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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. +1 -J. Is most of this thread about making someone happy or the idea this book can make money? I don't think anyone who has posted here is selling one? -J.
  2. Those are a bunch of cosplayers in those images. You're better off picking up AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #9 (1st part of SPIDER-VERSE) as that's Spider-Gwen's 2nd Appearance. Many have ignored this book. I'm currently selling this coupled with her 1st Appearance (1st Print/NM), with various SPIDER-GIRL #1 variants (including Hughes) on Ebay - 11 Books total. Problem is, how could these be "cosplayers" if the characters did not yet exist? And how about how Gwennie looks dead-on at the reader in the final panel? It will only take one submitter of this book to CGC with a request to update the label with "First Appearance Spider-Gwen, Cameo" or whatever, and Whammo! -J.
  3. In fairness, the "market" has changed its mind in the past on what is considered "key" first appearances. -J.
  4. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=8170729&fpart=1 -J.
  5. How can someone decide whether something something prior to BA#12 is her first The same way Incredible Hulk 181 is worth more than 180. 181 is the full appearance while 180 is just a last page cameo. i don't believe there is anything prior to ba#12. I think his point is that BA 12 is just the first appearance of the cartoon character Harley Quinn in comic books, and that the Ross graphic novel, which contains the DCU continuity "real Harley Quinn" first appearance may one day become the favored book. I personally find it more relevant myself. -J. Couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you. I own neither btw. I'll have ready if a debate ever begins. (thumbs u -J.
  6. How can someone decide whether something something prior to BA#12 is her first The same way Incredible Hulk 181 is worth more than 180. 181 is the full appearance while 180 is just a last page cameo. i don't believe there is anything prior to ba#12. I think his point is that BA 12 is just the first appearance of the cartoon character Harley Quinn in comic books, and that the Ross graphic novel, which contains the DCU continuity "real Harley Quinn" first appearance may one day become the favored book. I personally find it more relevant myself. -J.
  7. Could be. I may be better off just selling mine raw when the day comes and save on the grading fees. Like this guy just did... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Amazing-Spiderman-678-Mary-Jane-Venom-Joe-Quinones-Variant-Cover-NM-/351329366668?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51ccdcb28c I would imagine that you would do better slabbing it if you think it is a 9.4 or better. -J. The longer I have it the more I wanna keep it though, definitely is at least a 9.6. Taking a wait and see with it, and I can't imagine the price on it ever going down by much. It's one of the ultimate status / bragging rights books Which is why I hate that I sold one of my 9.8's. I still have one of my 9.8's but to have two would have been awesome That's a really nice looking copy snikt. The browns look rich. The three book lot with the dell'otto and the superman ended up closing at over $2350. That same raw dell'otto sold for $550 about a year ago. Figure it's about a $650 book now. Figure the 678 at about $1300, with the balance attributed to the superman. Not bad for a set of three raw moderns. Anyone care to hazard a guess on what the current FMV might be for a slabbed 9.8 blue label 678 right now? -J.
  8. Normally I would agree. But in more than the past year there have only been 5 slabbed copies publicly sold. And no 9.8's in over 2 years. I'm assuming some are now preferring to roll the dice on raw copy at this point then wait for an uber-high grade slab with a cost prohibitive price tag. -J.
  9. I did. Grabbed it from Greg Reece's OO find just this past December. -J.
  10. Could be. I may be better off just selling mine raw when the day comes and save on the grading fees. Like this guy just did... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Amazing-Spiderman-678-Mary-Jane-Venom-Joe-Quinones-Variant-Cover-NM-/351329366668?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51ccdcb28c I would imagine that you would do better slabbing it if you think it is a 9.4 or better. -J.
  11. -J. 2 quick observations. 1.) That sig line is wicked. Cap 1 is a tremendous value when you look at it when compared to the other GA keys. You're going to do very well with that. 2.) I think BA 12 has gone up 50% since you attacked that book a couple months ago. And what did your boy here tell you? That there are more HQ cosplayers than copies of that book, right? I think it might surpass Walking Dead in 9.8 by year's end. My point? If you haven't already pick up a half dozen of these UF 4's what's the downside? $50-$60? The fact that you are repeatedly bashing it in a similar fashion to the BA 12 bodes well for the book's future pricing prospects. 1) Thank you, it's definitely the pride and joy of my collection. I don't sell comics though so it will always be on the books as a net loss to me. 2) I don't "attack" books. I call out shills. And BA 12 was (is) shilled. I also called out MP 4, 7 IH 271, TMNT 1, and SW 1 recently as well. It's still way too early to tell how BA 12 will ultimately turn out, especially after the movie comes out (since this is, after all, another movie hype book). But we are already seeing some price resistance in a few ebay auctions. I actually collect comics to collect them not to sell, so it doesn't matter what any of them are "worth" to me at any given time. If somebody said the cap 1 lost half its value overnight obviously I wouldn't "like" hearing that but it wouldn't diminish my appreciation of the character or being able to own the book. Likewise, even if "this time will be different" with BA 12, UF 4, or any other books that have been subjected to rampant market manipulation, it does not matter to me either because I do not sell comic books. I have respect and appreciation for those that do, but that is not something I personally have the ball sack for. (thumbs u -J.
  12. It was a scam and GPA will not report it. (thumbs u -J.
  13. These two: 0***c ( 89) n***1 ( 147) are the only bidders since $900. Drive up the price, pop yours up with a high start, high BIN, sell it. The seller of the book doesn't have to be in on it either. I could be wrong, and those are two ebay noobs that don't know how to bid, however... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Amazing-Spiderman-678-Mary-Jane-Venom-Joe-Quinones-Variant-Cover-NM-/351329366668?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item51ccdcb28c&nma=true&si=oEWac0nR91LAqQb4v922vVlstRY%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Not saying these ebayers are connected at all. Not saying they aren't either. Anything is possible. I would personally normally like to see the bidders participating in more than just one auction to see a pattern. The book isn't in great enough abundance to really shill the traditional way since few people will have multiple copies to sell, which means a fairly complex effort to make a few hundred dollars more on just one book. -J.
  14. These prices are going to bring out more sellers. Nailed it! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Amazing-Spiderman-678-Mary-Jane-Venom-Joe-Quinones-Variant-Cover/231493122741?_trksid=p2045573.c100033.m2042&_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131017132637%26meid%3D448d1bfb502b459bb16ab8e8ce3c4cfd%26pid%3D100033%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D271789801614 -J.
  15. I couldn't disagree more - the problem with those last two movies, especially the most recent one, is that they were terrible. That has nothing to do with interest waning in Peter Parker as Spider-man... I don't even know how you would arrive at that conclusion. Well since you asked. Let's start off with some critics reviews of the last Spidey movie. There's a reoccurring theme here: I saw the movie, I read many of the reviews. The -script just sucked, it has nothing to do with Peter Parker. Nothing. People are tired of seeing the same two Spider-man movies, how is that the character dragging it down? I agree with a lot of the points you're making about Miles, but this one is out of left field for me. No one is going to see an awesome Spider-man movie trailer, and then when the mask comes off go "Awww man! That Peter Parker guy again?! I'm out." It isn't going to happen. Ever. I didn't see any of the rebooted films in theaters, and barely paid attention on cable. I'm just bored to death of Peter, Aunt May, Uncle Ben, and MJ. Miles or even Spider-Gwen would get me back in the theatres. It's easy to get bored with poorly made films with too many villains. Bringing in Miles will do nothing if the films are still poorly made with too many villains. Would Miles have saved ASM 2? *cough cough*. And what about actual comic book sales? Remember those? ASM with Peter Parker, a consistent top 5, and usually top 2 book month in and month out. Ultimate Spider-Man with miles morales, a top 75 book, and falling every month. There is no question who Spider-Man is that the buying and general public knows and loves and who the third rate knock off is who can't even carry a title. Miles Morales has his place. It just will not be in any Marvel live action movies. -J. Is there any reason why you are so against Miles Morales? You do realize you are in a Ultimate Fallout 4 thread. Wherein that's all anyone is going to talk about. Just seems you're setting yourself up to be angry with everyone's posts. IMO, it's not worth it... With that being said, I do think Miles and Peter Parker can both be in the movies. Two different studios... Two different Spider-Men. Kinda makes sense to me. Sony can keep making their awful movies and the MCU can have Spider-Man also! Just wishful thinking on my part. But you never know. There was no discussion about this book until mis-information and false rumours started being spread regarding Marvel's plans for the movies. That's what I'm against, and that's pretty much all this thread has been about. (thumbs u -J. Sure there was discussion. It was just in several threads. Its now centralized now. I am not sure why you are just down on this book and Spider-Gwen. (I quite sure you are going to tell us.) This modern board is full of books like this. Its almost as though you are accusing everyone here who discusses this book that they have some sort of agenda like a large conspiracy. Frankly its getting boring. Apologies, I will do my best to make my posts more entertaining for you. -J.
  16. That was literally the first thing I did. There isn't anything about it that says "shillling" to me. The bidders and bidding pattern appear diverse. Unless you're seeing something I don't ? What I could see happening is a high bidder not being a serious buyer and retracting a bid or just not paying after the auction. -J.
  17. I couldn't disagree more - the problem with those last two movies, especially the most recent one, is that they were terrible. That has nothing to do with interest waning in Peter Parker as Spider-man... I don't even know how you would arrive at that conclusion. Well since you asked. Let's start off with some critics reviews of the last Spidey movie. There's a reoccurring theme here: I saw the movie, I read many of the reviews. The -script just sucked, it has nothing to do with Peter Parker. Nothing. People are tired of seeing the same two Spider-man movies, how is that the character dragging it down? I agree with a lot of the points you're making about Miles, but this one is out of left field for me. No one is going to see an awesome Spider-man movie trailer, and then when the mask comes off go "Awww man! That Peter Parker guy again?! I'm out." It isn't going to happen. Ever. I didn't see any of the rebooted films in theaters, and barely paid attention on cable. I'm just bored to death of Peter, Aunt May, Uncle Ben, and MJ. Miles or even Spider-Gwen would get me back in the theatres. It's easy to get bored with poorly made films with too many villains. Bringing in Miles will do nothing if the films are still poorly made with too many villains. Would Miles have saved ASM 2? *cough cough*. And what about actual comic book sales? Remember those? ASM with Peter Parker, a consistent top 5, and usually top 2 book month in and month out. Ultimate Spider-Man with miles morales, a top 75 book, and falling every month. There is no question who Spider-Man is that the buying and general public knows and loves and who the third rate knock off is who can't even carry a title. Miles Morales has his place. It just will not be in any Marvel live action movies. -J. Is there any reason why you are so against Miles Morales? You do realize you are in a Ultimate Fallout 4 thread. Wherein that's all anyone is going to talk about. Just seems you're setting yourself up to be angry with everyone's posts. IMO, it's not worth it... With that being said, I do think Miles and Peter Parker can both be in the movies. Two different studios... Two different Spider-Men. Kinda makes sense to me. Sony can keep making their awful movies and the MCU can have Spider-Man also! Just wishful thinking on my part. But you never know. There was no discussion about this book until mis-information and false rumours started being spread regarding Marvel's plans for the movies. That's what I'm against, and that's pretty much all this thread has been about. (thumbs u -J.
  18. I couldn't disagree more - the problem with those last two movies, especially the most recent one, is that they were terrible. That has nothing to do with interest waning in Peter Parker as Spider-man... I don't even know how you would arrive at that conclusion. Well since you asked. Let's start off with some critics reviews of the last Spidey movie. There's a reoccurring theme here: I saw the movie, I read many of the reviews. The -script just sucked, it has nothing to do with Peter Parker. Nothing. People are tired of seeing the same two Spider-man movies, how is that the character dragging it down? I agree with a lot of the points you're making about Miles, but this one is out of left field for me. No one is going to see an awesome Spider-man movie trailer, and then when the mask comes off go "Awww man! That Peter Parker guy again?! I'm out." It isn't going to happen. Ever. I didn't see any of the rebooted films in theaters, and barely paid attention on cable. I'm just bored to death of Peter, Aunt May, Uncle Ben, and MJ. Miles or even Spider-Gwen would get me back in the theatres. It's easy to get bored with poorly made films with too many villains. Bringing in Miles will do nothing if the films are still poorly made with too many villains. Would Miles have saved ASM 2? *cough cough*. And what about actual comic book sales? Remember those? ASM with Peter Parker, a consistent top 5, and usually top 2 book month in and month out. Ultimate Spider-Man with miles morales, a top 75 book, and falling every month. There is no question who Spider-Man is that the buying and general public knows and loves and who the third rate knock off is who can't even carry a title. Miles Morales has his place. It just will not be in any Marvel live action movies. -J.
  19. The GPA high on the wolverine 1 Deadpool Mashup 9.8 is actually $3k. By the way the asm 678 is up to $1475. That's just senseless. That's almost as much as the three book lot that includes the even rarer 667 dell'otto, and the oddly included superman book. -J.
  20. Children, young adults, parent, grandparents will relate to Peter Parker as Spider-Man because that's who has been Spider-Man for their entire lives. Interest waned in the ASM movies because they stunk, that's all really. Look at the pre-Nolan Batman movies. They were horrible and there wasn't even a thought of having someone other than Bruce Wayne as Batman in the later films. I hope UF4 keeps going up, I'm still finding them in the wild for cover price or less Children, not grandparents, are the demographic Disney and Marvel care about and want to cultivate. Miles Morales is already in the cartoon series, he is popular with kids, and gaining more and more momentum. For all intents and purposes Peter Parker the comic book character is a thirty something married guy, his appeal as an awkward teenager who gained superpowers has been diluted over the years, and the movies have proved that this trope is well and truly played out. Bruce Wayne & Clark Kent are timeless simply because they started their comic lives as fully fledged adults. Peter Parker has been forced to grow into adulthood in a span of decades in comic books which has been an awkward process at times. Miles is a fresh take on a tired character. The Spider-Man costume is the draw here, not what the name of the character is beneath the hood. I literally disagree with every single thing in this post. (thumbs u -J.
  21. ....and some just have a stack of books to sell. -J.