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Everything posted by theCapraAegagrus

  1. The MCU has an excellent track record. Infinity War proved that, despite the regurgitation that they have a "formula", the MCU is more than capable of flexing their chops. Despite a movie like Doctor Strange being too similar in origin to Iron Man, it was still an extremely different movie in nature, and IMO it's amazing. Venom in the hands of Marvel Studios would do nothing but good things for the character. If Sony can't get it right and make an R-rated horror movie of the solo property, then they need to stop.
  2. I don't like the idea of seeing a "comedy" Venom movie... It should be horror. Idc if it doesn't pander to mass-audiences. Do a yourself a favor and respect both the source material and the actual comic book fans (see: Zack Snyder). I don't care about critics and most critics don't care about comic books. Make movies for the people actually interested in what the movies are supposed to derive from. If audience scores are decent this weekend then I'll still plan on seeing this.
  3. Typically, yes, but there are Blue Label books with signatures that have received a 9.8 grade before.
  4. Welcome! Always glad to interact with other new collectors/board members since I've only been doing this for about a year.
  5. Listen, your avatar is distracting. I forgot what your post even said.
  6. I think I've said it before, and I'll say it again, that I don't hate the movie for not doing enough fan service. I hate the movie for crapping on Star Wars. I know that the Skywalker saga can't go on successfully forever. I don't hate the movie for it not being what I hoped/imagined. I hate the movie for not doing anything. Instead of expanding new character's roles like Po and Fin, they introduce worthless pink hair lady to take charge and not tell anyone what the point is until it's too late. One poster said that the theme of Star Wars is "hope". Why would the acting General tell her crew that they're all going to die (flying until they run out of fuel)? I didn't need the movie to jerk-off Luke all film. Imagine a story of regret, training his nephew to harness the force, Snoke infiltrating their minds and the Knights of Ren destroying the hope of the Jedi. And then in the end, Luke faces Kylo physically to face his demons. His determination and strength with the force is so great that he can actually stop AT-AT blasters in an attempt to make up for his mistakes. He tells Po, Leia, etc that he's going to sacrifice his life to save theirs because he knows Ben's hatred for him outweighs his desire to destroy the rebellion. Instead of having a brain hemorrhage and turning into a cloud of farts on Ach-To. These are just thoughts I had after the movie. Ways it could have been infinitely better. Not expectations going in. Imagine a movie that developed Rey instead of turning her into Mary Sue.* My 10-year old cousin's imagination outweighs the creativity of the entire movie. That's pathetic for a modern film, and again, a Star Wars movie. *Another in a long line of reasons how Johnson knows nothing of Star Wars history and lore. How the hell are we to accept that Rey is as powerful with The Force as she is, without strong heritage or in-depth training..? Even Darth f^&*ing Vader needed extensive training despite his innate strength of The Force. Rian Johnson is dumber than a rock.
  7. I love a good video game with great graphics, game-play, and stories (Devil May Cry/God of War). I love great physical artwork (comic books, playing cards) more, though. It depends on who you are. People around my age still tend to appreciate a good book. "Millennials" (or whatever the hell you want to call them) definitely receive more calls from video games. It's heavily influenced by parenting. Many parents, including friends of mine, would rather stick their kid in front of a TV than read books with them. When you're used to that kind of environment you're not going to find books that interesting. As a kid, I only really watched TV shows (I'm talking under 10 years old) that were developmental. We had a set amount of time we were allowed to play video games. We played a lot with action figures and read a lot of comics and books (Garfield, Calvin and Hobbs, X-Men). When kids are on their computers and consoles and phones all day, as opposed to developing physical talents (sports, art, or otherwise) then they lose that appreciation for physical property.
  8. I think you are correct. There is allegedly "no" correlation to the MCU, despite some "reports" that Tom Holland was on-set at times. My understanding is that Disney is not involved at all with this film.
  9. I couldn't care less about critical reviews. Critics "love" The Last Jedi and I hate it. Critics generally dislike Justice League and I thought it was entertaining despite the 30-second intro. I'm planning on seeing it on the 15th with my dad and younger brother. Hopefully it's good. I'm keeping expectations tempered.
  10. I don't really want The First Avenger treatment of FF. With Captain Marvel primarily set in the past, there are already more than enough retro-aged MCU offerings. The additional problem is that we also have enough origin stories... At some point, I think we're going to have "enough" superheroes. That's where Avengers: Infinity War pleased me. It wasn't the typical Marvel formula. If they can successfully develop darker films throughout all of the happy-go-lucky comedies, then they can keeping pushing back the inevitable Comic Fatigue. I'd be interested in seeing a serious version of FF vs Doctor Doom. Not the underpants stain of Fan4stic. I'm very, very interested to see what develops in Phase 4. With everything foreshadowed and accomplished throughout Phases 1-3, how do they expect to keep us interested? The Infinity Stones and the looming threat of Thanos brought everything together for 22 films. How do they plan on intertwining future films? Will there be a bigger threat than the death of 1/2 the universe? Maybe Galactus? How do you involve him in most films? There will be some, like The Winter Solider and Black Panther, that don't involve the looming threat and are great I'm sure. It will be tough to keep my attention post-Avengers 4. I am very interested to see how they plan on going about it.
  11. It would be in Disney's and the MCU's best interest to not release a poor film under their leadership and distribution. The MCU and their character control is already confusing to a lot of people (Hulk and Spider-Man). I really wish they would keep McAvoy and Fassbender in their roles. Reboot the franchise, and their characters, but these actors are just so perfect for X and Magneto. It'll be a tough challenge for the new cast to best their performances.
  12. I had arachnophobia until I was about 22. Now I have a pure hatred. I get the same adrenaline seeing these big, ugly b%^&*es, but (instead of running and crying) it keeps my mind sharp and my arms swift when wielding my hockey stick to crush every atom of their physical existence. I let daddy long legs have free reign in my apartment unless they're huge. I once saw one with a 6" leg span run across the wall next to my bed. It still had a tiny body, but I was like, "nah you've evolved to an uncomfortable size".
  13. I've had the 12, 15, and 18. They're all just bad (downright awful compared to most Single Malts). The Macallan 18 is better than the 25. In fact, it's more difficult to procure, which is why the price has skyrocketed over the past 4 years. The Glenmorangie is probably the best "starter" Scotch you can buy. I'm a big fan of all their wine cask-aged offerings, and the Signet is amazing despite being overpriced.
  14. It's not that you don't deserve a response, but it's all speculation. You're speculating on a character who's actual motivations aren't apparent or implied in the media we were given. That's part of why I think TLJ is the worst movie I've ever spent money to see (that includes Suicide Squad). That's all. I won't battle opinion v opinion because it's pointless. You like the movie? Fine. I think it belongs on the bottom of the trash heap.
  15. Unfortunately, too many people bought tickets before they knew it was a bad movie. You can't base opinions just on money-in for that 1 film. Solo took a huge hit in backlash of The Last Jedi's abysmal story and direction. When Mark Hamill, you know, Luke Skywalker himself, doesn't empathize with his own character, we have a problem. The guy claimed he was "done" with Star Wars because of Rian Johnson's take on his character. Outside of those points, I will not dignify the rest of your post with responses. When the director has to come out week after week explaining his movie and his choices in story then he filmed a steaming turd. We, as fan bases and audiences, don't need this many questions and this much speculation for a movie after seeing the movie. At best, it's a 2.5/5, which is awful for a modern Star Wars flick. I'd rather watch Pod Racing and Jar Jar than The Last Jedi. So bad.
  16. He does look too shiny, though. Too glossy.
  17. I already told myself that I will withhold judgement until the first trailer is released. I'm not a fan of Phoenix's makeup, but they chose a great actor for the role, and live-action sequences should reveal a lot. His posture, voice, etc. Still images and small clips won't give us anything good to base off of.
  18. I think that The Last Jedi shows Rian Johnson understands close to nothing of Star Wars history and lore. You're the first person who I have seen claim otherwise. Again, I haven't read the first 80 pages of this thread, and never will. You're the first person I've ever interacted with whose said this. I completely disagree. The fact that he kept discontinuity within the movie and expected the fans not to notice or care shows that he doesn't even have pride as a director. I abhor his existence and I blame him for everything that goes wrong in my life. I don't care if I overdraft my own bank account; It's Rian Johnson's fault.
  19. I need to get one of those salt shotguns. Idk if it propels the salt fast enough to kill a big spider, but I need a long-distance weapon that isn't bleach-based...
  20. I killed a spider in my apartment this morning that had the body size of a nickel. Probably 3" leg-span. I almost died looking at the ugly b%^&*.
  21. I'm confused... Are you suggesting that Chewbacca co-piloting the Millennium Falcon actually consists of "doing something"..? I mean, technically, he "did" something, but let's be real, he impacted the movie in no way, shape, or form. You're telling me that the guy WHO WENT AGAINST THE ODDS TO PROVE THAT THERE IS STILL GOOD IN DARTH FREAKING VADER WAS THAT TRAUMATIZED BY SEEING THE DARK SIDE IN HIS NEPHEW THAT NOT ONLY DID HE TRY TO MURDER HIM (ALLEGEDLY), BUT AFTERWARDS WENT INTO HIDING AND CRIED LIKE A LITTLE BABY FOR ALL THESE YEARS, JUST TO ALLOW KYLO REN AND THE FIRST ORDER TO BRING THE SHADOW OF AN EMPIRE BACK TO POWER!? If you liked this movie, then we have nothing more to discuss because, by all means this was an awful film and the worst live-action adaptation of something that somehow received a "Star Wars" title. I guess when you see dog poop on your front lawn, you need more than a good look or sniff to understand that it's dog s^&*? The only thing that The Last Jedi succeeded in doing is completely fracturing their fanbase and destroying the fandom for a lot of people that didn't deserve this. No one deserved this. There are not enough positives in that movie to make up for the Grade-A horse s^&* that you're forced to watch if you want to understand what happened between Episodes VII and outside-affiliatelinksnotallowed (roman numeral 9 is blocked?).
  22. No. Disney is known to "ban" critics from pre-screenings, etc, that don't review their materials positively. I think The Last Jedi proves this. How can such a "meh" movie overall, and a god-awful "Star Wars" movie, receive such high praise? It's an awful example of film making. It's an even worse example of Star Wars.