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Everything posted by Wall-Crawler

  1. Totally agree. Details very sketchy. I would still be interested to know what the actual profit was on the book...I can't see someone handing over $700 for a "brokerage fee".
  2. This still isn't clear in my mind. You and your "friend" went in on a $1200 book together. You put up $500, he put up $700. At one point you said something about "unfriending"...is this a real friend; someone you know personally? Or is this someone you know through facebook comic chats? How well do you know this guy? Back to the deal, the book was shipped to you but it took a long time for you to receive it because UPS was "playing games" with you. You receive the book in-hand and now your friend decides he wants to be the sole owner of the book? To do this, he should be giving you $500 just for you to not take a loss. Realistically, you should be given a finder's fee if this is a client...something on the order of 10%. But you say he gave you $700. Is this on top of the $500 he needed to give you to buy you out of your ownership of the book? Or was it $500 to buy you out plus a $200 finder's fee? You say you "sold" it for $1,900...so it sounds like he bought you out for $500 and then gave you a $700 finder's fee. $500 (your initial investment) + $700 (friend's initial investment) + $700 (finder's fee) = $1900? Is this how it went down? Gabe, please answer the following questions and then go from there... How much did the book cost? How much did YOU pay for the book? As in money out of your own pocket? How much did your "FRIEND" pay for the book? Who sent the money to the original seller and how was it paid for? Thanks.
  3. I don't mean to be rude but there is no way I can get 15 a hour washing dishes I already asked. I like how you wrote "read" in caps letters and I used to read a lot before I kinda stopped caring about everything. I'm not on government assistance anymore I don't know why you all keep saying that But you're right there are a lot of things that I should do to improve on and yes I do realize it's a long road ahead but I will NOT be satisfied with only getting by and do you know why? Generations before me in my family have done that and you know where it got them? Nowhere at all !! I have a lot of problems which I'm sure you all know and don't worry I read everything that's said here. As for being nice it sucks you get used and abused because you have a heart, taken advantage of which is why I don't wear my heart on my sleeve. For exercises, I'm not fat but the last time I worked out is about 7 years ago so I think it'd be a good idea to get to start again. Oh for those wondering I had a job helper or whatever you like to call them and he kept trying to send me off to do construction when I told him multiple times I can't do that and he wouldn't even help me with job results I got. He was like "Oh well I don't really know since you don't have any A rank jobs (best suited for me) 'How about a construction job?" You stated before you were receiving social assistance I believe? I think people were under the assumption that you still were. How do you support yourself then only working 20-25 hours a week at a minimum wage gig?
  4. Ok, so you now have the book in hand and now you are shipping it to someone else. Who are you shipping the book to? Are you shipping the book to your friend who paid the $700 or a different/new buyer? If a different/new buyer, how much did it sell for? I'm not sure if I would provide a pic if I were you, at least not if you have already sold the book to someone else, especially if you've already accepted the money for the book. While we're all curious, it would probably be a better business practice to get the consent of your customer first before posting a picture of THEIR book. They may hope to sell it someday (maybe soon), and may not appreciate all the information (especially cost info) already posted about the book to be publicly available to a future potential buyer. I can pass on a pic of the book. I am more interested in knowing how this "deal" ACTUALLY worked. Not that I will get a straight answer or deserve one but the OP opened the door. I'll try explaining as best I can. The comic has been shipped to my friend that made the purchase and if he likes how the comic arrived I get the money. How did your buddy pay you?
  5. Ok, so you now have the book in hand and now you are shipping it to someone else. Who are you shipping the book to? Are you shipping the book to your friend who paid the $700 or a different/new buyer? If a different/new buyer, how much did it sell for? I'm not sure if I would provide a pic if I were you, at least not if you have already sold the book to someone else, especially if you've already accepted the money for the book. While we're all curious, it would probably be a better business practice to get the consent of your customer first before posting a picture of THEIR book. They may hope to sell it someday (maybe soon), and may not appreciate all the information (especially cost info) already posted about the book to be publicly available to a future potential buyer. I can pass on a pic of the book. I am more interested in knowing how this "deal" ACTUALLY worked. Not that I will get a straight answer or deserve one but the OP opened the door.
  6. Maybe I am "slow" but I am still trying to understand the nature of the deal on the BB#28. Gabe, you made it sound like you bought the book outright on your own. We learn this is not the case. So, what we know now (and correct me if I am wrong), you put in $500 of your own money. Your "friend" puts in $700. This = $1200 bucks for the cost of the book. Side Question: How did your "friend" pay the $700? Did the "friend" pay directly to the seller or did the "friend" give you a wad of cash or Paypal it to you? The BB#28 arrives and you say this: Ok, so you now have the book in hand and now you are shipping it to someone else. Who are you shipping the book to? Are you shipping the book to your friend who paid the $700 or a different/new buyer? If a different/new buyer, how much did it sell for?
  7. I might get in trouble for some of what I am going to say but...OP has officially pissed me off. And that, ladies and gentleman, is the essence of the problem right there. OP, are you still on social assistance and/or living with your parents? You talk about wanting to get out of "generations of poverty" but you are not willing to do whatever it takes to elevate yourself. You are not even doing the minimum. Doing mess you don't like is a part of being an adult. Do you even read what you type before you post it? You work 20-25 hours a week. You barely have a job. You are not even really looking for another one. Regardless of the 'conflicting advice' the one thing everyone has said that you continue to ignore is to stop chasing 'the big score'. I vote you quit until you can stand on your own two feet,when you are not subsidized. What's wrong with that? It's lucrative as well. You have "Peter Pan" syndrome. You don't want to grow up and you are just looking to invest minimal time in the hopes to land a "kewl" job. Have you done any kind of research into how hard it is to break into the business or even how to? Do you know how many talented actors are out there working other jobs while they chase their dream? Tell me, what was your "plan" for this? You admittedly stated you lack some essential skills. Your time and money would be better spent developing basic skills. 5 hours a week? That's it? You work a mere 20-25 hours per week, if you REALLY wanted to better your situation you should be looking a hell of a lot more than 5 hours a week. That is abundantly clear to everyone. That is a great thing to admit to publicly, especially someone feeding off the government teat. You have nothing but spare time. Catch up on sleep? Are you freaking serious? Why? From staying up too late playing video games and cruising online? And you wonder why nothing is getting better for you. I know you have some "challenges" but seriously, everything you outlined above is a recipe for failure. People who plan their life around "winning the lottery" usually don't end up too well.
  8. The costume is DAMN NEAR perfect but they ruined it with those black "racer stripes" or whatever. Get rid of those and it is
  9. To be clear I have a job but my hours have been cut so I won't be working there much longer. I never checked how long I search for deals but at least 10 hours a week. Also, I'm not sure if you look at it this way, but there is an old saying, time is money. Even at minimum wage, those 10 hours per week, spent looking for deals "cost you" about $450 per month. $11.25 minimum wage in Ontario x 10 hours per week x 4 (roughly) weeks in a month That equation only works if you are passing up making money by spending time online. He is missing out on time spent researching job boards, thinking about ways to make money doing stuff he likes (spending time on the computer) that doesn't involve risks. Fair point. Completely agree time would be better spent looking for other work...
  10. To be clear I have a job but my hours have been cut so I won't be working there much longer. I never checked how long I search for deals but at least 10 hours a week. Also, I'm not sure if you look at it this way, but there is an old saying, time is money. Even at minimum wage, those 10 hours per week, spent looking for deals "cost you" about $450 per month. $11.25 minimum wage in Ontario x 10 hours per week x 4 (roughly) weeks in a month
  11. Not going to happen. OP stated awhile ago that he can't do physical labour - Can't remember the reason might be legit physical issue but don't want to crawl through a million pages. There is a pattern though, everything is always someone else's fault, from being scammed to crappy employment counselor to horrible bosses, etc., etc., etc. I don't doubt the OP has real challenges, but the OP has received TONS of kind advice ranging from job prep and search help, even buying advice (start small) and the OP chooses to ignore it and to continue his pursuit of "the big score" while not yet having a secure and independent foundation established for himself nor the knowledge to truly be successful in this. That is what irks a lot of people. We all want the OP to succeed, just all the signs point to this comic dealing as more of a distraction than a real benefit at this time, but the OP is going to do what the OP is going to do.
  12. The comic came in today but UPS was playing stupid games and today the guy knocked once, dropped the package and ran off I'm just thankful the guy packed so well So what were "the stupid games" that UPS was playing? Are you saying the guy literally DROPPED the package and literally "ran off"? IS your friend satisfied with the book? Care to share some pics?
  13. I've been called a shill by many people on this journal because they can't believe I made all these mistakes and he still is my friend who is still your friend???
  14. Also I don't think anyone called you a shill? But your original story made it sound like you and you alone were buying the BB 28 and now it is you and at least one guy who may or may not be a friend...
  15. So what is the deal with the book? Have it in hand yet? What is the hold up exactly?
  16. Of course it's against the rules. You can't use eBay for free advertising and then cut them out of the deal. Especially if you used eBay's mail system to communicate. I think it depends on the situation. Say you have a bunch of books up on eBay and you are attending/selling at a con. Should a dealer pull ALL of those listings for a weekend? Ebay had nothing to do with any of those sales or generating those sales. I also know that there are sellers and some big sellers who list book(s) on multiple venues. Their own website, Facebook, eBay, whatever. I don't think there is a problem with that - However I would never list a book elsewhere if it is a board sale Where it is a problem, I would think, is when a buyer FINDS a book via eBay and then a side deal is negotiated, cutting eBay out.
  17. Initially this was supposed to be a split purchase and my former friends that I asked to split this comic with me had their tails between their legs, I wanted to put in 500 and my friend the other 700 and he decided since I was fair with him he would just send me money to buy the comic, and if everything is done to his satisfaction I get 700 dollars out of this. I have been following everything he told me all that's left is for ups to actually deliver it to me. This makes my head hurt... So, the comic cost $1200, you put in $500 and your "friend" $700, which would make up the $1200 to buy the book - How are you getting $700 out of this "deal"? What if your "friend" is dissatisfied with the deal? What am I missing here? Can you explain the nature of this arrangement/deal a little more clearly? Before it sounded like YOU were buying it outright...
  18. Wow, did you pick the wrong place to post this Plus you have no proof of anything and you lost out on nothing, so you should apologize to Adam and move on. Wow, guy just posted negative comments in Filters Kudo's thread. Dude, you really need to stop, delete those comments, apologize and move on. Also, what is YOUR eBay handle?
  19. Unfortunately, all of this is just sounding like more of the same old sad news. Questions Round 2: How many hours per week are you working and when were the hours cut? So, minimum 10 hours per week looking for deals online. Are there really that many deals to be found online? If you are dissatisfied with your current job situation, how many hours per week then would you guesstimate you spend looking for other jobs? Whatever happened to that employment counselor or whatever you were seeing? So, wait, did YOU initially buy the BB28 or did you simply acquire it "for a friend"? If you bought it yourself from the start, why go through all that work to just take a piddly "finders fee" now? Which is it?
  20. MOU could be awesome. I was a huge fan as a kid and had tons of the toys. I really hope if this movie gets made that it is good. I think LOTR set the stage for fantasy type epics. Lots of potential. Hopefully not wasted.