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Everything posted by Wall-Crawler

  1. So the government has raised how much money you can earn "on your own" before they reduce your social assistance? Is that what you are saying? What do you mean by "she also mentioned buying"?
  2. In Ontario, we do have a Welfare Fraud "Hotline" http://www.mcss.gov.on.ca/en/mcss/programs/social/fraud.aspx I am not 100% sure if what Gabe is doing is 'technically' fraud though. Kind of like the same thing where you see people get their checks and head to the LCBO or convenience store and drop a wad of cash on Nevada tickets. Now, if he is not reporting his comic sales, under reporting what he pays in rent, etc., well then we may be in different territory. I'm no lawyer though. The downside of all this is that while what he is doing is not "right", it may not be illegal and/or fraudulent either. It's not a crime to be on Welfare in Canada. That is SO not what I was saying or inferred.
  3. In Ontario, we do have a Welfare Fraud "Hotline" http://www.mcss.gov.on.ca/en/mcss/programs/social/fraud.aspx I am not 100% sure if what Gabe is doing is 'technically' fraud though. Kind of like the same thing where you see people get their checks and head to the LCBO or convenience store and drop a wad of cash on Nevada tickets. Now, if he is not reporting his comic sales, under reporting what he pays in rent, etc., well then we may be in different territory. I'm no lawyer though. The downside of all this is that while what he is doing is not "right", it may not be illegal and/or fraudulent either.
  4. Pretty much the most expensive ones... #1 - #25 #27 - #33 #35 - #38 #40, #43 - #45 and #47 - #49 ...So total of 43 issues.
  5. I just started a journal to detail my quest to complete the ASM run if people want to check it out in the Journals section. Regardless, this was my first slab purchase of 2016 towards the goal... Second slab purchase of 2016... First raw purchase of 2016... So, I now have #50 to present in a perfect run (excluding variants) and need just over 40 issues to complete the run.
  6. Waitaminute, waitaminute...So, if your parents were the first ones to break the cycle, is it fair to say YOU actually did NOT grow up poor? Based on your earlier statements it sounded like your immediate family is/was currently poor...Are you currently living on your own or with your folks?
  7. Another one off the list...Picked up this very nice presenting FN/FN+ book from Dale Robert's sales thread. I don't mind mid grade non keys when they look like this! While not an ASM book, I also picked this up from his sales thread... Current ASM books still needed to complete the run: #1 to #25 (forgot I had low grade #26 already!) #27 - #33 #35 - #38 #40, #43 - #45, #47 - #49 Just slowly keep picking away...
  8. I will definitely move over to the the ASM Silver thread...Don't know why I haven't done that yet. Your ASM #13 is nice but your AF #15 is so nice.
  9. Made my first purchase from Dale in his most recent mammoth sales thread. Books were as described, shipped fast and were very securely packaged. Will definitely buy from again. Thanks Dale!
  10. Thank You! Yes, my next buy, unless it is a "good deal" will likely be a Spdiey key...I have also always really liked ASM #13...I dig Mysterio...But would be stoked to own any of the ones you mentioned (obviously).
  11. Nothing "major" but I just recently scooped this up on eBay for a pretty solid price so my quest to have from #50 to present is now complete (provided it arrives safe and sound ) I know ASM #55 is not a "huge book" but now having from #50 to present does make me feel pretty happy and a minor collecting goal is now complete. I now am in need of the following books: #1 - #38 #40 #43 - #45 #47 - #49
  12. And I've bolded an important portion above that you seem to not understand. At this point in your life, there is no distinction between "my money" and "government money". If you weren't on government assistance, the money you "earned" selling comics would go toward the basic necessities that government money is currently covering. If this weren't the case, you wouldn't qualify for government assistance. It would be no different if you said "I put all my earned money toward food/rent/utilities, all government money goes to comic book purchases". There is no difference. Taxpayers are now paying for your expenses and they don't care what specific dollars are earmarked for what. At this point in your life, the money is all the same and you must consider all money "government money". This will only change once you get off government assistance. This should be part of your motivation to get a job. I never thought of it that way so no wonder why boardies were getting angry. I treat taxes like this, once I pay for it and because it's required I don't care as it's not my money anymore is that wrong? You never thought of it that way? Despite the fact that Revat gave you a very similar example to which you responded? I omitted some stuff for space, but the point is still there. I firmly believe that you're reading everything that people write, but you seem to pick and choose what you take out of the good advice that people are giving. The fact that these points seem to bounce right off of you is the reason people's goodwill toward you is eroding. Do you know what "lip service" is? If not, look it up. By responding to most posts and not heeding the advice given, that's exactly what you're doing and it's quickly turning from honest to disrespectful. It's not enough to just read and respond. Really think about what people write here. For example, I remember MONTHS ago, you posted that you usually go to drop off resumes/applications wearing a hoodie. Some well-established comic dealers came in and said to lose the hoodie as it's not professional. Fast forward a few months and you tell us that you're still wearing a hoodie to drop off resumes. Are you kidding me? Like I said, because of decisions you are choosing to make, you are choosing to be unemployed. You need to make better decisions if you want to succeed. All the tips you need to follow already exist in thise thread (sometimes several times over). Don't ask for specifics. Go back 6 months in this thread and read each and every post. Make a list of all the advice people have given you. This is a serious exercise and could do a lot of good. Yep. And while he's looking up "lip-service", he might also look up what "casting pearls to swine" means because that's exactly what everyone here has pretty much been doing for him for almost a year. And yet he doesn't get it. Gabe, quit buying/selling/trading comics. You don't have the money or time for that "hobby". Go get ANY job you can get, the more menial the better (dishwasher, bus-boy, whatever). Work for a couple of years at it until you're the BEST person doing that menial job and have become "the expert" on it so that you can train others. A restaurant we've been going to for 10 years has had the same bus-boy/table-clearer since we first started going there - and he is GOOD at what he does and now pretty much supervises the others. You need to take any job you can get and do NOT be picky - if you don't like it - too bad, you will learn a TON more about responsibility, work ethics and the value of money from that kind of job than from a happy-cushy-super-job that you love. And those are three things you REALLY need to learn. Your pledge to quit trading comics until 2017 is nonsense - that's only about 10 months away - what if you're still on welfare and still haven't learned a damn thing yet? Are you going to say "Woohoo it's 2017 now I can start trading again!"? Get. A. Job. And work your off, keep your mouth shut, put up with people you don't like, learn a skill or trade and grow the ... up. And these will hopefully be the last pearls I cast before swine in this thread. (although watching this perpetual trainwreck is addicting). So I'm this definition? cast pearls before swine (literary) to offer something valuable to someone who does not understand that it is valuable Giving him advice is just casting pearls before swine. He doesn't listen. See also: before, cast, pearl, swine Cambridge Idioms Dictionary, 2nd ed. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2006. Reproduced with permission. For quitting this hobby I still have my stuff to sell before that. A menial job is the only one I can get and for learning more things I still have a lot to learn but I've learned you mean nothing to them,they give you a middle finger for all your hard work and only care about their own . I realize I do need a job to become stable again and I do have work ethics for every job I've had but I do need to learn the value of money more. You like stories I can give you why I don't like these jobs. I was working on the week of Christmas a a dishwasher and they were recently teaching me prep cook this despite me not wanting that responsibility. I worked over 90 hours that week and you know what? no thank you no nothing she called me into her office and told me 'look at all these hours we'll have to fire you if you keep this up" so that's the thanks I got for working so hard for you? making sure everything was perfect, done in a efficient manner, and making sure everyone is happy? As for no trading till 2017 you say it's only ten months you're underestimating how much time that actually is that's about the maximum time it takes for a human to break a habit and I'm pretty sure I can do that to as I've said no to trade offers recently. I have no intention of staying on welfare that long. For skills I was thinking a welder or something tech based. They were going to TEACH you a real skill (cook) and you REFUSED? I'd REALLY like to hear the employer's side. You have an excuse for EVERYTHING. Every employer has it out for you eh? I call total BS. At first, I was sympathetic to your plight but man, that ship has sailed.
  13. Damnit, can't help myself...Why won't you work construction? Do you have a physical disability that prevents you from doing so? If so, please disregard what follows but if you are otherwise fine physically, why the hell not? Most construction jobs pay a lot better than minimum wage. They are a great launching pad to other, better work experiences. Spring is right around the corner...Opportunities will start to present themselves. With construction, it can get your foot in the door with ongoing seasonal employment. You learn SKILLS. It might be the foot in the door into the trades or even heavy equipment operation OR, it can be a short term thing to build up savings, earn some job experience, contacts and skills to make you attractive to potential other employers. If you are fine physically, consider getting your hands dirty.
  14. Well, if no one reads/follows my meanderings here, I'm cool with that. Besides, I pretty much expect it to be ignored Sidebar: I struggle with the fact my ASM #238 is 9.4 - I look at it and don't know why it is not a 9.6 - I have thought about upgrading but that .2 upgrade is $$$ out of my pocket for a different book...Sigh...
  15. Thanks! It is the interest in other books that 'takes away' from completing the run...But you know, comics are a bit addictive!
  16. Right now, while not a big book, I am actively looking for a nice presenting #55 to complete the run from #50 to present. I have made a few purchases since my post...Two books from Dale Robert's last sales thread that are on their way (one ASM and one Spidey mag I have wanted for awhile) and just last week, two early raw ASM's from a local dealer (in Canadian funds!) on time payment that I should have by the end of the month. Non-keys looking for nice presenting and complete copies. Keys will be nice presenting graded copies or raw from respected dealers. Basically, if I see a nice presenting book at a fair price and I have the funds available, I will try to snag it. However, once I knock off the ASM #55, I will be saving for another key ASM book. ...I'm also contemplating selling off some of my non-Spidey keys to get a big Spidey key, but can't quite bring myself to do it yet.
  17. Gabe, STOP TRADING. STOP CONSIGNMENTS. SELL OFF WHAT YOU HAVE (that is not part of your personal collection) and most importantly, GET OUT OF THE COMIC BOOK "BUSINESS" - This is NOT for you at this time. After reading about this "at least two hours a week" looking for work, you need to change this. As Peter Palmer said, looking for work IS a FULL TIME JOB. What the hell are you doing with your time??? I don't know man, the more I read, the less inclined I (and others) are to offer advice and help, especially because so much of it is ignored. Goodwill is rapidly eroding. Change this thread to "MY ROAD TO SUCCESS - FINDING A JOB" and actually start implementing what your case worker is telling you and seriously LISTEN and ACT on the good advice you are given. That is all. I'm out. Good luck.
  18. Wait? What? How the hell am I getting roped into this? Want nothing to do with it...
  19. haha I would need something else that's worth a bit more you can pm me if you'd like. Sine you are not listening - we can try again with an example - Place a real FMV on your jla 1 Place a FMV on the scobby team ups Give a hypothetical good trade quantity of the scoobies - assume an unlimited supply Do not make a trade!!!!!!!!! You need to do this exercise (valuing an individual or set of books) over and over and over again until you are ACCURATE enough to not continuously lose value before you are ready to even consider a trade. A real fmv to me would be 100-150 and the scooby doo's I'm valuing a $3 each and including shipping I'd need 30 copies.
  20. In the immortal words of Kenny Rogers... You've got to know when to hold 'em Know when to fold 'em Know when to walk away Know when to run
  21. So, channel surfing tonight...Stop on "Pawnstars" for a minute...Behind Rick in the background on a shelf is a copy of ASM #1...IN A FREAKING ZIPLOC BAG, the kind with the big while logo on them and looks like it is not supported very well ...How can one be "wasting away" there and I don't have one (yet)
  22. Yes, in Ontario, if you are receiving social assistance, I believe they allow those receiving assistance to "earn" up to a certain extra amount before the government have any assistance funds "clawed back". Also, if you want, I'll buy that BA #12 for you for $200 - Perfect deal for you, you can keep all of the $200! On a serious note, good to hear that you have a caseworker to help you out with finding employment. Good luck. T PS - Stop it with Facebook. Why not try to sell the book here?
  23. Maybe the odd cover that I like but I can't see me chasing them.
  24. Yes it is. I am not counting variant covers. One cover will suffice for me.