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Everything posted by theCapraAegagrus

  1. It's out on digital, right? I'll have to buy it on PSN for a re-watch soon. I suspect that the SFX will look better on a TV (same with Dawn of Justice).
  2. Lmfao, it literally was the "PC police". You just don't like it because you're one of them. Sly try. They're out there.
  3. I thought he would be the Hulk of the JL. A guy that only came around when big threats loomed. They (Worlds of DC) were allegedly going to use the scrapped Cyborg footage for the solo film. Maybe hope for the Snyder Cut? I know - it'll probably never happen. A person can dream.
  4. This response is about as uneducated as it could be. Take the bolded - I couldn't care less about your interest in my interests. You're suggesting that I put on a movie that I have literally no interest in, and... What? Bore myself to death? I'm not going to pay attention to the movie. The genre doesn't interest me. In case, well obviously you did, misread; I am not a film critic. I am a comic book movie fan. Just because someone likes/watches westerns, does not mean that they're some universally omniscient movie expert. Talking about context - holy contradiction Batman - people will outright tell you that The Last Jedi may be a great "movie", but it's an awful Star Wars Movie. These Marvel Studios movies live under the context of the MCU - of which it derives more material from than "spaghetti westerns". Their source material are comic books. I've never, in 11 years of watching these movies closely and discussing them with people of all ages, heard anyone (as pretentious as you or otherwise) mention anything about a western. Because it does not matter. I'm a full-grown adult. You obviously never studied human biology, so I'll let you in on some information: Your body has completely matured, mentally and physically, by the time you're 25. You can learn new things, and experience new things, but your body will have all of the tools it will ever need. You literally have no idea who I am. The only things you know are that I'm an MCU watcher/fan and that I don't watch/like westerns. Your elitist attitude will do you no favors. I couldn't care less about your interest in responding to or "ignoring" me. Nobody should. Your opinion is no more valid than anyone else's. When it comes to westerns - you know more. When it comes to the MCU - I know more. My opinion on Captain Marvel is well-informed. How you've even come to such an asinine conclusion is beyond logical understand because of how insanely illogical it is. If you came back and said, "I had 2 too many martinis", then I might understand. Some people can't control themselves when they drink. I couldn't be more disappointed in another human being. It's tragic. The cause and effect of Idiocracy.
  5. I've never been interested in the western genre (or its sub-genres). How can you be so pretentious as to disregard someone's well-thought out opinions, just because they haven't (or choose not to) watch every movie in history..? I'm also asking questions to expand knowledge - which is better than continuing to be ignorant, right? This post is just all sorts of wrong. I'm under 30 years old. I'm not some curmudgeon that's been around 80 years and is just completely oblivious. Do you also expect high school student to be omni-cinefiles..? I'm very well-educated regarding comic book movies. It's my favorite genre and I watch/re-watch them all the time. I'm not a damn film critic, but I'm a very level comic book movie 'buff'.
  6. You bring up some decent points, but, after 6 years she didn't think anything of her "dreams". The entire power-dampening BS was already used in what IMO was a "better" situation (controlling Thor in Ragnarok). Her dampener doesn't make sense, though. If a computer chip can keep her powers at bay (Thor's was at least a neurotoxin/combo), then how can they bill her as "the most powerful superhero in the MCU"? A lot of BS I'd rather not revisit - but you provide some valid arguments to be made other than "you just don't like powerful women".
  7. Nice story, but, what in the hell is a "spaghetti western"..?
  8. Here we go with the strawman "someone else hates her for being a powerful female, even though that was never mentioned by the OP" posts. Give it up already.
  9. Carol was on Hala for 6 years, so yeah, she obviously bought into their propaganda. It took some stern convincing for her to think otherwise. Without her appearance on Earth, you could consider her as much a Kree Radical as Ronan was.
  10. It was a horrible plot device. They could've "won" the war they were already fighting otherwise. She had already bought into their propaganda. The movie gave me no reason to think she had any interest or suspicion against the Kree. Awful, awful plot device. Then again - so is she...
  11. Generic Labels > Specialized Labels. I don't even like the Stan Lee one. We're basically holding certain characters above others with this kinda treatment. Maybe those who collect things like just Spider-Man (or just any of the other new label characters) will get into it. I personally just don't get it.
  12. You should've given me 2 extra points for coming so close. I was dead last and lost by 1 Frk-n point...
  13. I stopped buying meth on FB, but it was for a different reason...
  14. Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel both suffer from underwhelming 3rd Acts. Wonder Woman had an amazing 2-hour lead-in, though. Captain Marvel relies heavily on co-stars to stay above water. While Chris Pine was great, Gal Gadot and her character didn't need him to be good.
  15. TBH, if I ever feel the need to re-watch Phase 3, this movie will be skipped - just the same as The Incredible Hulk in Phase 1. It's just a boring stop from Infinity War to Endgame. I'd be better off taking a 2-hour nap to recoup my emotions. That all, despite the greatness of Samuel L. Jackson, and my fondness for the Skrull treatment.
  16. She didn't even have to overcome anything. Once she realized the reality of the war, she should've immediately removed the device. It shows how stupid her character is for not doing so. She, without explanation, does have seemingly unlimited strength. It's okay to be a strong, or strong-minded character, but her character had literally no arc.
  17. Can we agree that the stupid disk flaccid-keeper that was stolen from Ragnarok did not help this movie, or her character, one bit..? It was completely meaningless. Why would the Kree even reign her powers in? If she bought into their ideals, why would they neuter her? It doesn't make any sense. She wasn't even controlling herself. Someone else was keeping her "weak". Hence the lack of character arc. She didn't overcome or adapt to her powers. It was trash.
  18. I've been eating KFC for lunch 5 days a week for 5 weeks. I've actually lost a pound.
  19. I have some expensive decks of playing cards up for sale on the Bay. This guy sends a couple of offers. I send a couple counteroffers. Then he sends messages asking for the "price of all 3 with a deal we can agree to make [him] happy to keep and send immediate payment". I just didn't respond, because my counteroffers are literally the lowest I'll go. 1 buyer, or 3, same price. Some people don't know how to negotiate.
  20. Some people just like sub-par movies. Whether it's because they're not compelling people themselves, or wannabe PC and SJW, that's neither here nor there. The Russo Bros will probably use her correctly in Endgame. Reign in her power and give us a good feel for her inclusion to the MCU.
  21. Lmfao. Captain America overcomes the adversity of being "unfit for battle" by being persistent and courageous. This is noticed by the scientist. He was willing to sacrifice his life to the grenade at camp. He overcomes the adversity of his superiors telling him to put on shows - they need the money - and he doesn't need to put his life on the line. He does it anyways. He overcomes. All Carol does is zap a stupid storytelling plot device, that shouldn't even exist - so that way she can actually explore what powers she does have, and she's this boring God-like being. Steve sacrifices and loses, his best friend and Peggy, and then puts himself into a frozen coma. They are completely different characters and movies. 1, while boring at times, is building a mostly-lifelike character that you can empathize with and root for. The other has no arc, is held back by nothing but plot-device shenanigans, and overcomes nothing.