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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Don't dis da pencers bro! Which ones ya missin Jim? They don't call me 'I The Locator' for nuffink ?
  2. The more obscure titles are tough in Canadian prices, for sure. Good luck with the search (you've got me looking now!)
  3. I bought both of these for under ten of our Englandville pounds each when they came out. Though I sold them for an eye watering profit, had I hung on a few more years I could have sold them and bought a new car. Ouch. Actually, OUCH! Cool covers to boot. OUCH!
  4. Great thread @bababooey! I didn't realise you were an ASM variant man. Great taste Sir Here's a well deserved bump, with a few I used to own. I ended up with 3 copies of the 184 in the end, but none of them had the sticker. Here's why: I always preferred the unbagged 390 to the bagged: Better than the snow cover? A nice sketch: A nice effect: Some of the second printings had great covers too. A few faves here:
  5. Did you take a picture? Is there a comic book character called 'No Soap Man'? If so, I meet him every month at the London Comic Fair
  6. What did you find was your hardest run / set to complete? Inspired by @Ghostzapper 's amazing achievement here. (well done again GZ): I was reminded of how difficult it can be to put together a run or set of 'hard to find' comics. During the Completist/Completionist/Nutter years, I had trouble with various lines. Here's a few that gave me (hugely enjoyable) grief: Australian Price Variants Trying to put together a run of AUS price variants is so hard! Not only do we not really know what exists, but finding any that haven't been used to wipe a dingos backside is, as the French would say, tres difficile. Try it my friends, try it! Marvel Newsstand Price Variants Jeptha Jude of Israel, these are hard to locate! Especially when, like me, you have the eyes of Mr Magoo. Online barcode squinting is not a pastime I would normally recommend! But try it anyway! Mark Jewelers Inserts For 800 years I tried to get the full ASM set (alongside training Jedi). If ASM #124 has an MJI, it must reside in Australia (see above)! Foolishly, I sold the lot. I could start again I suppose.... So, over to you guys. What was your hardest run / set to get?
  7. I have some other good ones that would fit if this was a more generic "Unauthorized cameos (and references)" thread. Then check out the new thread title and post away @Lazyboy
  8. If the decision is taken to delete an entire thread, should that thread move to the OPs 'Your Threads Remove by Moderators' section Arch?
  9. I got a slap for an anagram of 'Robot Man' in my Anagram Competition thread, in which I gave away free comics. I thought the mod in question played a blinder on that one.
  10. This thread here touches on some of my points above: It does seem to be the case that you have to notify if you feel action should be taken on any given post or thread. The moderators aren't necessarily going to do it for you. I'm not a big fan of notifying. There's something unsavoury about it. I have no problem pointing out when the Chinese mafia join just to offer fake passports (they're back right now), but I think the mods should be able to police everything else, given how many of them there are, and how relatively low the board traffic is (you can often cover hours of posts from the all activity stream in a short period of time, and the problem threads / posts are fairly easy to spot from the expanded preview pane). I think I'll have to learn how to use the software more effectively, creating my streams etc. In the meantime, the ability to block a thread from view would be nice, so if anyone in admin is reading...... One other point, people like me who have embraced the boards in a short space of time, ask lots of questions because we care. I don't have the benefit of years posting here, and I know that many of my points are old hat to some. I see from Arch's post above that the merits of the Water Cooler have been discussed before. Well, I haven't seen that and I think it's reasonable to refresh these things from time to time as more and more people join. I don't expect people to jump whenever a question is asked, but the lack of response sometimes just makes you feel that your thoughts aren't welcome or worthwhile. I'm hovering over 'submit reply'............. Oh what the heck
  11. Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings @electricprune, but I'm afraid there's a printing error on that copy. It's supposed to look like this