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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. I read the article in the other thread & I'm still confused as to how you guys are drawing the conclusion that Cap Britain is owned by Marvel out of this & not Fox. If there's a connection to Captain Britain in X-Men Apocalypse, then wouldn't that imply that FOX does own the rights? I'm really lost here. Maybe I'm missing something stupid, but this statement leads me to the opposite conclusion & the other post/article leads me to no conclusion on who owns the rights.
  2. I must have missed in here where there was any implication that this was a Marvel Studios production (or even Marvel Television)? Is this artist contracted to only work with Marvel Studios/Television? Or freelance? Because besides saying "it's being worked on", I didn't see any indication of WHO it was being worked on by. Did I miss something here?
  3. I picked one of those up a few weeks ago for cover price. Nice one.
  4. Nope - I like the interaction between the two as well. I am hoping that they keep Melvin more on the side of Angels rather than go down the cliche path of turning him into another DD villain. I think you may see him as a DD villain for a short arc during Season 3, in full Gladiator regalia if for some reason Matt's quest puts whats-her-name in danger or something.
  5. I could see a low-budget Netflix-distributed Punisher movie happening. Or a mini-series. Or even a 1 season series. I also halfway expect to see him in Defenders at this point along with Hellcat, Elektra, Fisk, Luke Cage, whatever other supporting characters he brings along, Stick, Iron Fist and some of the Hand/K'un Lun villains in a bit of a street war.
  6. Finished it. LOVED it. And probably going to start re-watching it maybe tomorrow or Tuesday.
  7. I thought the same about the return of 24. But that's apparently not the case. Well, except for maybe doing a 24: Legacy series without Jack Bauer (which is like doing Indiana Jones without Indy)
  8. Dude... have we reached the point where dual-flat-screens is a thing now? Because I might be ok with this. That room is straight dope though. All you need is a bubble hockey table and an air hockey table and you're set.
  9. That very photo could be in their stock photos. You don't know for sure but to keep from beating a dead horse, yeah the guy is unscrupulous for ripping off someone's photo to sell a comic he may or may not have. Ebay is just not going to do anything to him for selling with someone else's photo. The point I'm making was that: assuming the photo originated on Instagram & the first use of it on eBay was not by the same person that initially posted it TO instagram, then it cannot be covered by that policy. Using a stolen photo is a copyright violation (there's absolutely no fair-use exemption here) & no eBay policy can magically turn a photo that the poster didn't have the right to use in the first place into a valid stock photo. But yeah, eBay won't care unless a bunch of people complain. And even then, they still won't really care or do anything except maybe axe that listing at most.
  10. someone else's instagram photos aren't covered by that eBay policy.
  11. The Jenny Sparks mini was written by Mark Millar, I believe. That automatically makes it at least a step below the Ellis stuff. While I liked Millar's Authority, it wasn't quite as good as Ellis run.
  12. The skull is actually painted on his body armor (which I actually like a LOT more than expected) It's much more like the body armor he war in the Punisher: War Zone comic from a few years ago (the Rucka one)
  13. I've been having the same feeling. Like the minute a book gets mentioned here, it starts to jump. And Jump. And JUMP until it's in the stratosphere all of a sudden.
  14. Yep... Was mentioned here... And then on a couple g+ pages... I'm not happy about it... One of the last ones I need, but I'll be damned if I'm paying 200 bucks for it... Yup, I had never seen it before this post. Sorry about that, guys! But I guess it's one of those rare times that I get into a book BEFORE the jump. I was just kinda geeked that I grabbed it for that cheap & felt like sharing.
  15. It's like you enjoy just dropping the mic. And then coming back 30 seconds later to pick it up and drop it again. And then another few minutes pass, you come back, pick it up, spike it & do a touchdown dance. I feel the entire value of my collection pales in comparison to just your JSC OA collection.
  16. Sweet set up this is amazing this might be the world's best dr strange collection right? truly awesome. If someone had more Doctor Strange collectibles in their house than this, I'd be stunned. Are there more Doctor Strange collectibles than this? Cause I think he has them all.
  17. Auction still live... I think he means the Connor sketch that he was promised as the final piece of the trade.
  18. Slight change would be get a friend with a different address (since he will likely see you and refuse to complete the deal) to win the book. Good plan.
  19. Other option? Win the book. Receive the book. File a claim & return all of the books he gave you instead that were his half of the deal. Then Neg him.
  20. DUDE!!! So jealous! High five man. that's awesome!