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Avengers 2: Age of Ultron - Seriously

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Did anyone else pick up on the subtle change to Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch.


I hadn't really considered this in movies as well, but Marvel is really ending the X gene.


There is nothing to consider. The Marvel/Disney films are not allowed to have beings known as mutants, that is locked into the 20th Century X-Franchise deal. Imagine how useful their father's powers would have been towards the end...

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Watched it this morning and overall it was a great movie. I think the end battle of Avengers 1 was better, but the overall tone and pace of Avengers 2 was great. I regret reading the news and spoiler stuff leading up to this movie. I feel like I have to watch it a second time just to take it all in.

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While I loved Avengers Part 1 you have to be a completely stupid boardie if....





You still think Avengers Part 2 didn't just blow Avengers 1 away. For once the general audience is smarter than the posts in this thread. The villain was ten times better. I took my friends 3 kids (15, 8, 6) and they all said how much fun they had. The 6 year old boy was talking about Vision and Thanos in vivid detail after the movie. So yeah our back issues are safe in our lifetime as the entire movie theater was filled children under 15.


What in the hell is the matter with some of you that you still think Avengers 1 was still better. It makes me have violent thoughts towards some of you and how either jaded you have become or too damn old to have a clue of what you just saw.


The cut scene alone was perfect! At the end of the movie the entire movie theater clapped in enjoyment. Plus this was a Philly theater which is a tough pleasing crowd to begin with.


Avengers 2 > Avengers 1....it is not even close!




I'm that completely stupid boardie then. :banana:


Guess I am in that boat too. As I stated several pages back, it was ok. When the whole theater gets up and leaves with almost no sound, I don't consider it a good sign. I went with 8 other people, including 4 kids between the ages of 8-12, my son is the 12 year old, he said to me on the way home he liked Next Avengers better, yes the animated movie. None of the other kids thought much of it either again, they liked it but, it didn't wow any of them.


It will be interesting to see how much money it makes, from reading reviews and what others have posted, this may not get the repeat viewings other marvel movies have had.


At the end of the day it doesn't matter, we are all entitled to our opinions. If you don't like it, that's fine but, there is no reason to call other board members names.

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Watched it this afternoon with the Wife and Grandson. We all thought it was great; and the grandson (who is 6) keep moving around in his seat until the fights started and then he was riveted to his seat until they finished.



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Didn’t love it. But I think I’ll enjoy it more on a second viewing.


Even though it’s a long movie, it felt a bit rushed to me. Maybe it was just a bit overstuffed. Joss and company could have left some things out and let other things develop a little slower.


I wish there was some more drama in the way Ultron came to (artificial) life.


Cap’s costume is way better than it was in the first Avengers film.


The Vision is cool.


I thought the first Avengers started slow, but became awesome once everybody got to the SHIELD Helicarrier. There’s plenty of great stuff in Age of Ultron, but it never grabbed me the way the first film did.

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I liked the "Roy Thomas Bonzo Dog Band" in the Cap hallucination sequence, as well as the rest of the movie. (The kick drum said something besides "Bonzo Dog," but I forget what it really was.)

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Snuck out last night and saw it. After buying the ticket, I ran like a giddy kid across the parking lot to Pathmark to get my Reese's Pieces. I only ate half the box, as I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. Action- I'll take it. Non stop action and sick cgi action that looks like it's happening in front of your face- I'll take it 2X


Awesome movie. To those that say they liked the first better. Yes, it was a better movie. 1- Better villain (Loki, not a competition here). Better story- origins are always better-IMHO. Buttttt, if we stop comparing for a moment, and look at the insane action, great story, and the fact that our favorite superheroes kicked some real Azzz in beautiful fashion with fantastic sequencing, you have to love this movie.


I'll see it again with my wife and hopefully with a student :wishluck:

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Snuck out last night and saw it. After buying the ticket, I ran like a giddy kid across the parking lot to Pathmark to get my Reese's Pieces. I only ate half the box, as I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. Action- I'll take it. Non stop action and sick cgi action that looks like it's happening in front of your face- I'll take it 2X


Awesome movie. To those that say they liked the first better. Yes, it was a better movie. 1- Better villain (Loki, not a competition here). Better story- origins are always better-IMHO. Buttttt, if we stop comparing for a moment, and look at the insane action, great story, and the fact that our favorite superheroes kicked some real Azzz in beautiful fashion with fantastic sequencing, you have to love this movie.


I'll see it again with my wife and hopefully with a student :wishluck:

Amazing! My brother just saw it tonight and he said he shed one single tear, that's how good it was. I'll take any MCU movie and love it. I can't wait to see it tomorrow, recliner seats and popcorn. :cloud9:

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Saw it tonight and I have to say how well done I think it was. I don't think it was choppy at all, just very dense - there is a lot happening in every moment so don't forget to go the bathroom!


I appreciate a movie that respects the audience's intelligence and doesn't spell everything out. It had a great balance between action and character development. Very well acted with great humor which seemed natural and unforced.


I wouldn't say that this movie is better/worse than the first but simply that it's the next one and has different things to offer.


Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were excellent. Yes the DOFP Quicksilver was a tough act to follow but this one held his own and again, I don't see a need for comparison.


I can't say enough about the Vision.


As Comix4fun said, we are definitely living in the golden age of comic book movies! I plan to enjoy the ride while it lasts.


Also, regarding Crimebuster's takeaway...


Just saw it, really enjoyed it. Maybe not as much as the first one, but it was good. More character stuff, though some of it was a little clunky.


My big takeaway, though...




Vision was awesome.


But more specifically, I thought it was very interesting how they did Vision. Between him wearing the Mind Gem on his forehead, his self-professed "champion of life" status, and his philosophical view of humanity as an outsider, it really felt like they were positioning him as a possible stand-in for Adam Warlock. They even gave him the whole emerging from the cocoon thing as part of his origin.


Yes, some of these elements are present in the Vision, but the way the whole package came together... he just felt very Warlocky to me. I don't know if they are actually going to use Vision in the Adam Warlock role in Infinity War, but it wouldn't surprise me, and I think they might have a hard time introducing Warlock now given how similar he would seem to this version of Vision both in look and personality.


I can definitely see this happening.

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Just got home from seeing it with 9 family members and we all loved it. I watched the first one right before we went to see the second and the second one blows away the first. Way better action scenes and most everything in between. I'd go see it again tomorrow if I could get away.

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Wow, wow, wow. What a film. I think it's better than Avengers 1 if you are willing to forgive a few things


1) the movie does seem a little too fast paced but I realize it's just because they have so much to fit into a 2:40 time slot due to executive reasons ( :mad: )


2) Well,that's really the only complaint I had. lol


The characters were well done, the effects were well done, the fight scenes were spectacular (tribute to Kirby just as someone else pointed out earlier on), and the story moved along at a really good pace.


The only question that I kept asking myself is how Ultron didn't somehow get into Tony's suit (digitally) but them just making reference to some sort of firewall system probably would have been enough to cover that point.




Vision was awesome.


But more specifically, I thought it was very interesting how they did Vision. Between him wearing the Mind Gem on his forehead, his self-professed "champion of life" status, and his philosophical view of humanity as an outsider, it really felt like they were positioning him as a possible stand-in for Adam Warlock. They even gave him the whole emerging from the cocoon thing as part of his origin.


Yes, some of these elements are present in the Vision, but the way the whole package came together... he just felt very Warlocky to me. I don't know if they are actually going to use Vision in the Adam Warlock role in Infinity War, but it wouldn't surprise me, and I think they might have a hard time introducing Warlock now given how similar he would seem to this version of Vision both in look and personality.


I kept thinking how alike the two characters were but didn't stop to think that they might replace one with the other. Interesting.

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Easter egg:



When tony is looking for a Jarvis-replacement for the suit & picks Friday, one of the other options that he had was Jacosta, so there's already some hinting there.


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Easter egg:



When tony is looking for a Jarvis-replacement for the suit & picks Friday, one of the other options that he had was Jacosta, so there's already some hinting there.


Missed that. There is definitely going to be lots to pick up with a second viewing.


Joss Whedon is a master story teller. Just wow.


By the way, I agree with people that there was lots in the movie (almost too much going on) and some said that the 3D might make the movie distracting but I found just the opposite...there was tons going on but we saw it in 3D (it was the only way to get arranged seating to get a decent seat as I didn't want to be sitting at the front and staring straight up) and while I generally avoid 3D movies, for some reason the 3D enhanced the experience in this movie - probably because Joss filmed it with that purpose in mind.


The overwhelming action stayed very well focused with the 3D effect and allowed your eyes to focus on exactly what was important. So I thought the story telling delivery was better with 3D than it might have been without. Job well done.



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Well, Joss's original cut was almost 3 1/2 hours. He pared it down to 2:25ish at the studio/theater/Disney's request. But they already announced a directors cut on BluRay with an extra 40 minutes. I think some of the scenes that seemed a little rushed or over-stuffed will get to breathe a little bit more with the extra time. A little over 3 hours would be rough in a theater, but when you can pause it to go hit the head at home, it works.

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Got to say great film and with exception of maybe Captain America 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy it is the best film in the Marvel Universe to date. I thought the 1st Avengers film was complete and utter . Ultron rocks.

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