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Everything posted by VintageComics

  1. Bronze damsel in distress covers. Gil Kane! Mike Ploog!
  2. I don't know if I would just leave it like that. There was a time when I didn't want children. Then there was a time when I thought I wanted children and had 4 of them. Then my marriage broke down and I didn't regret having them but did regret that I had to put them through such a situation. Looking back? I probably should have waited a few years before marrying and having 4 children, but I would not trade what I have now for the world. Moral? Everyone is a little queasy going in as there are many uncertainties...money, time, spouse, sanity. The point is that as long as your intention is to give it your all you will be fine regardless of what happens. I heard an interesting quote by "Pinball" Clemens, CEO of the Toronto Argonauts football team...."Life is 10% what you do and 90% of how you do it (or react to it)" Words to live by. For the record, I don't see a problem with asking questions about a new life venture. Just weigh the answers carefully. R.
  3. Maybe a little odd. But don't think I'm basing my decision on what I learn here. I like to research everything I do. I don't like to go into anything unprepared. Hearing how others have been changed, whether I know them or not, is good information to have. This is just one of 100s of ways I plan to get the inside scoop on child rearing. I don't know if somebody peed in my Cheerios this morning, but that just sounds wack. Having a child isn't the same thing as investing in a stock portfolio, getting a deal on a slabbed key Marvel or investigating local government corruption on the local news. Maybe it's just the choice of words used. Scoop on child rearing? You'll need one for the poop. There'll be lots of it. Well pontoon, if you can't Dodge it Ram it. Go easy on the newb...you'll scare him into a pair of Dauchsands.
  4. Monstro is right for a change. You will never be prepared. All you need to do is be prepared to share, really. What happens is that after you have your first child you change. As they need you, you adapt. The thought of carrying a child through the night might seem scary to the outsider or non parent but as a parent you cherish it. I gladly woke up for almost every feeding, carried every child through the night so my wife at the time could get her rest etc etc and worked a full time job...and never had a single regret. It's an inexplicable change that happens to a person and you never go back to being the same person again...in a good way. Sure they take up a lot of time, money, patience, get into trouble, destroy things, hurt you etc. You know what? It's one of the only things in life that give lasting peace that you can't find anywhere else...not in wealth, commodities or any other type of relationship. Like any form of giving, it pays the greatest dividends. The more you give the more it pays you back. It's not even "giving anything up"...it's simply a long term investment that pays you back. For example, my son is going to be the greate drummer on the planet. Think of how many Action #1's that'll buy me! R.
  5. I agree with the fact that having children is an unrivaled joy. I stopped reading for several years when my children were younger. As they got older they got into reading themselves. We regularly have trips to the local comic shop and they share in my imagination and enthusiasm. The growth of children is where it's at....going from one stage to another. R.
  6. That is a sweet book. For the record, Florida does NOT count as the South. Listen Forrest. As far as I'm concerned Pennsylvania is the south. If you want to give me a lesson about US history just pick the sandbox and have at it. I'll show you where you came from and where you're going. You misunderstand me. I'm from MS and GA and LA. In my mind, KY and NC aren't South either. It's not a Civil War thing, it's a jealous geography thing. ...sooo....you're jealous that you're not from Canada?
  7. That is a sweet book. For the record, Florida does NOT count as the South. Listen Forrest. As far as I'm concerned Pennsylvania is the south. If you want to give me a lesson about US history just pick the sandbox and have at it. I'll show you where you came from and where you're going.
  8. Rick that book is so beautiful it actually pains me. Very SU-WHEAT you Suth'n fried mo' fo'!
  9. Since "Because they are better" isn't a good enough answer I guess we are going to have to do some research and get some scientists in here to give us a long dissertation on the relative merits of comparative paper compositions, ink degradation, and subliminal artistic implications. Until then I will go with..."Because they are better". yeah, what he said Could it be that the artwork is just a little more engrossing? BTW I do agree they are better...I was just trying to be a little more...clinical about it. Timelys, Basketball, Jack Daniels and Women...in no particular order.
  10. Is it just me, or is there something about Timely books that make them look better in a scan than similarly-graded DC books? I don't know if it's cover stock / gloss, the color palette used (those bright reds for example) or what. I first noticed this when Bedrock started posting his books, he's got some absolutely jaw-dropping stuff that in a lot of cases just looks better in the scan than the label would indicate, compared to other GA books. might just be the sometimes (not always!) superior cover art or that they seem to pop up much more often in higher grade/state of preservation from the equally aged conterparts? Or they are just better. ...but that's not what he was asking...why when in similar grade do the Timelys have better eye appeal?
  11. When I collect (since I can't collect everything) I try to make the entire collection aesthetically balanced. This was my "black cover" book in the collection. I don't have one now so I feel like things are out of balance right now. I mean I love the Timely reds and yellows but the black and green books (so rare) just make things more well rounded. It's a really pretty 6.5 at that.
  12. This came back from CGC. I won't be keeping it which sure is a shame but it doesn't fit into my collecting focus. I've got it up on Comiclink for the next auction.
  13. Man I love this book. I love it more and more every day. I am so happy I blew my entire wad in Chicago and picked me up a copy. Will you take $$ and hair in trade when it comes time to sell?
  14. Man I overspent this summer. Would have loved this book. I'll have to settle for my restored 6.5.
  15. Vern that is an unbelievably nice #7! If you get a chance pm me the seller info on the #5...I may be interested. I have the Trolley copy but may be in the market for another copy. R.
  16. Yannis, take the book out of the bag, lay the book upright somewhere with some good light above it and then keep changing the position of the light and yourself till there is no glare from the light source. It takes good lighting to bring out the colors. Take a shot of the book straight on with the camera level and point at the center of the book. Should make for a decent shot. (thumbs u
  17. Awesome book Tranny I'm not sure this is the cool nickname I was going for. I guess the name stays then.
  18. I have a few more books listed for sale in the Marketplace. Many of them are Silver or Bronze but there are a few GA books available including an Adventure Comics #147 CGC 9.0, Strange Worlds #1 (1958 Kirby/Ditko and also a classic Flying Saucer cover) in about 5.5, Whiz Comics #21 in about 4.5/5.0 and maybe the odd other book. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=2655020&fpart=1 I still also have the following available if anyone has any interest: Detective Comics #10 CGC 4.0 Adventure Comics #41 Phantom Lady #21 Thanks for looking!
  19. Don't have any bro. It'll be bronze and silver hero stuff with a few GA. R.
  20. I'm at home with a bad back so I'll be scanning and listing stuff all week... R.
  21. I've dropped the price on this gorgeous book to $1900 if anyone is interested. R.