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So "making things right" just means "can I buy a limited 1/100 book you have for sale that I want"?




To be fair, he shouldn't have entertained him in the first place after the initial incident.


Cool Money ™




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I know some people think a few boardies are hard on people, but if you think back Swick, we had him pegged within his first 10 posts on the boards. Too bad most of those have since been deleted or scrubbed. In fact, he may actually be worse than we originally predicted.

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I know some people think a few boardies are hard on people, but if you think back Swick, we had him pegged within his first 10 posts on the boards. Too bad most of those have since been deleted or scrubbed. In fact, he may actually be worse than we originally predicted.


+1 Well said. I wouldn't go so far as to speculate worse or not, but he definitely is not someone who wants to be part of the community.

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So "making things right" just means "can I buy a limited 1/100 book you have for sale that I want"?




To be fair, he shouldn't have entertained him in the first place after the initial incident.


Cool Money ™





Disagree, bud. Oceanavekid did the classic "I found it cheaper" screw job on Richie. It cost Rich a fair amount of money. Rich sold the book at a loss, at least at a loss relative to OAKs broken deal. This is how Rich feeds his family. OAK ends up on probation list as he should.


OAK learns that he has lost his free range status as a result of being on the PL. he doesn't like it. He starts bugging Rich about doing a deal so he can get off the PL. rich indulges it because (a) Rich is a good guy and (b) there is an undercurrent of redemption relating to the PL - it maybe shouldn't be an indelible mark. OAK bugs him for a long time about Frank Miller books, which can't afford and is a waste of Rich's time.


OAK then decides that his easiest road to redemption is to pop the BIN in the Airmen thread. Rich sends him an invoice. OAK DOESN'T PAY. rich sends him another reminder. OAK DOESN'T PAY. There may have been another reminder, I am not sure. But one thing is for sure. He didn't pay.


Rich sends a final notice with a note that the person (whose only contact info is an email address with a woman's name) may end up on the PL if they don't pay. OAK says "I am already on the PL, you know this." Only then does Rich realize that this is OAK, and he has been jerking him around AGAIN. Rich says that he does not want to deal with OAK - who would after giving the guy a chance at redemption and him refusing to pay multiple invoices?


Then, and only then, after realizing that his chance to get off the PL was fading into the sunset, does OAK pay. Rich refunds. OAK cries and tells half the story. The only thing OAK says in his "defense" is that "he didn't know" that he needed to pay up front. But he ignored multiple invoices. He is a bad agent and is only concerned about having an avenue for the buying and selling of comics. And since he has shown that he will do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, he has made his bed, and I hope it's comfy.



Edited by seanfingh
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What oceanavekid is conveniently omitting from his story is what Seanfingh already laid out.


But I'll put it out there again.


oceanave kid had a PM thread with me trying to figure out how to rectify his past mistake from a year ago. After a lot of back and forth, he decided that he'd take a book from an s/s op, in this case, Tuskagee Airmen.


oceanavekid hit a :takeit: on a book in the thread.



An email was provided and an invoice sent.


Payment reminders were sent over the course of a few weeks.


I think it's been three week now, but like most people here, and maybe I'm going out on a limb here---but I don't remember everyone's email address to their board names.

I'm one of the few people who actually uses their real name rather than a code name because it makes it easier for other board members to identify me.


I don't know oceanavekid from junglemama007 and after a period of time, whose email address is connected to which board name. I don't remember or even know 75% or more of the REAL names of people behind their board name let alone their email addresses.


What I saw on my paypal invoice sheet was a number of people who had received invoices from me for certain transactions, and Meganlundquist94@gmail.com in no way shape or form makes a connection to me to oceanavekid.


All I know is some one named Megan Lundquist (That would be my assumption) has an unpaid invoice from me and was sent more than one reminder and never paid.


So an email is sent out to Meganlundquist94@gmail.com to let them know that payment is past due, reminders have been sent, and in my experience, when ample time and multiple reminders are sent and ignored, that typically means that said person has no intention of paying.


It's only then that I received this response


"1st I'm still on the probation list

I was never taken off the list, only you can do that. I can stay on the list forever if that's what you'd like. I just wanted to make up for the mistake i made in the past


2nd I've never done one of these signings before . I didn't know pay in full up front, now I know how these things work. I'm not trying to make things difficult or claim and not pay. The reason I messaged you in the first place. I wanted to buy something off you to make up for the shady claim and not pay I did in the past. After this transaction you never have to speak to me again. I'll know I made things right and that's what matters"


So it's at this point that now I know who I am actually dealing with here.

Even though oceanavekid still doesn't identify himself in the response, the verbiage is enough that I know who this is.

And it's then and ONLY then that oceanavekid makes payment.


I'm fed up at this point, and I'm rolling with my gut on this one.

My response was I am returning your money and don't want anything to do with you.


I also let him know that if he bothered me again, he could talk to my legal counsel.


My final word to oceanavekid is the following:


You're clearly too wrapped up in your own ego (or just plain stupid) to see that you're history and reputation proceeds you and you've given this entire community pause to work with you.


If you were a serious buyer, you'd have handled transactions correctly and promptly from the word go, and I'm not just talking about this additional failed transaction this week.


I've seen your WTB list, and quite frankly, we're all doing you a favor by not selling to you.

Save your money, such as it is, and apply that toward your new family instead.

That's where your priorities should be, not trolling a message board looking to buy comics that you can't afford. And before you reply with something as snide as "how do you know what I can't afford" I'll beat you to the punch.

If you can't promptly pay for a $275 purchase from me, there's no way you can pay for half the swag on that wish list of yours.


Now, I'll happily hand you back your shovel so you can continue to dig that hole just a little deeper. I'm out.


Bother me again, and you'll be talking to someone else.

Edited by Rich_Henn
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This loser is just another HusTruck. He only wants to get off the PL to buy and SELL once again. Emphasis on sell because that's what he really cares about - profit. He doesn't want to work hard and learn with time. He wants to jump on board the quick flip bandwagon.


How about this insufficiently_thoughtful_person's thread pumping up books like Bedlam and Nowhere Men long after they were dead claiming how they were hot books! He's been recently doing it again with Valiant and other books you know that he owns so that he can try to pump and dump. :facepalm:


He's on the PL and eBay list and it's affecting his ability to profit from this hobby so he wants to "make it right"...but only if it's convenient and won't cost him anything. meh

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I still think it's funny that buying an item at the listed price without talking to the wronged party first constitutes "making it right" for a previously botched transaction. lol

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It's pretty funny that you think entering into a normal transaction and paying in full, per the terms, constitutes "making it up to" Rich.
Kind of what I was thinking.


He couldn't even do that. That is the crazy thing. Just another Hustrucker.


But see I did make payment. I paid in full and he denied payment

I try to make up for a bad transaction, the whole time he was okay with it until I paid in full he then acted like he had no clue who I was or why I was trying to buy a book off him. Somehow by me paying in full I'm shady and up to tricks. I'm confused by that, but as someone else said you can't make someone do something they don't want to do. I more then did what I should have done after the first bad transaction. I contacted him multiple times before with no response. He finally responded to my messages we made a deal, I paid and he went back on the deal.


You are full of mess. He sent you multiple reminders and you did not pay. On his final reminder he asked who you were, because you currently operate through an email address with a woman's name attached to it. Once he remembered that the email address was you, and that you had ignored all the payment requests (In fact you told him "I didn't know pay in full up front.") he reversed the payment that you sent him - which you only sent because you knew you were busted for being stupid/shady, yet again.


Aggressive behavior.

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Or keep calling out a highly respected boardie, see how that works out. :shrug:



Since he's on the PL I presume there is a specific transaction he is trying to complete? Is there a reason he cannot make good the original infraction?


After that happened rich wouldn't even respond to any of my messages until the last few weeks

I doubt he sold the book at a less, at the time the book was on fire and I had won it at a steal of a price. He could have easily done a 2nd chance offer or listed again and most likely got more cash. I didn't omit anything. I pled you from my original thread as I had done before. I only emailed you once from the other email. I don't buy the whole time you had no clue who I was. I even posted the proof you knew. This has nothing to do with getting off some list. I picked a book that was around the price of the other book I had won back in 2014. I tried more then once to make it right and he wouldn't even respond to my email. He only respond in the last few weeks, why he decided to now, I have no clue. He was all for it when it was his Miller books. I did post in his thread like he asked me to. Point is I PAID IN FULL


People on the boards have done a lot worse. He knew who I was, he asked me to post "take it" on his thread, which I did. After I paid he asks like he had no clue who I was all along and that I was somehow trying to scam him. I sent one maybe two max from that email. It's my girlfriends email. 99% of the pm was through the original thread on here

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Last time I checked paying in full, isn't being shady


He only sent one email telling me how the signings work. PayPal sent two invoice reminder


After I claimed the book he never sent me anything until the email he sent to my girlfriends email. Which I gave to him in a pm on here that he sent me when he asked for my PP. he definitely knew who I was. We were doing business on the boards. This is where 99% of the messages were sent



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So "making things right" just means "can I buy a limited 1/100 book you have for sale that I want"?




To be fair, he shouldn't have entertained him in the first place after the initial incident.


Cool Money ™





Exactly my point

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at the time the book was on fire and I had won it at a steal of a price. He could have easily done a 2nd chance offer or listed again and most likely got more cash.




So it's Rich's fault that you screwed him and he couldn't still get the same money for the book?

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So "making things right" just means "can I buy a limited 1/100 book you have for sale that I want"?




To be fair, he shouldn't have entertained him in the first place after the initial incident.


Cool Money ™





Exactly my point



So you didn't want him to do business with you, which is why you badgered him to do business with you? That's "exactly your point"??



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at the time the book was on fire and I had won it at a steal of a price. He could have easily done a 2nd chance offer or listed again and most likely got more cash.




So it's Rich's fault that you screwed him and he couldn't still get the same money for the book?


No definitely my fault for not paying for the book I won, I own up to that. But with how hot the book was it was going for almost $500 in 9.8 I won it for around $300


You're telling me he took such a loss on a hot book? He could have listed at BIN $300 and someone would have bought it. Nobody told me how much his "loss" was but I can't believe it was a bunch


Either way, I've been trying to make up for the shady transaction that happened back in 2014

He wouldn't respond until just a few weeks ago. He was willing to make a deal on high dollar books with a Miller sig on them. I found his signature thread that was more in the range of the book I had won and not paid for over a year earlier and asked him about it before I claimed the book. He said it's okay to post buy it, I did. You know the rest


The only thing anyone can say is it took two weeks to recieve payment.

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