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I have noticed there are a LOT of 5+ year old "Probation List" members. How long do they get to prove themselves? How long before they should be moved to the HoS?


I am just curious, this is in no way a criticism. To me, one list is as bad as the other, just one list you can be taken off of.







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Then on with the hanging. meh


You get the torches, I'll get the pitchforks.


No, wait, my momma don't want me near sharp things.


I'll get the torches, you get the pitchforks!







I've got the rope!hanging.jpg


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While I don't know if this is HOS worthy, it is really scummy. My solution for this is to add him and others I won't buy from to my watched users list. That covers me for any losers that don't make the list.

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I missed the excitement while it was happening, but if he shorted DT out of some loot with a sob story, then tried to get some of it back, then gloated about it, then went into standard Boards Aggro-Defense Mode when confronted, that does sound HOS-worthy to me. I mean, is there anything to suggest he wouldn't happily pull the same BS again if given the chance?

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Unfortunately I have to request "Venom" be submitted to the prob list.


It has been thirty days and no payment or reply.





Venom Offline


Registered: 12/20/11

Posts: 1489


Ill take : Black Manta, Cheetah, First Born, Arcane, Deathstroke all x 1



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#4625033 - 09/27/13 06:40 PM Re: 3D

1p36DSA Online content

I am gonna miss that car.



Registered: 04/05/13

Posts: 214

Loc: Marvel Bronze & Silver Age




$32.00 delivered.


Please send paypal payment





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#4625070 - 09/27/13 06:53 PM Re: 3D

1p36DSA Online content

I am gonna miss that car.



Registered: 04/05/13

Posts: 214

Loc: Marvel Bronze & Silver Age

If you don't mind please post I'll take it per pm. If you want to add $18.00 you would get a freebie while it latest (See forum bonus offer)


Thanks again:)



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#4625339 - 09/27/13 09:09 PM Re: 3D

Venom Offline

Up 20 words per minute since I signed up



Registered: 12/20/11

Posts: 1489

Hey, sorry.on my.phone !



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#4628645 - 09/29/13 04:37 PM Re: 3D

1p36DSA Online content

I am gonna miss that car.



Registered: 04/05/13

Posts: 214

Loc: Marvel Bronze & Silver Age

Hi there again, Just a friendly reminder to pay $32.00 via paypal when you get a chance for the books you claimed in my sales thread.


All the best,





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#4632594 - 10/01/13 09:50 AM Re: 3D

1p36DSA Online content

I am gonna miss that car.



Registered: 04/05/13

Posts: 214

Loc: Marvel Bronze & Silver Age

Just checking in with ya, haven't heard anything since you claimed your books.




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separate additional thread started just in case to try to reach this person.



Payment for 3D comics

1p36DSA Online content

I am gonna miss that car.



Registered: 04/05/13

Posts: 215

Loc: Marvel Bronze & Silver Age



Sorry to bother you but are you going to pay for the comics you claimed? I sent several messages.







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Unread By: Venom






#4678737 - 10/22/13 08:58 AM Re: Payment for 3D comics

1p36DSA Online content

I am gonna miss that car.



Registered: 04/05/13

Posts: 215

Loc: Marvel Bronze & Silver Age

You have until 10/27/2013 to pay before I have to submit you to prob list. Just giving you full 30 days as required and sent multiple attempts to contact you.




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Looks like you did fine Tracee.


The separate PM will act as his notification of the issue being brought here.


Now give the guy person 72 hours to respond.


Nice to see someone use the system the way it should be used.


Good luck sir madam !


xxx ooo



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HoS and bant. This thief deserves no less.






I would like to add him to the HOS.

I am out about $300 in lost interest by ending a term deposit early, exchange rate losses etc caused by RR pulling out of the deal after I paid him.

He did reimburse the paypal payments.

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I think this is a pretty clear case. I waited 30 days. I received no response from Venom. I never put anyone up for probation before, so I hope I am going about this the right way.




What's the best price on everything except killer croc and riddler?


Scarecrow sold. I could probably pick up more if you wanted.


Bane - Two copies

Court of Owls - One copy

Deathstroke - Two copies

Man-Bat - One copy


6 copies for $36 shipped is how my pricing was. I could do $5.50 average instead of $6.00, so $33 shipped.


Okay ill take those ! Anymore 3ds you are holding onto ?


Tell me what you want and I can walk and see what they have tomorrow morning. My LCS is one city block away, so it is pretty easy. They are sold out of the higher selling titles, but if you tell me what you need then I can see and add it on.


I know you haven't read my previous PM. Hope everything is okay. Let me know whenever you're back on. My PayPal is xxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx if you just want to cash out now.




I still haven't heard back from you about finishing this deal. In a week it will be 30 days since we agreed to a deal. I will have to repost the sale and put you up on the probation list. I hope everything works out because you've been pretty active on here before.

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Did you send him a separate PM, stating you will be placing him on probation? If not, do so. If he doesn't reply within 72 hours, you can add him to the list.


I did not, but I will do so right now. Thank you.

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Did you send him a separate PM, stating you will be placing him on probation? If not, do so. If he doesn't reply within 72 hours, you can add him to the list.


I did not, but I will do so right now. Thank you.


Also think about how he is supposed to "make things right"


Obviously him paying for the books that he agreed to buy is his #1 avenue.


But it looked like you posed the idea of relisting them. If you sell them to someone else is he then free of his obligation?


One idea (since the sale is of "hot" books) is that he would be responsible for compensating you the difference in sale price vs what he agreed to pay originally ...


So if he agreed to buy the books for $60 back when they were hot, but they've since cooled, and you can only sell them for $35, he'd owe you the difference ($25) since the loss of revenue was due to his delays in payment.


If you sell them for $60, and you make your money, and the books are sold, he doesnt have any way to "make you right", and if someone's on the PL there has to be an agreed upon way for him to get off the list.

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Also can you confirm if he has read the messages or not? I think a few people know Venom outside these boards maybe they can reach out to him.


Good Luck, hope this gets resolved soon.

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