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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. I don't know if Steven S DeKnight is still the showrunner for Season 2, but he just got hired as the director for Pacific Rim 2, which is probably going to make him busy for when S3 would be filming, if everything stays on schedule.
  2. I think any expansion of the Marvel Knights (I'm still calling it this) line is still going to have to wait until we hear about a renegotiated or renewed or expanded contract between Marvel & Netflix. Because as it stands now, to the best of anyones knowledge, they're still operating under a contract for only 60 hours of content. We don't even know how DD S2 or JJ S2 works under this contract. And I will lay money that Marvel doesn't just keep the same contract with Netflix for expanding the line beyond DD, JJ, Cage, Iron Fist & Defenders after all the success that the 2 already-aired shows have been for Netflix customer base expansion. They're gonna want more money for each hour of that content.
  3. Looks like a 9.8 sold today for $200? So might be desirable to others =) http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=111914392371&rmvSB=true Looks like your $4 pickup is a good deal if your book is a 9.8 candidate. I'd say mine is 9.6/9.8 almost certainly. But it was a best offer. So it might have been a little lower than $200. But still, not a bad pickup for my cost.
  4. i think the big question become does it ruin the season final for AOS or is this between S1 & S2 I don't think this is going to be a huge season finale spoiler. I think this might be a bit of a spoiler for whatever the AoS/Civil-War tie-in episode might be, but I doubt this is a flashback show set between previous seasons. Otherwise, it would be a 1-2 season show to only cover those few months between S1 & S2 of AoS. I'm betting this takes place in current continuity.
  5. Regardless of the history or track record of the messenger, the message is spot on. Then again, I generally won't disregard a message that makes a lot of sense just because the messenger might be a bit of a jackwagon.
  6. An official synopsis is finally out for this show. And it looks interesting. Synopsis from Yahoo Movies
  7. nope. it was more like "nice... the book is well below market and there are 4 people trying to snipe a charity auction" or something like that... which led to my question here "ebay is able to show snipers?" which I thought might be some new function they had... but it sounds like you just were equating watchers to snipers? He also called them dbags Yeah, I saw that too - something about "4 dbags looking to snipe" I suppose it's impossible that someone saw that book and: A) Had a similar copy and wanted to see where this one ended, or B) Came across and it and wanted to check past sales so they marked it to watch and come back later when they knew what they wanted to bid, or C) Were running through all the books from that particular title in a search and was bookmarking them as they saw them so they could return later, having them all on his "my eBay page". Reason & logic have no place here! We could be using our time jumping to conclusions instead!
  8. Ahhhh. Ok. They look exactly like the Ikea ones. Either way, still killer. I would have mitered the edges to get that snug fit & not have the little gap in the corner, but that's just me being anal.
  9. Well this got interesting. Hope you learned your lesson, boss. Spend some time doing teenager junk for a while. Make teenage poor decisions. Learn from them. And then get surprised when you make it to 25. Then worry about comics.
  10. Seems pretty cut & dry here. Dude agreed to buy & was just waiting on payment information but then backed out. Pretty much boned unless he makes it right somehow.
  11. Those Ikea picture ledges are pretty awesome. I have 4 of the long ones & 4 of the short ones in my room currently. They work great for slabs. 5 can fit comfortably on the long ones. 2 on the short ones. I can't tell from the picture, but did you miter the corners at a 45 to get that clean fit? Or is there that little gap where they meet in the corner?
  12. Either copy/paste straight from the PM page or take a screenshot & then upload to photobucket.
  13. Sorry dude, but you shot yourself in the foot on this one. My suggestion would be to sell the one you bought from the LCS guy for as close to what you'd be paying Iceman for his, and follow through with the originally agreed purchase. It's pretty much your only option on this one unless he's willing to work out something else with you. You might end up with a couple bucks saved instead of what you saved by buying from the LCS guy, but your reputation here (and your ability to buy & sell) will be mostly restored.
  14. Guy probably misread your listing & changed his mind after realizing that he misread it. Probably just picked a reason to retract.
  15. Not sure I like this trailer. Too "fetish-y" to me. Expecting the gimp to come out with a whip and when I see this. That seems to be a VERY specific expectation.
  16. Picked up a Wolverine: Savage JSC cover yesterday for $2. Not a bad grab.
  17. Rob: If you get another one & nobody else has already hit you up for it, I'll absolutely take it off your hands!
  18. Stop talking about these. I still need the X-Men Legacy one & the UXM Vol 2 one. Anyone wanna dump 1 of each?
  19. I see absolutely nothing wrong with his cover for NM 98. Certainly can't say the same thing about some of his more famous or shall we say infamous cover, as can be seen in the following link to Liefeld's Anatomical Abominations: http://unrealitymag.com/images/a-gallery-of-rob-liefleds-anatomical-abominations/2/ Although the Cap cover might be his most infamous cover yet, it's quite obvious that his rendering of the female form bears absolutely no resemblance to any kind of reality at all. Anyone else notice the random Michael Turner Namor insertion in with all the Liefeld?
  20. Holy Shyt! I think I have that book at home. always good to find a book that you didnt know is actually worth something. But it sucks to be on the other side & know that that's a book that you don't have but needed for a collection that you weren't really focusing on at the moment. Now knowing that when you do get over to working on THAT run, at least one of the books is going to be unnecessarily expensive all of a sudden.
  21. An ~9.4-ish UXM 510 Campbell (color) variant just went for $167.50 in auction. I'm feeling a lot better about the $40 I paid for mine about a year and a half ago.
  22. Hmmmm... I might really consider sending it in. It's not the most sought-after book or important book, but it's just a really nice piece.
  23. I think he's using a different inker these days. Or has a few different inkers that he works with & some of them aren't nearly as good as others. Takes a lot of the JSC-style out of the art. I might actually consider sending it in. I've got a stack of about 10 JSC variants sitting around right now that I'm very seriously considering sending in for grading. I keep leafing thru them to check & re-check them. Maybe pre-screen them. But I really did like that variant. I've never noticed that they're essentially 2 pieces. But I'll have to look at it better later. I've seen it sitting in the LCS for most of the past year, but I finally broke down & picked it up.