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Everything posted by theCapraAegagrus

  1. It's funny that you think I'm the only one who spreads the word of how good/bad a movie is. Sorry to break it to you, jabroni, but fanboys like you won't keep a broken franchise alive if they know they can break a billion dollars by not making crappy movies.
  2. The look was only half of it, though. He was smelling guys, barking at guys, telling guys to hit on Harley. He wasn't a Joker. He was a psychopath who has no business pretending he's a Joker. The people I know who don't want to hate on it claim, "I didn't get to see enough of his Joker to judge him either way". Yes, yes you did. I didn't/don't want to see another second his his garbage character. Also, Harley Quinn is nowhere at the top of DC's recognizable character list. Everyone knows who Batman and Superman are. Most people know who Wonder Woman and The Joker are. People 30+ years old very often don't know who or what Harley Quinn is.
  3. Nice hyperbole. Hundreds of people still equates to thousands of dollars. You don't have to be a jack wagon. I'm guessing that you're one of those folks who thinks their/everyone's "1 vote" doesn't matter. All it takes is 1 person to start and influence a revelation. Am I starting one? Probably not, but I'll do my part to voice my "outrage" for a crappy movie that kills enthusiasm for a franchise.
  4. It would be great if they don't. I thought Leto was an awful casting choice prior to the photos, the stupid co-actor/actress pranks, and the pathetic on-screen incarnation.
  5. Yeah, instead of using Vader's iconic theme, they butchered it with some rehash plus a modern twist. It fell flat for me, despite the scene being epic...
  6. A big reason why The Last Jedi sucks, too. The Force Awakens trailers, in hindsight, have better music than that entire movie. The music was completely off, and the iconic theme that gives everyone goosebumps was never used. I guess you only put it in films with at least 1 lightsaber duel...
  7. This is a big reason why Snyder should've never been canned and Whedon should've never taken over (for Justice League). Synder and Junkie XL had themes for each Justice League character. In the end, Whedon fired Junkie XL and scrapped all of his music for the film. What we're left with is no Man of Steel theme, no Batman theme, no Wonder Woman theme, and no new themes for any of the characters or the team as a whole (that I can recognize). I have a lot of respect for Elfman, but his score did nothing to make JL a better movie. Snyder Cut...
  8. IIRC the 2nd upcoming Joker movie stars Jared Leto, and his Joker is the worst live-action performance ever.
  9. The Joker is not an antagonist. He never should be. Ever. That's my point. It won't work. He's an iconic villain. He should never be portrayed as anything but a villain. If they want his original person to be a hero, fine. Once he dons the makeup he can't be "good" in any way, shape, or form. It's blasphemy.
  10. That's different from what's being reported, though. The public in the plot and story didn't empathize or sympathize with/for The Joker. Just like Thanos, you can have humanizing qualities and a mission, but when you're genocidal/homicidal you're still a villain. That's what separates great and complex villains from vanilla one-offs that only exist for your hero to defeat/overcome. Once his character becomes The Joker, he has to be a villain. For me, he cannot be idolized by the public as a hero/anti-hero when he dons the name and garb. It ruins the character for me. That's not really The Joker. It's an imitation (and a poor one at that).
  11. If The Joker is in fact, the hero/anti-hero, there is nothing that can help me reserve judgment. It fails before the 1st trailer (again, if true). It would be truly awful because J. Phoenix was a great casting choice.
  12. No... No... No... Nononononononononono! The Joker is not an anti-hero! He's a f^&*ing villain! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
  13. "I have a bad feeling about this." - Obscure Science-Fiction Film
  14. I have very few right now. I display most of them upright. The couple that I don't, I have stored flat on their backs, because recently people have made me aware that over time gravity might have some effect pulling pages away from staples.
  15. I think RMA is just supporting my decision to block said user, rather than "try to get along". Blocking will stop the problem, rather than both users measuring dongs. Y'know? When they continue to measure dongs, that's usually what ends up locking threads. Edit: I even tried to end it by no longer quoting his/her posts, and they tried to draw me back in. They even said awhile ago, "this is my last post in this thread"! Those types of people are close-to-impossible to get along with. Especially for someone like me.
  16. A solid 10 Gem Mint of a post. The blocked user didn't get under my skin, but his attempts to do so are why I blocked. I don't want or need that kind of Dranzer in my life.
  17. I remember when Blackhawks bloggers were telling me that Duncan Keith was going to be as good as Nicklas Lidstrom...