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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I probably overdid it with too many pictures in one post @ADAMANTIUM, sorry. My desk top handles it all fine, but my tablet is slower than a dying snail pulling the titanic across the Gobi desert. ?
  2. Great pictures and stories. We easily forget sometimes the exciting, varied lives some of the old folk around us have had.
  3. Nice to see her Majesty in the background there Jim! Great pictures. The old black and whites carry so much mystery don't they...
  4. Indeed! The new WW is gorgeous! The old WW is gorgeous! The girl dressed as WW in the middle background is gorgeous! The ginger to the left holding the picture, ehhh not so much.
  5. Spidey Promos, Giveaways & Misc Hi Guys, The discerning among you will know that I once owned every Spider-Man comic on the planet. Not every copy of course - that's Chuck's domain - just a one of everything. Then the apocalypse hit and all I'm left with now is a handful of books (which I refer to as 'my pretties'). But that's another story, for another day, in another thread and another level of tedium. Fortunately, I kept pictures. So here for your visual pleasure I bring you a shih tzu load of Spidey promos, giveaways and miscellaneous rarities. I'll post them in groups of 10 or so. There are 100's to come. Enjoy! (Oh, and feel free to chuck any of your own in, if you have them) Everyone of the following books is a different printing...
  6. I agree. Some more from the archives. Five lucky / rich guys... @lizards2's favourite uncle.... 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 98th.... Ok, no 98th. Colour telly... Black and white telly... Wedding bells....(not JSJ and Greggy this time)... Cool front / lousy back... Thought I'd found a 'no barcode' variant!! But it was just the sketch version missing the card wraparound (very embarrassing)...Oh, and is that the worst cover you've ever seen? Whether in colour, black and white or negative, I always need 5 minutes with this one... Is Superior allowed @bababooey?
  7. Four years for 6 books! There's patience for you. Did you pass on low grade copies or was it a 'see it and buy it' type set @piper? I'm seeing in the thread three scenarios emerging: 1. Difficulty to complete a run due to virtual nonexistence of any / specific copies 2. Books are available but not in the grade the collector wants 3. Books are available but cost too much I suppose I could put a Superman run together if I had enough money. But I could have all the money in the world and I'd struggle to complete a run of, say, Australian Spidey's. Unless I made someone who'd already done it an offer they couldn't refuse of course.....
  8. Actually, yes, it wasn't bad plotting for a kid was it. I don't remember thinking much about it at the time, just made it up panel to panel. The ending looks a bit hurried though. And don't call me Shirley. Oh, you didn't. Bugger.
  9. I would have felt bad too Oak. If you're genuinely queuing to get a prized signature from one of your comic idols it's poor form for them to basically accuse you of profiteering. If I were in that position, I would much rather the genuine fans left delighted than make a point to any would be profiteerers. It shows a lack of class I think. Either do it with a good heart, or don't do it at all.
  10. The only example I can find of you directly criticising the 'gaming' of likes involved two Seasoned Veterans. Shill accounts who join just to troll are identified and removed by design. Any likes generated by them should also be removed by design. I've promised @comicquant to try to be more positive, and he's right, I should, so let's leave it. Whatever you decide to do Arch I'll go along with. Wedding Announcement Ladies and Gentleman, it is with great pleasure that I announce that @jsilverjanet and @greggy got married this weekend in a secret ceremony by The Water Cooler! Our roving reporter, Philip K Dontsaythat caught up with the happy couple shortly after the ceremony which was officiated by @Architecht, a long term friend of the couple. When asked how the two had got together, Greggy's initial response was 'FU Philip' but, after calming down, he had the following to say: "I have to say I really LIKE Janet. I never noticed her at first but one day I saw this post and that just sealed it for me": Greggy continued, "I mean, "I'll take it"! When I saw that I just knew that Janet was the girl for me. Keen, intelligent and funny. In fact, I LIKED it so much that I began to LIKE everything about her. I've been LIKING her ever since" Wedding Officiator Architecht had the following to say, after the nuptials "I'm so delighted for Greg and Janet. Along with all the others, they are may favourite Seasoned Veterans and it's great to see them LIKE each other so much. Janet is such a great SV - she'd be 'top member' every day of the week if I had my way!" Archibald continued "I haven't looked at the Leaderboard for ages - why would I? - but I do hope Janet gets the recognition she deserves. Now, I'm sorry but I have to go. I'm working on some new plug ins which give Seasoned Veterans money off vouchers and free comics" The happy couple plan to honeymoon in the remote village of 'Top of The Boardville', although the bridal sweet is currently occupied by a huge crate of 1950's war comics. We wish them well in their married life and hope they LIKE every minute they spend together. No 'Members' were allowed to attend the ceremony.
  11. It was in the dream sequence. Not sure about the OPs question though.
  12. Oh my. Sorry, @Artboy99......lip syn... ....she's doing.........what...... oh. ....... .... Sorry, what did you say?