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Everything posted by mister_not_so_nice

  1. Anytime I've seen Frank Cho post something For Sale he also posts " Steve Morger is my art agent. Bother him" That's where I'd start looking.
  2. I like BKV and all, but 50% of the top list seems a bit much. Especially considering PRIDE OF BAHGDAD is a GN. And not a single Ennis story? I think I'm gonna have to make my own list
  3. LUCIFER is a well thought out series with quite a few "WTF?" moments that really get you. It's actually better on subsequent reads because you can spot the seeds Mike Carey plants early to be harvested later on. This series also contains one of my favorite self contained one and done stories in LUCIFER 33
  4. At $10,361 the Vol 4 TPB cover featuring SOK went for quite a bit more than I expected. From what I can tell, this is the only cover that sold when Simon P. decided to let some go. With all of the covers locked away "forever" there doesn't seem to be as much of a demand (at the asking price) as would be expected. I'm wondering if the collector mindset as a whole had given up on ever owning a cover and once they were made available the time had passed. Admittedly, of the 70-odd painted pieces done for the series, I think only a half dozen would really garner any real interest. The rest would fall in the "I'd like to own that" category. But the ceiling for that category for the "average" collector is a lot lower than $10,000+
  5. I was talking about the page on ComicLink right now and the page link on SplashPageArt.
  6. Agreed. You can't compare a page from issue 5 to one from issue 121 regardless of the title. I was going to make a comparison to Amazing Spider-Man, but i think 121 is a key issue, so substitute in any other title with a run this long. In this case you've got: - Early issue vs an issue 10 YEARS later - Co-creator art vs not - pencil & inks on the same board vs separate pencils, inks AND a patch - zombies vs not This comparable is not comparable
  7. THIS THREAD will start to answer some of your questions.
  8. When was that? I am waiting on books from C2E2... 6/5/2015 Which I think is the Monday after the show. 9 modern books, slow track. (Yes, I know if I had one more book I get a % discount. Couldn't find one in time to put with the order ) How long does it take from the time the books are labeled "GRADED" until the grades are posted on the invoice? Submitted: 6/5/2015 Graded: 8/26/2015
  9. At this point, there hasn't been too much movement on Valiant books. I think collections can still be put together on the cheap. I saved a lot of money buying when I did. Right after the announcement I picked up complete NM pre-unity runs of Harbinger for $75, Solar for $50, XO for $50 and extra copies of Solar #10 for a couple of bucks each. You can't find those sort of deals now (at least where I look). Or you could buy the entire run from me here plus get bonuses: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Complete-Pre-Unity-Valiant-comic-run-duplicates-of-keys-Harbinger-1-bonuses-/261980785977?hash=item3cff458d39 Nice plug and it would probably sell with some scans. Good price, and it proves my earlier point. I spent approximately half your BIN price when I purchased mine and it was more complete. Someone just bought it, assuming it was a boardie because it happened minutes after I posted this? And I can't even sell mine FOR $1.25 Make the shipping free and I'll buy a few things I have free local pick up. I'm just South of the middle of nowhere.
  10. At this point, there hasn't been too much movement on Valiant books. I think collections can still be put together on the cheap. I saved a lot of money buying when I did. Right after the announcement I picked up complete NM pre-unity runs of Harbinger for $75, Solar for $50, XO for $50 and extra copies of Solar #10 for a couple of bucks each. You can't find those sort of deals now (at least where I look). Or you could buy the entire run from me here plus get bonuses: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Complete-Pre-Unity-Valiant-comic-run-duplicates-of-keys-Harbinger-1-bonuses-/261980785977?hash=item3cff458d39 Nice plug and it would probably sell with some scans. Good price, and it proves my earlier point. I spent approximately half your BIN price when I purchased mine and it was more complete. Someone just bought it, assuming it was a boardie because it happened minutes after I posted this? And I can't even sell mine FOR $1.25
  11. I'm generally not picky when looking for PREACHER pages, but I'd really like to get this sequence. A couple of the scariest pages in the series.
  12. No need to bog this thread down with the dozens(hundreds?) of anecdotal incidences that are sure to follow. Plenty of info can be found HERE and HERE. And with more digging I'm sure a few more threads can be found Sorry, I still struggle with the search function. Thank you for the links. To clarify, the wasn't for the fact that a search wasn't done prior, but the sad commentary that so many threads can be found regarding the business practices of just one dealer
  13. No need to bog this thread down with the dozens(hundreds?) of anecdotal incidences that are sure to follow. Plenty of info can be found HERE and HERE. And with more digging I'm sure a few more threads can be found
  14. I don't think anyone has ever been "in a rush" but its coming up on 4 full years here, and he rarely posts here anymore and completes commissions less and less frequently as well. In the beginning he was plowing through them but these days its more like what, one every six months? I think that's because Matt's become a "real" artist with real deadlines, so I'm happy for him, but I don't think its improper to ask about status after this length of time, and I don't think asking questions means that one is "in a rush" or impatient. We're all aware of the unfortunate personal issues as well. Hope you are doing well Matt! As long as no money has changed hands, he gets as long as he needs. I've had several commissions done from Matt, and they all turned out perfectly. I hope Matt gets settled in soon and can get back to doing what he loves (which I hope is doing more of these commissions ) Scroll back a page or two. Seems like you're just replying to the last post without reading the rest of the thread. I have read the whole thread as it has been posted. I just haven't memorized it. So, yes, I was just replying to the last post, hence the "quotes." If money has changed hands (and I know he had a sales thread in the FOR SALE forum) then I hope he gets settled in sooner than later and settles up with everyone that has paid. No one is a bigger proponent for making artists fulfill their end of the commission agreement. I've got an outstanding commission from a deadbeat (long before I got the NSN Escrow service set up. And I'm working on getting a new website set up to make it less cumbersome and more streamlined) going on 6 1/2 years now. I just messaged him on FB asking if 2015 was gonna be the year, since it is halfway over. His reply " I'm going through a divorce and a bunch of other mess right now...I'll get to it when I can. " I get it. And I won't ever pay an artist in advance ever again. Escrow or I can live without the art (since obviously without the escrow I am living without the art also)
  15. When was that? I am waiting on books from C2E2... 6/5/2015 Which I think is the Monday after the show. 9 modern books, slow track. (Yes, I know if I had one more book I get a % discount. Couldn't find one in time to put with the order )
  16. I don't think anyone has ever been "in a rush" but its coming up on 4 full years here, and he rarely posts here anymore and completes commissions less and less frequently as well. In the beginning he was plowing through them but these days its more like what, one every six months? I think that's because Matt's become a "real" artist with real deadlines, so I'm happy for him, but I don't think its improper to ask about status after this length of time, and I don't think asking questions means that one is "in a rush" or impatient. We're all aware of the unfortunate personal issues as well. Hope you are doing well Matt! As long as no money has changed hands, he gets as long as he needs. I've had several commissions done from Matt, and they all turned out perfectly. I hope Matt gets settled in soon and can get back to doing what he loves (which I hope is doing more of these commissions )
  17. Can someone just PM me when they get to the Phoenix Comic Con submissions? I like to try and forget about my books until they are ready to ship. This thread is not helping any
  18. Just posted a 6 page (9 OA pages) story by Jeremy Baum called FAWN In the additional images I posted the printed page so the story can be read. I don't think it's about a fawn at all (as I am with all of Jeremy's stories)
  19. Not a huge super-hero fan, but I do love a good BATMAN story. Subsequently, BATMAN OA is really the hero OA I collect. I consider myself extremely lucky to have been able to get one of the best pages of the Azzerello/Risso run on BATMAN. BATMAN 621 Page 09 (NSFW (which only adds to the appeal )) The previous owner got 20+ comments on CAF, so I expect to get at least 2 Whatevs, it's mine
  20. Jesus, THIS COVER didn't take long to make it through the revolving door. Any predictions what the open market will bring?
  21. Great start Welcome to the club (or whatever it is we are all doing here )
  22. Even though it will be plastered all over the CAF homepage and elsewhere until the auction is over, the optimistic hopes no one else has seen it and s/he will be the only one "seriously interested" bidding on the auction. I know I think that whenever I see a page I really like up for auction. Delusional, I know, but there is always that small chance So, to answer your question, NO, there is nothing to discuss at this time.
  23. For the third year at Phoenix Comic Con I've asked Val Hochberg (now Val Brazier) to do three connecting sketch cards. These are the three I got this year. Starr, Featherstone and Hoover. The previous year's cards can be seen in MY CAF