www.cgccomics.com/resources/pedigree/): But then we have books 'From the Collection of Doug Moench" that...don't count as file copies or appear as their own pedigree line
  2. So surreal to actually hold an award in hand Thanks so much to @wytshus and all the other CGC staff who put in lots of effort and time to organize the awards each year. and of course MIND BLOWING! This is legit the first time I've ever owned a 9.9 (come to think of it, I've never even SEEN a 9.9 in person). Absolutely over the moon (and posting these to Facebook comic groups have many people asking about the registry now and frothing with desire to win something)
  3. Hope it goes better than the last time the Rock was in Toronto trying to rally support from local fans
  4. Yup, which is why my question was specifically about those who actually worked in the comic industry, like Harlan Ellison and Doug Moench, who put together collections of books and some of which (but not all) are regarded as File Copies.
  5. There are many examples of creatives like Doug Moench having books labeled from his collection (such as 1572150007 ) So my main question is what is the difference that distinguishes a comic book creators personal collection and them collecting and it being regarded as a file copy (for example, 2121050003, which you can find was discussed in a previous thread. It was from Ellisons collection, also a Tales of Suspense book like this one from Doug, which the COA did not deem a file copy, but CGC does recognize as such: https://boards.cgccomics.com/topic/470027-file-copy/ )
  6. If there is only one owner & artist involved, like a painter who decides a work isn't fit to show and wants to burn it, then I think that is totally fine for them to do with it as they wish. The issue is when it is a collaborative work by many, with ownership held not by a single person but a conglomerate. There are are no real reasons any film should be destroyed in this age, as we don't have to worry about storage or reusing old tapes, and even for legal reasons it would be key to have it on hand if auditing was needed to confirm the scope of the work or if an issue about its development came to light after the fact. I don't think for a second the Batgirl film will or has been destroyed, that was something lost in translation and at most it's been moved to a secure archive where it will sit forever.
  7. I'm curious what the current stance is on books that carry the label "From the collection of [someones name here]" when it relates to a person that was in the comic industry and not just an outside collector / celebrity? I have seen books that were 'From the collection of Harlan Ellison" end up getting classified as File Copies, so I'm curious if that holds true for other comic legends that built collections of everything coming out (I specifically would love to know if my "From the Collection of Doug Moench" counts as a File Copy) Thanks!
  8. I personally don't see any volatility from this book at all, the prices have been steady over the years (with the expected slow steady growth) and this isn't at all out of line with the prices so far (and I don't expect a massive bidding bump near the end, I'm estimating this goes between $5-6k max). I'm a huge Hourman fan but even I can recognize nobody is spec'ing into Hourman based on movie rumours, and the only reason to buy in (at ANY time, movie or not) is only cause they recognize, like the rest of us, it is perhaps the last DC Golden Age 1st that is still "affordable". edit: Auction ended. Book sold for $5,600, putting it right smack dab into my estimate. Slow and steady wins this race
  9. Most books I 'bid' on I'll only do so for tracking (but if I win em I'll happily pay that price!). I missed the last featured auction completely, so put more effort in scouring this new one but honestly found nothing much of note that is getting me excited (mainly books I already own I would prefer to upgrade). I think the only book I'm really interested in seeing where it goes is Adventure #48, as data for the 1st Hourman is fairly sparse and this result will help better gauge where my copy should be valued at. https://www.comiclink.com/Auctions/item.asp?back=%2FComicTrack%2FAuctions%2Fbids.asp&id=1603550
  10. No bids is VERY odd on comic link, as since they lack any real way to bookmark / watch auctions we are all forced to place dummy tracking bids just to keep track of things
  11. They have a good app and clearly keep making strides to improve, but FYI still not great for us Canadians as we have to pay for shipping TWICE (If you are in Canada buying a single book you have to pay for the seller to ship their book to Shortbox $15, who then package it back up and then ship it again to you for $50, not including any duties you pay later). Their FAQ didn't state this initially when I contacted them about odd fees being added to checkout when they explicitly said there were no extra fees to buy (and they said those were just the other shipping costs I had to pay for), but I think it has been updated now.
  12. My Brave and the Bold #28 has so much character it can't even exist in the same spot all at once due to character overload. This will be my next conservation project, I'm looking to take this to being a proper CGC 0.5.
  13. They are called Comic Skin, and you can find em easily by searching on google (as well as ebay)
  14. But seriously, these are really good and I keep a few on hand for books that don't make sense to send to CGC or won't get an actual grade (like the coverless books I design and print new covers for - I can still display them well)
  15. Amazing. Thanks so much, Mike. What a perfect book to have, this helped put an end to my months long frustration of trying to decide which variant cover I want to get in order to have at least one graded book from this series.
  16. Hourman had a dozen covers, but from that same series I would point to Manhunter being the hero that had limited appearances (3 total cover appearances - see below). Not sure about DC specifically, but there were some Marvel characters I recall who had only a single cover appearance (I think Black Marvel had one Mystic Comics cover appearance)
  17. Ep 11 was by far the best of the entire season. Cats was perfect done, and remains my favourite tale of the comics, while Calliope actually had actual emotional chemistry between Dream and another cast member - something I found lacking with basically all his interactions in the season (save for a few bright spots)
  18. Don't collect early Batman, but I knew I needed at least ONE decent early Bat-book in my arsenal. I jumped on this one as getting a double digit TeC in such high grade was bonkers for the price.
  19. I agree, but will also not stand for such flagrant Mortal Kombat eraser Him making the first decent video game adaptation, as his very first movie, is impressive enough to get kudos forever. I also hate that RE series and have already core dumped that memory from my brain long ago.
  20. Not at all unrealistic as I recall this was due of how he was standing. Having your feet firmly planted and expecting incoming impact is different than leaning forward (as he was doing over the hood to talk closer to Jen) and having your center of gravity offset (not to mention being caught by surprise as he wasn't expecting her to gun it in a Jeep that was reinforced and weighted for the Hulk - not just a jeep straight off the lot). Stuff like this is taught in the first week of most martial arts classes, and I have fond memories of the pushing lessons against people 2-3 times my size and weight.
  21. I think that is the one lost opportunity with the MCU; we had very little time with a proper rampaging Hulk, and I would have loved more time with that character, and characters dealing with him, before they slid into smart Hulk all the time.
  22. Mirroring what a few others have already implied, this episode felt like the show is going to actually start with episode 2 - this being basically a longer version of a pre-episode bumper that gets us all caught up. It wasn't at all bad (I honestly thought the CGI would be worse - but it was fine for what this is), but I was surprised when it was over as it felt I had only just started watching it. Overall it was pretty good and feels like lots of potential is here. I did feel it moved a little too fast past each scene without actually letting us breath and take in what was happening (but that could just be due to this literally being a quick summery by Jen to the audience). Also, for the love of satan Disney, please just let people swear and talk about sex. It's one thing to cut out the F-bomb at the end, but to just shy away from saying the word virgin is some next level sad puritanical garbage. As for my comic nerd side: I do honestly hate that her origin wasn't due to a blood transfusion though. This makes me honestly think there could be Hulks popping up every with with the amount of blood he has spilled in battle - only a matter of time before it hits somebody it doesn't kill (and no that 'we have special genetics' line doesn't cut it - seemed like a cop out). The entire origin just felt like a 'whoopsie daisy' with zero weight behind it (something that him decided to resort to transfusion would have had, which would have also made for a better dynamic between them - as they would both know he saved her life, but at the same time potentially ruined it)
  23. Finally finished the series (was only doing one a day) and was pleased. Unlike most shows that have good episodes and perhaps some very bad episodes, when this was good it was VERY good and then everything else was decent - with no outright bad episodes. It had some obvious problems, but overall a great series. The main thing that kept me from finding it something I would want to revisit or fanboy over is that I felt it suffered from not having a good well defined antagonist or endgame to work towards - the introduction and explanation of the vortex and the motivation of the Corinthian came too late to really become invested in and offer any real emotional weight or buildup. Likewise, the sudden 'it was supposed to be me' save by the grandmother at the end just came out of left field and left me unsatisfied with the resolution. The first few episodes felt well contained while Dream collected his artifacts, but after that - save for the Death episode - it wasn't all that compelling (not at all bad, but something felt lacking to me. Still enjoyed it regardless)