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Everything posted by Boba

  1. I paid $62,500 for it sometime in 2004. What does that work out to be? A tidy sum Nice (thumbs u
  2. OH MAN, love Big Daddy Ed Roth Rat Fink rods and stuff. Used to draw Rat Fink's all over my school note books when I was a kid. Very cools stuff Hepcat (thumbs u
  3. Wow Double-congrads (thumbs u Faith in humanity has once again been restored.
  4. Of course the buyer assures us that the restoration work "doesn't detract anything away from this beautiful comic." Yeah right, it doesn't detract anything, except maybe the value
  5. former restored/slabbed copy (thumbs u I know, was attempting to be ironic The seller of that particular book should be enough to raise caution
  6. A new found 9.2, or just a wanna-be? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120682931571&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:US:1123
  7. +1 The CGC 9.2 is most certainly a six figure book at this time. (thumbs u Based on what? The asking price with HG Marvels going bazooka...possibly. Fact is, it's worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it.
  8. Anybody spot the 9.0 coming up on c-link? Apparently the highest graded http://www.comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2Fsearch_adv.asp%3Fall%3Dy%26TITLE%3Dshowcase%26TITLEOPT%3DALL%26ISSUE%3D22%26Condition%3D%26ConditionTo%3D%26CensusRank%3D%26SearchPageQuality%3D%26Pedigree%3D%26PRICEF%3D%26PRICET%3D%26DESCRIPTION%3D%26DESCRIPTIONOPT%3DALL%26SearchRemarks%3D%26SearchCGC%3D%26EXCLUDE%3D%26CATEGORIES%3D-1%26WCATEGORIES%3D-1%26SORT%3DCATEG%26_where_forsale%3Dy%26_where_auctions%3Dy%26x%3D35%26y%3D12%26where_auctions%3Dy%23Item_888504&id=888504
  9. +1 The CGC 9.2 is most certainly a six figure book at this time. (thumbs u Based on what? The asking price
  10. Looks like the copy in the Heritage auction. That's a pretty copy. Nice rich colors. Congrads
  11. Sweeeeeeet! (thumbs u It's like an explosion of Wonder Woman goodness
  12. I don't know if there's that much left in it to get a full grade-point bump with a press
  13. Maybe it's like you say, a pressing would have made the difference, but I don't see anything major on back. Granted, I only got it back Wednesday, so I haven't studied it that close since then.
  14. To be clear, there was no downgrade, the 6.0 is another book I purchased after I got the 5.0
  15. Ok, don't hold back, I can take it - my skins tough. Seriously, I looked at the book over and over and the wrinkles were so minimal I decided to just leave it be and go au-naturale. I've been moving away from pressing everything in sight to squeeze every ounce out of the grades. Besides, if I decide to sell it I can say -possible 5.5 with a press
  16. Thanks - that's the plan (thumbs u
  17. I haven't had a chance to scan it yet, This is from the Comiclink web site from whence it was purchased - opps, cats out of the bag
  18. Thanks! Time to come clean on this one I picked up. Look familiar?
  19. Nice books being snagged by board members . I have a follow-up on the 5.0 CR I purchased off ebay, albeit for the record price I believe. I resubmitted it to see if it would get a grade or PQ bump, and it managed to get the later. A little dissapointed it didn't get the .5 grade boost I expected, but as we all know, that's the game. I'm still happy with the CR/OW bump. I know a few folks saw the book in the old style slab, here's the book in a fresh new slab.
  20. The #3 & #7 are tough as well, but this one maybe more so. You still have that #29 "D" copy?
  21. Thanks (thumbs u I knew this issue was one of your faves. Me too. I love the issues that are a challenge to find.
  22. I sold that copy last year (thumbs u How many years was it in your closet? By the number of copies you've owned of this particular book Rick, It must be a BIG closet
  23. Thanks george. Maybe it will bring the "D" copy specimen out of the closet if I offer this copy in trade
  24. Here's an upgrade I picked up. No pressing, no messing. IMHO, maybe could have graded higher (a 7.0) if pressed, but I decided to go natural and here are the results. Back cover has wrinkling upper right hand corner back cover, some corner bends here and there, some minor soiling, etc.