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Everything posted by theCapraAegagrus

  1. There are defined powers and limits to almost every hero in the MCU. Even though Scarlet Witch's aren't transparent, they tell the audience what she can do. What can Carol do, and why? What can't she do? She's just as boring as the McGuffins if she has no arc and no adversity. They need to rid the MCU of the McGuffins after Endgame - not turn them into characters. You can't even tell us. You just keep saying, "she's cosmically powered". Yeah, so are the Infinity Stones. Tell me 1 person who find the Infinity Stones to be compelling storytelling artifacts. Aside from the fact that they heralded the Thanos story, nobody could care less.
  2. Spider-Man: Despite not having an origin story in the MCU, we've seen him explore his powers (and how they work) across 5 previous movies. Hulk: Super Serum + Gamma Radiation. They explain how his "power" works. Anger = steroids, basically. Easy to comprehend. Cap: Super Solder Serum. Explained what it does (peak human physical condition). How is that misunderstood? Iron Man: When did he fall 20,000 feet and hit something? Never. He's flown away in the Iron Man movies, and been caught (Hulk, etc) in other movies. This is just poor misdirection. Quill: Held the Stone for a few seconds, would've died if not for all Guardians absorbing/spreading the damage. The movie itself was also good, and they do hint at Quill being something more than Human (half Celestial). Pretty obviously decent writing . Black Panther: Given, however, it was a good movie with good storytelling. Kinda gets a pass for being a great movie. Captain Marvel: How does he McGuffin-fueled power work? She has power from the Space Stone? How does that grant her "photon blasts"? How does she control power within seconds of being unleashed, despite never exploring power? What are the limits? All of the previously-named heroes have defined limits? Why does anyone want an MCU "Superman"..?
  3. If there's as much wear on the front as there is on the back - then yes. It looks great in these images.
  4. Capt America's experiences are also human. He's relate-able, even as a human in peak physical condition. Carol is more than a human. A human-Kree-McGuffin. Nobody can relate to that. You usually need a good arc, and good storytelling, to combat that. Captain Marvel didn't provide good enough writing to make her character compelling. Saying, "exactly, I'm human", doesn't make her interesting .
  5. Neither of them got their powers in unexplained manners. McGuffin-relative explosion = ????? Thor is born a God. Bred to be a King of Gods. Hulk's power stems from Gamma Radiation + Super Soldier Serum. They explain how he is so strong - his anger. His emotions. The angrier he is, as you even said, the stronger he gets. It's simply brute strength. He doesn't have "cosmic" power. What drives Carol's power? No one freaking knows. That's why this argument even exists. You can't even explain it! You just keeping bringing up other heroes like it isn't a problem. It's a problem.
  6. It took about 50 posts until he admitted he was wrong about "her having the Power Cosmic". With that in mind, continue as you choose...
  7. Will it be explained in Endgame? Maybe. It should've been done in her solo movie, though, and not waste any time in a 3-hour team-up sequel. Compelling characters have limits, an arc, and are relate-able. Right now, Carol is none of those things. Superman isn't supposed to be any of those things. He's an "idea". Carol was once (is) a human, so you can't use the same relativity.
  8. The Power Cosmic is pretty much, "whatever you wanna do - you can do". It would still need explanation for those who don't know what the Power Cosmic is, but overall, it's pretty straightforward. The genesis of Carol's powers are completely unexplained. How she can do what she do is unexplained. We got that she can perform a "photon blast". What else, why, and how? It's a red flag for me, and just leaves the door open that future characters' limits won't be explained. That's a hole that I really don't want to see the MCU go down. It sacrifices storytelling and the ability to suspend disbelief.
  9. Yes. I didn't read the OP, but as social media has taught me, you should always be insulted/offended. No matter what. You're a vegan and I'm eating a bacon cheeseburger? Offended!
  10. We get it. You'll make excuses for McGuffin female leads. Her character arc is still non-existent. Training as an Air Force pilot and as a Kree combatant does not give you understanding of "cosmic" power instantaneously. The fact that you have to make up excuses for her shows how poorly thought-out her character was. It's the same as Rian Johnson having to explain TLJ. If you have to explain a movie - and use outside source to do so - then it wasn't a good movie (and bad story/writing).
  11. Cap also gets quite annoyed in The Avengers, at Stark in particular, because he doesn't like his antics. Cap isn't one of my faves, but Evans' acting and his character are both great.
  12. She's not likable, unlike RDJ, Hemsworth, and Evans... Her character is also boring unlike Iron Man, Thor, and Capt. America. She's also the product of a McGuffin, with no character arc, unlike that trio...
  13. No one was paying attention, because you didn't argue about how special Capt. Marvel is for being a female...
  14. It wasn't 100% trash or anything, but it had no gravity, and was overfull of humor. It has some of the most hilarious moments and jokes in the MCU - but it doesn't balance those. The villain is so cookie-cutter, uses exposition to create tension, etc. There isn't really any substance to the movie. What does it accomplish for any characters other than the above 4 that I mentioned? Nothing, really. The heroes are never in trouble, despite Ego being a Celestial. It just isn't good for anything other than jokes, and that makes me sad. I'm hoping that the next one doesn't continue to alienate any of the remaining characters.