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Posts posted by MAY1979

  1. On 7/29/2024 at 12:52 PM, DaveSFU said:

    Well so far, despite CS telling me over and over that the Exceptions team would reach out to me once they looked at my books,  nobody did.  2 of my 4 ME submissions (24 books) went from "Scheduled For Grading" all the way through to "Shipped" in the span of about 2 hours this morning.   They all still have the same grades, which isnt possible given the damage some of them had and that CCS didnt have their hands on them.   So looks like im just getting back damaged and reholdered books with inaccurate grades?   And probably still in warped inner wells.  

    Not saying you will but many will simply sell off the affected books in this situation. 

    That means unless one can see a 2024 slabbed book in hand its not safe to purchase. IIRC one of the Charter messages of CGC was to prevent having to do that in the online era...

    IMHO CGC is not being wise at this point in time in opening up a huge lane for PSA to convoy down

  2. On 7/28/2024 at 1:29 PM, LordRahl said:

    This will get sped up if a bunch of people stop submitting to CGC and go with PSA instead. I expect at least initially for PSA prices to be close to CGC prices. Maybe not at the high 5 figure and above level but certainly for books valued at a couple grand and less. CBCS prices at first were very comparable to CGC, it took some time for people to realize CBCS over-graded relative to CGC. The same will happen with PSA however if they do it right, no reason they can't hold that position and take a major chunk of market share from CGC when CGC's product is damaging the very thing it's supposed to protect. If they fix it immediately, this will go the way of reholder-gate and no one will be talking about it in 6 months however the longer they bury their head in the sand and the more books get damaged, the more chance PSA has to take the market lead position.

    CGC will be safe as the lead position for quite while as perceptions change slowly, however revenue is all CGC's parent is concerned with.  That is where damage in the short-mid-then long term is most likley. Say PSA takes 20-25% of CGC revenue in the first 2 years - the Blackstone (and CGC?) Execs will take negative hits to their Bonus'. They won't like that, not at all... Then the ? is does Blackstone seek to right the ship or the Exec's seeking to pad their bonus' put together the business case to cut CGC loose (sell them off)?

    Those who do not understand that in Corporate America most things are short-term bonus driven, have likley never worked in any role above the lower trenches for a larger Corporation. 

  3. On 7/28/2024 at 11:33 AM, MadGenius said:

    This issue will trickle down to dealers soon enough. Maybe once the big dealers realize nobody wants to buy slabs with cert numbers 43XXXXXXX through 44XXXXXXXX action will be taken.

    That will take a very a long time for the word to get around

    - Initially dealers will be combative to anyone who tells them
    - If interest declines they will attribute to market conditions they will then resort to their standard method of stating the market is great, strong etc and money is flowing in the hope that the rubes will believe it.
    - Eventually reality will set in and they will begin something akin to the 5 stages of grief

    All above is predicated on enough people becoming "in the know" and I'm not sure if or when that might occur... if a simpleton like me knows that then be sure CGC does as well


    What I think dealers are now first starting to become aware is; As I mentioned in previous posts the notches at top and bottom of inner well are damaging books . I've returned 4 to ebay sellers and MCS recently - all returns were paid for by the sellers/merchant.

    That type of $$$ hit is immediate and immutable.  Those sellers will never get the costs for return shipping back!

    Pics of 2 of my recent returns for that type of damage - both were slabbed in 2023 - before the damage both were 9.8's. The bottom pic - although probably not  discernible in the pic, there are also tiny tears Note that in both the damage is exact same shape as the notches. Older slab wells did not have those notches






  4. I do miss the older pre 2016 slabs, they weren't perfect but they seldom damaged the contents inside. They also did not have the inside notches/cutouts on the top and bottom which has damaged a bunch of comics - shaken comics syndrome in effect. 3 or my last 4 purchases from multiple vendors in fact had the back of the books books mangled by the notches.  Just sent the last one back to MCS with them absorbing the cost. All the books were graded and slabbed after Feb 2023. I do hope folks like MCS and others have or will exert pressure as its costing them money.



  5. On 7/27/2024 at 9:49 AM, MAR1979 said:

    I've looked at hundreds of my pre 2023 slabs now and never saw this... I will pull out and review my 2023 submission books this weekend.  I'm rather scared as some of them are 9.8 mid 60s DC. Which are irreplaceable due to low pops and from personal side books i picked up raw when I was young in the middle late 90s

    My Oct 2023 Silver subs (433 series) look OK.  My Bronze and newer slabbed books are filed by title name not era, so will take some time to retrieve and view them - on my spreadsheet i see those will be 434 series.

    At this juncture I will only purchase a book slabbed after Nov 2023 if I have viewed it in person. Hoping I do not need to revise backwards any further. This will not include Digests which seem immune given their small size in relation to the slab dimensions

    CGC was originally charted on the premise having to view a book in hand prior to purchase would no longer be necessary :(

  6. On 7/27/2024 at 12:56 AM, DanJD said:

    The scan was better, so I was hopeful.  You can tell they reholdered it because they put one of those side spacers or support pieces along the spine (not sure what it’s called).  When it arrived, it was still warped.  The new support I think does make the spine stress less aggressive, but obviously not enough to stop the bending shown.



    I've looked at hundreds of my pre 2023 slabs now and never saw this... I will pull out and review my 2023 submission books this weekend.  I'm rather scared as some of them are 9.8 mid 60s DC. Which are irreplaceable due to low pops and from personal side books i picked up raw when I was young in the middle late 90s

  7. On 7/26/2024 at 10:00 PM, DanJD said:

    I just got my ME back today.  They supposedly repressed it and then reholdered it.  I can tell it was reholdered in a new sleeve.  Very disappointed and will be calling CS.  The exact same issue as before.

    Given the situation and this thread with Matt and folks involved, one would have thought CGC would have given your book careful + dedicated attention.  Makes me very concerned scared about the 4 I'm sending back...

  8. Of course no way to know how this all plays out but PSA, due to widespead name recognition in collectible grading, will present a significant larger challenge than CBCS.    To casually dismiss them will be a huge mistake by CGC. * Especially as CGC slab issue may allow PSA to get a foot in the door.


    *unless of course PSA starts playing the grade determined by how much yearly biz the submitter does with them game in order to maintain consistent census averages - as they have done with cards since early 2022



  9. On 7/24/2024 at 2:04 PM, Yorick said:

    Perhaps they should wait for the plastic to cool before putting the comic against/inside it.  hm

    Should I be taking pictures of one of my December 2023 submissions with warped inner wells and posting them here?  :facepalm:  I don't think I'll be able to sell them...

    :( seems I need to move my cut-off date back as well as check out my Oct 2023 self submitted Silver Age order

  10. I've now looked at over 500 of my slabs. The only 4 with issues were slabbed after Jan 30, 2024.  Which equals 100% of regular comics I have/purchased that were graded/disabled in 2024.

    While CGC Customer Service was very professional and a true pleasure to deal with, I've still not received the return address label promised. 

    @CGC Mike if you are permitted to step in I'd like to share my ticket # with you via PM

    "The Four" grading dates:
    Jan 31 2024 = 2
    Mar 14 2024 = 1
    June 12 2024 = 1

  11. With the Newport Beach folks and their very deep pockets approaching, now is the time for CGC to step up it's overall game especially quality control.  Now is not the time to practice the Ostrich method!

    As was pointed out earlier in this thread Oreo's were the upstart! So too were Lego's and the Big Mac....

  12. On 7/22/2024 at 4:44 PM, Dr. Balls said:

    Yeah, it kinda truly is. I feel pity for someone's who's integrity is bought for $245. We're all human, and it's in our nature to do wrong or stupid things when no one is looking - but when they are looking, you kind of figure that you're coerced into doing the right thing. As a business owner myself, I find that I have to step aside from any personal perceptions or ideas that will affect me, and focus on how those decisions will affect my business, or in this case, how my business looks. I would never steal or short a customer simply because I thought I'd never see them again.

    He has been making facebook posts over the past 5 days, so I know he's online and has likely read my requests. My guess is that he's just going to ignore them and keep the artwork. 

    Standard MO LCS owner - probably already sold it.  

    Order of least honest physical goods sellers;

    1. Comic Shop Owner

    2. Trading Card Seller/Dealer

    3. Comic Book Dealer

    4. Original Comic Book Art Dealer

    5. Used Car Sales Person