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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Good points, fairly put. I get the either or bit, and maybe that's part of the problem. We can have threads where people hurl insults under thread headings that make you wince, but you're not allowed to say d ick for example even though it is a recognised forename. I think CGC should make their minds up whether this is an adult only board, with adult rules in place, or a place where kids can check out comics along with adults. Maybe the moderation just needs tightening up. The inconsistencies are glaring lately with lots of posts querying what the rules are. Possibly it's a timing thing for me. It could be that I've just encountered too many threads lately which made me feel grubby after reading them, in full or in part. Should that be the case? If you think about it, what on earth is a comic chat forum doing allowing threads about terrorism on it? The boards have been around a long time now. I haven't been here long with them I'll admit, but that maybe qualifies me to be more objective and, with a mind free from the love that only a Seasoned Veteran can have, see that the plot has been lost somewhere along the way? Maybe Arch will give us his thoughts on this at some point. Is it time for a rethink / refresh on posting guidelines?
  2. Judging by the take up so far, the answer appears to be a very manual 'yes'
  3. Ha! When you've read it please report back how it goes. I'm keen to know who wins, given how evenly matched the two sides are!
  4. Can we ignore specific threads? Hi @Architecht, I'm sure it's been noted already but we seem to be under attack from salesmen today: I'll have a chicken chow mein please, if you get through. I don't know about anyone else, but my main focus on the boards is to discuss comic related matters and to enjoy myself. It's a comic chat forum. The world can be a horrible place, and the boards for me are an escape. This last week the boards have become quite a depressing place. We have had threads on terror attacks and people committing suicide within which members have argued and point scored to a level that I personally have found beyond distasteful. Even a thread on everyone's favourite comic has descended into petty arguments in which any post of substance is lost or passed over, such is the hurry for some to make their next financial point for the 88th time. I support free speech 100%, and have zero interest in censoring anything anyone wants to say on these boards as long as they are within the rules. But I would like the ability to block out threads which I don't want to read, once it has become clear to me what they're about. So, is there any way you can create a process in which, like members, I can ignore a thread? When I scroll down the 'All Activity' list, to see what's new, I'd like to be able to hide posts in threads which, in my opinion, have jumped the shark to the point of surrealism. Is this possible? The threads are usually in the Water Cooler. I was an advocate in an earlier post for having the Water Cooler visible to the non-user to encourage more people to join. I think I used the phrase "because we don't just talk about comics here". What I intended at the time was to convey that we talk about films, music etc. Not people killing themselves and terrorist atrocities. You (CGC) have a policy of no politics, so have set a precedent on censorship in that respect. Are threads about terrorism really what CGC want to see on their Comic Chat Forum? If so, could you at least give us the ability to block them so we can talk about comics without having to fret over the outside world, and feel a little off if we happen to land a light-hearted comic related post which then sit's between posts about people killing themselves, or each other?
  5. FYI, if you're into AUS! https://rarecomics.wordpress.com/2017/05/17/aus-price-variants-australian-newsstand-editions/
  6. "Here they are! From their world to ours! And here they'll stay!!" "Good evening Zardoz 5! Are you ready to rock?" "Aaaaaah aaaaaah aaaaah aaaaah, shake it on BABY YEAH!"
  7. I use treasury editions. Get your jokes in now ?
  8. I just watched the international trailer again. I see a trailer for an Avengers film, with Spidey in it. Who'd have thought it.
  9. Not only, Stark and Iron Man, but Happy Hogan, too? I don't think Happy/Favreau even made it onto any of the Iron Man movie posters. It's bizarrely bad and misjudged isn't it. With Marvel now at the helm, isn't this supposed to be the one we've all been waiting for? The definitive take? Back to the poster, if I was in charge of production, and someone put that poster in front if me, I would fire them. In fact, I'm so in awe of it's amateurish awfulness, that I'm not going to say another word on the matter, for fear that I may lose my composure and be subsequently moderated for excessive masking.
  10. Sometimes you want to lay on how important Spider-Man has been to you personally to give your point of view extra depth. As an ex-completist, who at one point had 8,000 Spidey comics, I can't stress how big a Spidey fan I am now, and have been since the age of 8. So it is with a heavy heart that I say that, Michael Keaton aside, I think everything about this film looks wrong. The poster sums it up. No pun intended, but it's quite simply shocking. Why is Tony Starks head bigger than Peters? If I would rather see Wonder Woman, or GOTG2 over this, then something has gone very wrong indeed. Marvel may pull it out of the bag and produce an enjoyable film, but right now I don't like the lead casting, the poster, the title, the title font, the suit additions, the ridiculous notion that Iron Man must be so prevalent for it to be a success, the music, the villains appearances (i.e. suits with little in common with the comics) and the supporting cast who I don't recognise. Finally, and crucially, I don't see or feel the spirit or charm of the Spidey story I know anywhere in this latest attempt. I hope I'm proven wrong, but I feel this is going to be yet another misjudged take on the Spidey story.
  11. Ah, was that you? I remember seeing three 7s somewhere. Come on then, let's see them again.
  12. Congratulations @Wipple ! How long have you been waiting to get one?
  13. Hello stray pube! I'm glad I'm saying that here, and not in a restaurant ?
  14. Excellent, thanks @masterlogan2000 When I get some time I'm going to put a template together of what should exist, a bit like my pence ones, and then start populating it with what we currently know exists. I know of no other record of these books anywhere on the webulator, so we may as well create one here. Keep em coming!
  15. I can't believe that their Master @lizards2 has not yet chimed in with a definitive answer. Liz? Stop painting / crabbing and start explaining the lineage of your people!
  16. True, but I have to use Barry sparingly, as my internet slows down every time I post him. One for rob_react to ponder.