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A week for RMA

363 posts in this topic

I just love reading all the posts from the RMA apologists or defenders. If he wasn't doing anything wrong, he'd still be here and this thread would not exist. :sumo:


So your argument is mute. He was trolling. He's abusive to noobs and non-noobs alike. He's an equal opportunity forum annoyance. All those here who think he can do no wrong...I can't understand your perspective. From my first day on this forum, RMA has stood out as the comics general bully. Others are also in that camp but not nearly as much as him and the sad part about it is he really seems to enjoy that role here.


Plus, I think getting kicked off a forum as an adult is pretty sad. If you act like an adult, you won't be given a strike and vacation. End of story.


In before the lock.




My argument is not mute...I can hear it just fine. lol


No one's apologizing for anything and certainly no one is saying RMA did nothing wrong.


However, hanging onto an argument too long, being too strident, feeling attacked when so many people come at you at once is something I have seen plenty of people be guilty of on this forum. He didn't invent it, and he didn't even perfect it.


And if being annoying was strike-worthy there are plenty of guys on this list tjat should be challenging Reggie Jackson for the all time record by now.


Frankly, you're wrong about acting like an adult and not getting a strike. Why don't you ask Transplant about acting like an adult and getting a week off anyway. Mike's a reasonable, friendly, honest, and forthright boardie. Someone with a grudge against him button humped until he got railroaded.


Absolutes don't work in the real world.


Looking at the ends and reverse engineering the details is a mistake.


I think that's a fair point. Sure, someone could get a strike while not doing something immature or against the rules. But, it has to be in rare or extreme cases. Most of the time it's justified.


Nothing is absolute and I do agree with you.



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Offering an opinion without articulating the reasons for that opinion doesn't add much to the discussion.


My opinion is just that an opinion. Pulling out of my azz and trying to justify that same as fact (or articulating the reasons) is disingenuous. Psychobabble 101.



You are correct, I wrote that RMA had copped out because he kept responding to my substantive messages (by "substantive" I mean that "I wrote them myself and they contained logical arguments in direct response to his points") by repetitive posting a quotation from comix4fun. I think you'll have to do some logistical backflips to explain how that fits the definition of hypocrisy. To wit: Where did I say that nobody should ever respond to another person's posts?


Yes, clearly trolling RMA in that thread and posting cop out is an admirable thing. Cop out is substantive?


Go back and reread your Psych textbook.

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I just love reading all the posts from the RMA apologists or defenders. If he wasn't doing anything wrong, he'd still be here and this thread would not exist. :sumo:


So your argument is mute. He was trolling. He's abusive to noobs and non-noobs alike. He's an equal opportunity forum annoyance. All those here who think he can do no wrong...I can't understand your perspective. From my first day on this forum, RMA has stood out as the comics general bully. Others are also in that camp but not nearly as much as him and the sad part about it is he really seems to enjoy that role here.


Plus, I think getting kicked off a forum as an adult is pretty sad. If you act like an adult, you won't be given a strike and vacation. End of story.


In before the lock.



Please point me to the posts where you act like an adult.

I'll hang up and listen to your response.



Here you go:


Complimenting someone like an adult:



Providing feedback on the CGC increase and not to use PGX



Buying a comic like an adult:



Being outraged someone was robbed:



Providing a grade in PGM forum:



Notice a trend DiceX? Not one derogatory comment directed towards a forum member. Not one insinuation someone is less than others on this forum.


Perhaps you can learn from it and shut your inflated pie hole. Instead of trying to make yourself look good and act like RMA, maybe you can contribute more to this forum instead of taking pot shots at people. Now grow up.



I meant for you to show me where you acted like an adult when talking to RMA.

It takes two to tango, and RMA seems to have to tango with all you mouth-breathers at the same time. If there's a troll here, I think you and Dookiedickathrob fit in that category.


And please tell me how "adult" your last post to me was. If you want to throw down, I'm your huckleberry. Just know that you're not in the right league to tackle me. You best call in the posse, bro.



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[font:Book Antiqua]Some of the reasons RMA it’s so annoying..

It’s because:


1) its craving attention


2) And trying to collect points.


you can see when a thread it’s near to be close

he begin to post anything

trying to get the last 3 positions on the thread

and get all the points...[/font]




1) We all crave attention. Otherwise we would not post.


2) There are 40 people here that start posting once a thread starts circling the drain.


I have whored myself out for months trying to get some points. :cry:

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Notice a trend DiceX? Not one derogatory comment directed towards a forum member. Not one insinuation someone is less than others on this forum.


Perhaps you can learn from it and shut your inflated pie hole.


What is that word i'm looking for hm


Hypocrisy. It's the forum meme this week.

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That's ONE form of cyber bullying. There are many variations.



Maybe it's just me.


I turned 40 this year. :preach:


I am 30 years too old to ever get bullied in any arena.


And I would feel like a royal idjit claiming I was after seeing what I've seen.

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So what you are saying is, if you see a guy being bullied, you should step in and help him...unless it's RMA?

Nope, not what I am saying. But I would be interested to know why you think RMA was being bullied. Important note: I never defined "bullying" as being based in the number of people who took an opposing viewpoint to him. That isn't even close to the definition of bullying.

There were between 6 and 12 people following every single one of RMA's posts and threads and jumping down his throat.

Okay, now you're just changing the facts to suit yourself. I can't speak for everybody who responded to RMA, but I certainly didn't see anybody "following" him and I, for one, was not "following" him or even trying to pay any attention to him whatsoever. In fact, the opposite is true: He "followed" me into a thread with the specific intent of ribbing me about something (if I recall, it was the thread about somebody being a deadbeat seller). On another occasion he went out of his way to start insulting me about something else (and I didn't even know he was in that thread). I don't care except for the fact that he didn't go after me on the basis of what I actually said. He didn't have logic on his side, or anything of the sort. He was just off-the-charts condescending and insulting out of the blue, in what had up to that point been a very mild-mannered conversation about something. Now, that is fine if it happens occasionally. I can understand if a person is feeling petulant or thinks another person is speaking out his bum and needs to be taken down a notch. But I've noticed a consistent pattern of RMA doing this to person, after person, after person. Various people respond in different ways, but many end up getting upset or defensive, and after a while it's like, "What is wrong with this guy?"


As for the claim people were "jumping down RMA's throat," that is another instance of you having a different take on things than what I observed. I think it's strange that you would characterize what others do as "jumping down his throat," but not what RMA does (which in my view is far more outwardly aggressive and hostile) as "jumping down people's throats." Tell me, are you actually going to deny that RMA jumps down people's throats? For example, one person politely asked RMA to change his location, and as far as I am concerned, RMA's response was entirely consistent with the phrase "to jump down somebody's throat."

There aren't many logical ways to reconcile your analogy, and your expectations of what it means to be a "man", with how you've responded to and handled RMA.

In order for you to put some weight behind this statement, you will have to explain your definition of manhood and what it has to do with the concept of a person taking responsibility for his behavior, as well as how it aligns with the concept of a person sticking up for what he feels is right. Otherwise your statement is empty and meaningless. Apparently you view manhood as meaning that a person turns a blind eye to things and never takes action when he feels something wrong is occurring. I have to heartily and most steadfastly disagree with your position there.

The thing you are missing, the thing you can't admit, is that if anything RMA said, or did, or baited, or provoked, or trolled, or annoyed the person in question with was really all that bad he could have EASILY ignored RMA and walked away.

I think I already made my position 100% clear on this, but I will repeat: Yes, people could all collectively walk away, and they could let a bully (yes -- a bully) get away with ongoing bullying behavior. Or....they could actually make a conscious choice to stand up to bullying and let it be known that it's unacceptable and they'd rather challenge people to strive for the BEST behavior and make the forum a place where people treat each other with respect and coolness WITHOUT having to constantly pretend abusive, hostile behaviors were not occurring. Sorry if you have a problem with my version of reality, or if you want to find ways to characterize me negatively in order to justify that disagreement. Too bad. I see things differently and I am happy to explain my position.

Ignoring someone that's "abusing" :eyeroll: you in this forum is as easy and 1-2-3, a quick toggle of ignore and the person's comments disappear and so does the conflict.

Again, the responsibility should not rest on everybody else when it is one person who is causing the problem. I have already made an analogy that I feel is apt. Here's another: If one guy on an airplane is blasting his iPod, do you ask the one guy to turn it down, or do you tell everybody complaining that they should shut up and just wear earplugs? (Note: Telling people they can leave the airplane isn't helpful...) I don't see how much simpler I can make this argument, but for practical purposes, let me point out that what you are proposing is that each and every CGC member who gets caught in the RMA web is going to have to learn to use the "ignore" function as their sole viable option for dealing with him, whether or not they provoked or instigated anything, and that ALL responsibility rests on them and NONE of the responsibility rests on the person who is aggressively causing trouble. I find that highly dubious, but maybe you and I can simply agree to disagree on this point.

Without the fuel, there's no fire. Without engaging, there's no fight.

The thing is, I am happy to have a spirited and meaningful debate with people. I am not happy when people want to fabricate fights for no reason or based on errant assumptions just because they are getting off on conflict or want to push people's buttons to see how much attention they can generate. I find that offensive and it doesn't just affect me, it affects the entire dynamic of the forum. It potentially drives away thoughtful and interesting new people. So yeah, I will fight for people to reign in their worst tendencies. Why shouldn't I? It is not asking much for people to treat each other using that Golden Rule thingy that I've heard so much about.

The guys who have been here for going on 10 years, and have seen real and actual abuse and threats happen know this to be true, and are facepalming in unison.

Really? Facepalming in unison? How....synchronized swimming of you. I have to tell you, the longevity of some forum members is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, sure, you've "seen it all" and you know that there is far worse that could happen and that has happened. On the other hand, you have an entrenched blind spot to how this stuff comes across to people who haven't been around quite so long. You're used to things being the way they are, and you can't understand why anybody else would object. I gotta tell you, I think this whole "This is an old-school club of men who are just expressing their masculinity!" thing is a joke. When you say that sort of thing, what I read is, "We're a collective of groupthinkers who can't take any sort of criticicism of our insular and mutually-reinforcing behavior without freaking out and feeling threatened. It hurts, it HURTS!!! Just put us on ignore!" You might try acting as individuals instead of a hive-mind that "facepalms in unison."

It's a mistake to think you can read some posts on a monitor and think you know the first thing about who a person really is.

You're right, you can only know the symptoms, not the disease. But sometimes the symptoms are enough to know something isn't quite right. That purple blotched rash? Probably not a common cold. Anyway, where is this sentence coming from to begin with? When did I say I could "know the first thing about who a person really is"?

You may be a friendly nice family man

Yes, I am.

, or you may be a relentless knob,

Yes, I am.

I have no way of knowing which is right until I take the time to get to know you as a person. Have you done that with RMA, with anyone here?

I've been on this board at least a couple years. I am not keeping count. I only know you and RMA and others by what they post. I have seen RMA repeatedly go after people and insult their intelligence for the tiniest, tiniest reasons. I think it's ugly behavior on his part. It doesn't mean I think he's a horrible human being, but it does mean that I am going to feel free to say, "Hey, dude, that is ugly behavior" and feel justified in doing so.

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I can't read this whole thing...I normally would, but it's just repeating the past week...so there is no point in wasting precious moments when I could be doing something constructive...like...


Pretty much anything...


Don't think of this as a STRIKE, think of it as a time out...sometimes people need to unwind, perhaps this will work in a healthy manner.


I've never put anyone on ignore, but if I felt someone was trolling me, bullying me, and it was bothering me...so much that I had to keep changing my location, signature, or write reams of words, constantly...


I'd turn off my computer for a few days, or put the people who were bothering me on ignore...it works both ways.


When you think lots of people are following you, it's a good thing to have a time out. If you can't manage to take one on your own...well, it's not a horrible thing to have someone help you.

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There's physical bullying and there is cyber bullying.


Neither is acceptable.


Again absolutely true.


I represented the family of a girl, whose classmates signed her up for dozens of pornographic websites, posted her address on craigslist as an escort for hire, with her home address and phone number and photograph listed. She tried to kill herself.


THAT'S Cyber Bullying.


Having seen the real thing. I don't think two 30-40 something year old men having a disagreement on a forum is cyber bullying.


What constitutes bullying is subjective and impossible to define without at least some ambiguity. But whether you define online behavior toward others as bullying, baiting, trolling or just generally being an as*hole, almost all major forums regulate standards of conduct. Granted, some are more strict than others. The moderator (or moderators) in this case obviously felt in their judgment RMA's conduct was crossing their line. And I don't think there's any question that he's a very controversial board member, and that controversy was certainly earned.



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You can't change or control other people,you can however control your own thoughts and feelings.If you don't want to get into it with RMA don't give him any fuel to fan the flame.It takes two to have an argument or "discussion". :foryou:

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I think the problem arises in the varying definition of what abuse is. I don't think disagreeing with someone is abusing them.

So you're saying that the ONLY thing RMA does is "disagree" with people? Would you say he disagrees respectfully and in a goodwilled, conciliatory manner? I am very curious to hear exactly how you characterize RMA's campaign of, um, disagreeing with people.

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I meant for you to show me where you acted like an adult when talking to RMA.

It takes two to tango, and RMA seems to have to tango with all you mouth-breathers at the same time. If there's a troll here, I think you and Dookiedickathrob fit in that category.


And please tell me how "adult" your last post to me was. If you want to throw down, I'm your huckleberry. Just know that you're not in the right league to tackle me. You best call in the posse, bro.



I find your online bravado and chest beating confidence so laughable and entertaining at the same time. lol


My last post was in reaction to your immature jab at me. You know the one insinuating my posts in general (or now that you clarified it to pertain to RMA) are not acting like an adult or someone mature. And that until I prove it to you, you won't read or consider my post as being valid or worthy of your attention. So I showed you that I treat mostly everyone else with respect on this forum. A select few (including RMA) like to push buttons and act like the schoolyard bully. People like you DiceX excuse it and those that call out this type of bullying are the trolls? You are the troll. You are a sycophant for those with the inflated post counts and yuck it up at other peoples expense.


So yeah, I'll call it like I see it. I think RMA was given a week vaca because he implied a threat to mikenyc. Go read it. I called RMA out on it in the probation locked points thread and I think he deserved a strike for it. I have never crossed that line here and we shouldn't tolerate it. That's the type of immature behavior I'm talking about.


Look, I'm not afraid of anyone's words on here and I'll be glad to go toe to toe with you. But when it gets to the point that someone says they could possibly use info against someone in-person gleaned on this forum... None of us should stand by and tolerate it. If you do, you are as bad as the person doing it.



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No one's apologizing for anything and certainly no one is saying RMA did nothing wrong.

Glad to see you at least backhandedly admit RMA's behavior was questioanble.

However, hanging onto an argument too long...

Dude, it's the next day.


Get over yourself. RMA's not even here and you're strutting around the yard, clucking like a hen.

You're trolling the man and he's not even here.


I guess you're spiking the proverbial football.

Go fist yourself, mouth-breather.



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