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Guys this is so frustrating I can't believe the questions. When he first backed out of the deal it was Wednesday. I listed it on Ebay as I was pretty sure this guy was pulling my chain. The subsequent PM conversation occurred over a day and my main goal was to clarify the misconception about it being an original vs a prelim.


At that point he offered the deposit but quickly noticed that it was on EBay. I pulled it and let him know but then he flaked again so I relisted it where it sat for 3 days with no bids! Why are we hug up on stuff like why was this on Ebay when I tried to salvage a deal? It's not like this all went down in the space of an hour.


More importantly this guy has admitted to essentially operating as a shill on these boards. Supposedly two people behind one board ID which I think is a no no.


Also, if this guy is going to call me a homophobic because I refer to his partner as boy friend then give me a break. Sure my subsequent comments were more to the point but that was in response to what I thought was a bit outrageous reaction and just another smoke screen for this guy. He balked on our deal only to scoop it up cheaper 4 days later and then rub it in my face.



Did you really change this quote


Here is the quote from OA...




thanks for the thor cover the price was perfect U.S.A. 1 canada 0



into this


- He follows up by gloating on the boards about it, nice. Think he said something like Siegfried and Roy 1, Canada 0.


because I can see where the homophobic name came from just on that.


That was after he labelled me. The only comment I made that prompted his slur was because I referred to his "partner" as "boyfriend"? (shrug) But that is a side bar issue that does nothing more than distract from the main issue. I'm not going to address this issue again.

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Guys this is so frustrating I can't believe the questions. When he first backed out of the deal it was Wednesday. I listed it on Ebay as I was pretty sure this guy was pulling my chain. The subsequent PM conversation occurred over a day and my main goal was to clarify the misconception about it being an original vs a prelim.


At that point he offered the deposit but quickly noticed that it was on EBay. I pulled it and let him know but then he flaked again so I relisted it where it sat for 3 days with no bids! Why are we hug up on stuff like why was this on Ebay when I tried to salvage a deal? It's not like this all went down in the space of an hour.


More importantly this guy has admitted to essentially operating as a shill on these boards. Supposedly two people behind one board ID which I think is a no no.


Also, if this guy is going to call me a homophobic because I refer to his partner as boy friend then give me a break. Sure my subsequent comments were more to the point but that was in response to what I thought was a bit outrageous reaction and just another smoke screen for this guy. He balked on our deal only to scoop it up cheaper 4 days later and then rub it in my face.


no offense, but didnt you come here?


typically there are questions asked to understand the steps of the transaction, where it failed and where it stands.


I get that it's infuriating that this guy is taunting you, and that he still gets the thing he wanted and you're out part of the expected total for the piece...


When he gave you the $100 deposit what were the conditions of the remainder of the balance? Cause at the point he wanted to back out, I would have cited the conditions of the sale. Was the deposit non-refundable? You should have kept it. I know its all monday morning quarterbacking, but at this point there's nothing to do. The terms of the contract were essentially closed out when you returned him the $$, which was in action your acceptance of him backing out of the deal.


Again, Kyle is being obnoxious throwing it back in your face, but you cant expect him to come back and pay your original price for a contract sale that you let him out of. If there was a probation list for being a Tool, sure he'd be a great nomination.


Also I dont think two people sharing an ID/account is a shill. A shill is a 2nd account used to circumvent a suspension, or to falsify a transaction/bid. But technically speaking two people using the same ID does kind of violate the terms of the board


Terms of use

3. "In order to use this web site, you must register on our site, agree to provide truthful information when requested"


Since you have to provide a birthday, one could argue that there's an expectation that the member ID is to be unique to one user, but its not explicitly stated in the board rules (though I'd think it should be).

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Guys this is so frustrating I can't believe the questions. When he first backed out of the deal it was Wednesday. I listed it on Ebay as I was pretty sure this guy was pulling my chain. The subsequent PM conversation occurred over a day and my main goal was to clarify the misconception about it being an original vs a prelim.


At that point he offered the deposit but quickly noticed that it was on EBay. I pulled it and let him know but then he flaked again so I relisted it where it sat for 3 days with no bids! Why are we hug up on stuff like why was this on Ebay when I tried to salvage a deal? It's not like this all went down in the space of an hour.


More importantly this guy has admitted to essentially operating as a shill on these boards. Supposedly two people behind one board ID which I think is a no no.


Also, if this guy is going to call me a homophobic because I refer to his partner as boy friend then give me a break. Sure my subsequent comments were more to the point but that was in response to what I thought was a bit outrageous reaction and just another smoke screen for this guy. He balked on our deal only to scoop it up cheaper 4 days later and then rub it in my face.



Did you really change this quote


Here is the quote from OA...




thanks for the thor cover the price was perfect U.S.A. 1 canada 0



into this


- He follows up by gloating on the boards about it, nice. Think he said something like Siegfried and Roy 1, Canada 0.


because I can see where the homophobic name came from just on that.


That was after he labelled me. The only comment I made that prompted his slur was because I referred to his "partner" as "boyfriend"? (shrug) But that is a side bar issue that does nothing more than distract from the main issue. I'm not going to address this issue again.


I don't think this is a distraction. I think this is just the start of a pattern that led up to him referring to you as a bigot.


Would you have been alarmed if a woman's name showed up on the shipping information through ebay?

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- I listed it here for more than $700.

- $700 deal was agreed upon via PM.

- 2 days pass and I hear nothing.

- Kyle or whomever I was talking too then tells me he is backing out, saying he heard is a prelim not an original?

- I list it on EBay.

- I then dig out the original email conversation I had with the original seller via the CAF boards and I gave him the name of both my seller [Lovitz] and the person he bought it from Anthony Synder [well know art dealer].

- He said he would check back with me, feels bad, offers a $110 deposit and will even pay a total of $800 if he is wrong.

- Next day he wants the $110 refunded which I did as he says he is done [apparently not].

- Few days later my EBay listing ends and guess who wins it! I honor the transaction even though most here suggested that I shouldn't have.

- He follows up by gloating on the boards about it, nice. Think he said something like Siegfried and Roy 1, Canada 0.


Am I upset yes. Do I like that he wants to carry on here trying to sell stuff like nothing happening using dual ID's to hide behind, no. Nothing dubious from my perspective otherwise I would have not bother to ship the EBay win at a significant loss.


  • Why did you list it on eBay while still trying to finalize/resuscitate the deal with Kyle?


[*] You decided to forego PL nomination to go ahead and list it on ebay, essentially nulifying everything else by your "moving on" act of listing it on eBay, also you let him out of his agreement so those PM contracts to purchase were closed out, and the eBay purchase was a new contract (which he honored by purchasing it at the bid price, and you honored by sending the art)



Forego PL nomination??? WTF are you talking about. I guess if we were to act as if we had lawyer advising us on every move I can see your point but if that's an excuse to conduct oneself like a scumbag then I'm missing something.


I have said this numerous times before but he is buying and selling on these boards using two different names and addresses but apparently under the same shared Paypal email address. I don't buy it and it reeks of a scam waiting to happen. If he burns someone in the future please remember this issue and let me know so I can chime in about the finer points of contract law, offer and acceptance and how referring to someone's partner as their boyfriend is more offensive that letting this clown continue to operate on these boards.

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I'm going to throw the nomination up now and if by some miracle Matt receives the pulps tomorrow I will retract the poll and publish a retraction and apology.


Ok. I have spent the last month as an impartial, independent council looking into this matter. I knew nothing of Robert Beerbohm, and had never heard his name mentioned until the situation with Matthew. I spoke with several boardies regarding his history and on three separate occasions requested input from other members. Some came forward and I spoke with them. I also used good ole Google-Fu to track down whatever I could on the Internet. I am going to focus on things which are not in dispute and ask that in any discussion other boardies focus on the same.


The situation started with Matthew42383, who paid $3,600 USD for 341 comics (pulps) which were never mailed and no refund given even after numerous communications. Mr. Beerbohm came to the boards on 11/29/2013 (http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7211165#Post7211165) and assured that Matthew would receive his pulps. He has not and has not received a refund. This issue is now outstanding close to 8 months.


A second issue which has come to light is that apparently there is still a large, unpaid sum owed to Jean Bails, Jerry Bails widow, owed by Mr. Beerbohm. Her statement from Facebook (which has since been deleted) Jean Bails "I should probably add here that some refuse to buy from Bob because he owes me a lot of money for comics he sold from Jerry's small collection. I have given Bob some financial grace/leeway because of the enormous problems he has faced. The only way he can pay me back is by selling comics and memorabelia (sp?). So a boycott of Bob only serves to hurt me as well." These are the same comics he routinely refers to about how he never wanted to be involved in their sale but how he was basically dragged into selling them, then he sold them and kept the money, which he will (hopefully) eventually pay off .


So we have at issue 2 large transactions here where he has not followed through (one being a $3.600 purchase order and the second being a big $ consignment deal which he apparently has still all these years later not paid off, even though the books were paid for.) His M/O appears to be the same anytime anyone questions him or points out his defects.

1) Mention his history in comics

2) Apply for a hardship exemption because he has fallen on hard times for personal surgeries and the like.

3) Mention what his daughter is going through

4) Dismiss any complaints because his e-Bay store has a 99.7% good feedback or blame the complainers as “haters” or “competitors”

5) Solicit readers to buy something from his store. (Someone wrote him once and called this “Beerbohm Fatigue”)


There are dozens of other issues, all of which if true, paint a very sad picture. However as I stated, I am leaving those out because I only want to focus on the most egregious actions as well as actions that are not at issue.


Given that it is the holidays and many people are with their families I am going to let the poll run for 3 weeks instead of the normal 2 to allow everyone to get their vote in. This is a blind poll and I ask that everyone look into the issue themselves and vote with their head and not their heart.


On that note:


Small word , remmember all the drama when i complained because a seller wasn´t shipping my books ? : BLB Comics -Robert Beerbohm



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One thing I would add to this, in fairness to the Surfer, is that he had no real choice but to honour the Ebay deal. People here care about what things happen on Ebay, but Ebay doesn't care what happens here. To not honour the Ebay result would have been satisfying for a few minutes for him personally, no doubt, but disastrous in the long run for his standing with other Ebay buyers.


But why list it on eBay at all? It seemed like he listed it while still trying to salvage a sale with Kyle (when he was getting info about the OAs provenance and such). I agree once it was on eBay, especially with bids, Surfer was essentially obligated to complete the eBay transaction. I just don't get why he put himself into that corner while still working with the original buyer.



Just to be clear, again, there was no EBay transaction. 3 days had passed since I last spoke with this guy :makepoint: It was an open auction, low starting bid with a reserve on a 4 day listing. A bid wasn't put on it until the last day. When I was talking to him I had it on EBay for less than a day and there were no bids on it at that time. :frustrated:

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You are way too angry. Kyle's an insufficiently_thoughtful_person. We all agree.


Yes and I'm done with the semantics BS.


Alrighty. Good luck. :)

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  • Why did you list it on eBay while still trying to finalize/resuscitate the deal with Kyle?


[*] You decided to forego PL nomination to go ahead and list it on ebay, essentially nulifying everything else by your "moving on" act of listing it on eBay, also you let him out of his agreement so those PM contracts to purchase were closed out, and the eBay purchase was a new contract (which he honored by purchasing it at the bid price, and you honored by sending the art)



Forego PL nomination??? WTF are you talking about. I guess if we were to act as if we had lawyer advising us on every move I can see your point but if that's an excuse to conduct oneself like a scumbag then I'm missing something.


I have said this numerous times before but he is buying and selling on these boards using two different names and addresses but apparently under the same shared Paypal email address. I don't buy it and it reeks of a scam waiting to happen. If he burns someone in the future please remember this issue and let me know so I can chime in about the finer points of contract law, offer and acceptance and how referring to someone's partner as their boyfriend is more offensive that letting this clown continue to operate on these boards.


Were you coming here to try and put kcurren on the probation list?

What did you want to put him on the probation list for?

For not honoring an agreement to purchase something that you had let him out of?


My comment on foregoing the PL nomination is cause you cant really nominate someone if there's no pending transaction, right? Its not unique to have a seller let a buyer out of his deal. You let the buyer out of the deal. That's the end of it.


I agree he seems (by this series of events) less than stand up, less than ethical, and less than proper... I agree his tangle of email addresses, shared accounts and unvalidated addresses is a red flag. And you've alerted everyone, and anyone can find this thread with a simple search.



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  • Why did you list it on eBay while still trying to finalize/resuscitate the deal with Kyle?


[*] You decided to forego PL nomination to go ahead and list it on ebay, essentially nulifying everything else by your "moving on" act of listing it on eBay, also you let him out of his agreement so those PM contracts to purchase were closed out, and the eBay purchase was a new contract (which he honored by purchasing it at the bid price, and you honored by sending the art)



Forego PL nomination??? WTF are you talking about. I guess if we were to act as if we had lawyer advising us on every move I can see your point but if that's an excuse to conduct oneself like a scumbag then I'm missing something.


I have said this numerous times before but he is buying and selling on these boards using two different names and addresses but apparently under the same shared Paypal email address. I don't buy it and it reeks of a scam waiting to happen. If he burns someone in the future please remember this issue and let me know so I can chime in about the finer points of contract law, offer and acceptance and how referring to someone's partner as their boyfriend is more offensive that letting this clown continue to operate on these boards.


Were you coming here to try and put kcurren on the probation list? Yes.

What did you want to put him on the probation list for?

For not honoring an agreement to purchase something that you had let him out of? Let him out of? He said he was done, wanted his deposit refunded which I did. There was no more communication after that. Three day pass, my EBay auction ends and I realize that he buys it via my EBay listing. No further communication was made with him until yesterday when he joined this discussion. If you notice he went under ground until a few days ago when he tried to sell some stuff in the OA marketplace


My comment on foregoing the PL nomination is cause you cant really nominate someone if there's no pending transaction, right? Its not unique to have a seller let a buyer out of his deal. You let the buyer out of the deal. That's the end of it. Sorry I disagree. This is pure nonsense given the circumstances.


I agree he seems (by this series of events) less than stand up, less than ethical, and less than proper... I agree his tangle of email addresses, shared accounts and unvalidated addresses is a red flag. And you've alerted everyone, and anyone can find this thread with a simple search. Reason enough to be on the PL as far as I'm concerned, especially for a guy who had less than 10 posts.


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Sorry Silver but you are wrong. Take a deep breath, relax for a fews days, reexamine and move on.


You listed on eBay after not hearing from him. That was the out. I told you not to ship to him. You did and now it's done.

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Silver, I get what you are saying, the guy is acting like a total person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed if he came on here and bragged about getting one over on you. Certainly not the type of boardies we need here. We tried to warn you not to ship to him though. On principle alone you should have stood your ground.

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