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When will/will the WALKING DEAD bubble burst?
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The boards aren't always the best barometer for market value


lol you don't say do ya. I think there is a lemming philosophy on the boards that most " board collectors" are smarter than the norm. But on one hand there are sokme sharp minds that say dump it. But there are some smart minds that say keep it.


The key is to be willing to zag when every one is zigging. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose and sometimes it rains. Think about that for a minute

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For investment purposes I'd buy two ASM 300s in 9.8 over a single copy of TWD 1 in 9.8 any day of the week.


Now, some will say, that it's a copper so it's apples and oranges, but whatev


All being said, love the story in the show and the book and I hope it keeps on keeping on for a long while...but I'm still saying that at the current price of around $2k, it's not going up any more.

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Lots of opinions being thrown around so to clarify I'll state what I always said throughout the 200+ pages of this thread. Kindly note that I don't have a crystal ball. This is just based on decades of experience within the antiques and collectibles trade.


The true test of this book will come one to five years after the television series is cancelled. I do not think it will drop immediately after the show is cancelled, but it may very well experience a small to moderate price dip.


This book will always be a $7(0 to $1000 book in 9.8 in my opinion. If it is not we are all in trouble because that would indicate that speculation is much worse than I imagined...and I already picture it being quite bad.


Time will tell...



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This guy is not quickly selling 22 TWD slabs for less than $100 each? These would be long gone a year ago.


That's a stretch


19 Convention variant reprints of #1

#100 Escape Edition


#94 Image Expo


Would not have sold quickly a year ago.


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I just don't get what's so difficult about accepting that this is not a flash in the pan comic book where people will lose interest when the TV show is over, it's going to take a while longer before that happens. It has steadily grown over 10 years from a 7K start to outselling the majority of (almost all) individual Marvel and DC ongoing monthlies on a regular basis. Plus the trade and omnibus sales are simply monsterous.


I think the curve on the prices and number of fans is certainly pumped by a massively popular TV series followed by an all encompassing franchise (complete with shower curtain line)... but it's been a hit for years before all of that happened, unlike your FOTM hot moderns which only get any particular interest when they have the whiff of a TV show (and they usually haven't even hit double figures in issue numbers). TWD is also responsible as being the gateway for a lot of erstwhile fans returning to the hobby and taking note of the market in general. Without it I think the landscape would be drastically different across the board.


Sure it's going to have lost a lot of its initial shine now, people are starting to realise that it's not a rare book they need to go out and grab immediately and those erstwhile returners are becoming more market savvy... so it will continue to correct. I can't help but feel that there were a lot of naive buyers out there being exploited up until it peaked but that away from the high end purchases in general it's actually continued to increase in popularity. It's still got a hell of a lot of fans though both young and old, too many for me to think that the TV series ending will be the end of people's interest and cause it to completely tank. Maybe the title of this thread is simply wrong... it's not going to burst, just saunter vaguely downwards and settle.


I can't put this in the same category as stuff like the X-Files as TWD was a comic first and foremost and a TV show second. I guess my view might be skewed on this though as I didn't start watching the TV series until it was already towards the end of Season 3. So where would you put TWD#1 in the scheme of things if it had never had a TV show? Somewhere inbetween the current prices that popular 90's Vertigo titles are seeing?

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1) Reading and being a fan of the stories is not that same as believing it is the sole reason comics still exist (which is part of the argument being throw about right now)


Who made THAT argument? Show me who made that argument.


2) If you really are such a believer, why own only a lowly 9.6? With such a disproportionate number of the comics in 9.8 (versus other "popular" books), why wouldn't you really put your money where your mouth is?


Because slabs are not what makes something relevant. 9 year old kids walking into my store and seeing a picture of the actor who played Shane and recognizing him as 'Shane from the Walking Dead'... that does. I find that amazing. And yet I see it regularly.


If you're argument is, will 9.8 #1 be worth more in 10 years or after the show ends... the answer can only be... who gives a crud.


If you're argument is, has Walking Dead reached into the cultural consciousness of our society... the answer is yes. You can deny it all you want. But it has.


The purpose of the thread is to discuss when (or if) the pricing bubble will bust on TWD 1. If you don't give a "crud" about what a stabbed 9.8 will be worth, why are you posting?


Especially with such aggression and absolution?


Interesting... here I thought I was being calm and definitive and you were the one being aggressive and absolute.


There is no absolute answer on the long term price of the 9.8 #1.


No one knows for sure.


That was easy.

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For the over 40 crowd





For the slightly under 40 crowd




can you make all your posts like this?



When I do memes I try to do my best and make them as accessible as possible.

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I like Walking Dead, but sometimes the show reminds me of Lost.

So what I am saying is I hope The Walking Dead isn`t just to replace our Lost fix we had. I hope that isn`t the reason why it`s so popular.


Also where does Resident Evil fit in all this?

A lot of the zombie stuff with TWD was done about 7 or 8 years earlier on the PlayStation 1 and 2 with Resident Evil.


Like I said I enjoy Walking Dead, but it seems to have taken some liberties from Lost and Resident Evil to make a hit.

Nothing wrong with that. Just throwing thoughts out to see if anybody else noticed the similarities to Lost and Resident Evil.


Any thoughts?



I don't see the similarities to either property. How does Walking Dead remind you of Lost? Resident Evil?

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Here's my take on all this:


As long as the Walking Dead comic is published, there will be a demand for The Walking Dead 1. Once it is done being published and a few years have gone by, the price will stagnate or fall. It happens to all comics that fall out of conscience, Y: The Last Man, Sandman, Grendel, Cerebus, etc. Unless there is something to keep people wanting to buy the comic, it will inevitably fade. This is not to say the comic won't maintain it's value; one thing I've said before is it is very rare that a comic falls in value. They just stagnate while surrounding comics catch up to it in value.


As for the TV series, if the spinoff is successful and they manage to keep the show on the air for 10+ years and possibly make movies from it, I believe it will achieve fandom nirvana ala Star Trek. One thing the Walking Dead has going for it that some other past hit shows don't is merchandising. That is why the X-Files still has a following as well as Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Lost never really had that and that show will fade with time.

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It seems like some people are offended by the idea that something like the walking dead could overshadow their beloved super heroes.


The idea that zombies could be more popular than superheroes probably does frighten people. Likely for more than monetary reasons...


Do you have a good reason why it shouldn't?


The only thing comic buyers have to worry about is when their character fades into obscurity. As long as Marvel and DC keep the umpteen characters they have fresh in the reader's mind, superhero fans don't have much to worry about. It is when a character is no longer published, referenced, etc. that kills a characters financial potential.


The Walking Dead does have a harder battle, because of the nature of the story, having a single creator's vision, not being corporate owned, etc. But as long as the comic is published, fans don't have anything to worry about.

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I'm sure there are things just as bad in the superhero comics as zombies. Or do all the villians just hit people in the face with pies and then they all go have a lemonade at the end of each day.


Saying some people are uncomfortable with zombies is a far cry from asking "explain why people shouldn't be uncomfortable with it".


Fair point. I just think people in general are more comfortable with Superheroes than Zombies. Maybe I am wrong, it's not 100% black and white to your point.


But that just goes to show you how far from reality "realistic" superhero stories really are. The Walking Dead is as realistic as that type of story can be. We've had some realistic superhero stories, but most of them are very far removed from being realistic. Realistic villains on the power scale of those seen in the MU and DCU would be considered evil and the acts they commit would be so atrocious, there would be no question of them getting political office or leading "good guy" teams, etc. And most superheroes would be considered vigilantes and wouldn't operate in the open in the real world.


I agree, people are more comfortable with the fantasy worlds created for the superheroes to inhabit.

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One thing that WD has, is that it's characters can die (and remain dead), so there builds a certain level of concern for them that superheroes no longer have.


Peter Parker, or Wolverine or Superman are never really going to 'die', so no matter how much danger they get in, really there's no real concern they won't be back to continue to make money as a protected property.


Even their supporting cast, are for the most part protected or will always be available to return to the series.


When I was a kid, it freaked me out that the Green Goblin killed Gwen Stacy. Subconsciously I thought 'anything can happen in this storyline' and I was a fan hooked on what I saw as a storyline with some real life drama.


That's not there anymore.


WD has that. Already there's online petitions to

bring back Beth.



People have grown to care about these characters, and the idea that at anytime one of them could die, is part of what makes them tune into the show every week and invest themselves in the story.


Superheroes have what DID happen... we're all waiting for Batman's parents to get shot, or Bane to break Batman's back or Gwen Stacy to get pushed, or Uncle Ben to get shot, or Jean Grey to die, or Superman to finally kill someone...


They can keep repeating those storylines over and over and hold everyone's attention in the movies, while comics keep killing and reanimating characters just enough to keep getting published.


Meanwhile, non-superhero comics keep slowly gaining more support... (shrug)

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