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Any further info on Daredevil Netflix show?
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The press, word of mouth, and revenue to Netflix speaks stronger than the showrunner. There will be a season 2.


It would be a huge mistake for Marvel not to develop another season or two of this series.


I just finished it and it is by far one of the best Superhero stories ever shown on film. I loved it. I don't say that often about movies or TV shows.


This is extremely special and Marvel needs to make more of it and do it soon.


I only wish I had grabbed Daredevil 1 before all the hype happened. After this series, that book is going to be on fire.



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I binge watched this over the weekend and have a couple thoughts.


1. If this had been a weekly show i would have dropped it after the second or third episode.

2. I did not like the king pin nor the actors portrayal of him. Every line of dialogue about "the city" reminded me of arrow instead of focusing my attention on Fisk.

3. I loved the sloppiness of the fight scenes. The fights felt grounded and plausible (more so than the one pu ch instant ko) i like that the thugs got back up!

4. The actor that played daredevil took some warming up to when not in costume.

5. Loved Foggy.

6. By the end I enjoyed it and would like to see a second season, the beginning was rough though.

7. This is the kind of universe building the punisher could succeed in.

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So 2 day binge then wait a year or more for new episodes....I guess it's no different than watching a movie and waiting 1.5 years for the sequel


Rewatch the show! Whenever the new seasons of House of Cards comes out, my wife and I rematch the season slowly for about a month leading up to it.


Have that many people never binge watched a show? There seems to be a lot of confusion with it. I haven't had cable for years so my wife and I have been binge watching shows for the last 7 or 8 years, I guess.


I always binge watch. I watched 5 seasons of breaking bad in about 4 weeks. It gives the series a lot more flow that way I think. I'm sure there's heaps of people who watch shows that way...

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7. This is the kind of universe building the punisher could succeed in.


Steven DeKnight has clearly noted his next dream character to work on would be Punisher. I so want to see what he would do with this character.



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Me and the wife finished it yesterday. We loved it, great show! I hope there is a season 2.


As for binge watching shows...we have been doing that for a few years. We just finished Justified (looking forward to the finale tomorrow night) and have watched the first 3 seasons of The Sheild in 2 weeks time and started the 4th last night. Both great shows. But they are not on Netflix, we have a friend that lent them to us.


One question about the Daredevil show. What is the Black Sky they talk about? Is this from the comics? Don't recall it.


Looking forward to the rest of the Netflix originals and they can't come any sooner.

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1. It's actually gone UP on Rotten Tomatoes since release. This is true for BOTH audience and critic reviews. (Usually, even with great content, the numbers go down.)


I find it hard to trust Rotten Tomatoes television reviews. Television critics are more forgiving than film critics for some reason I haven't figured out. The series is sitting at 97% right now, but if it were a film, it'd definitely be significantly lower. Probably in the 70s or 80s.

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If he is blind why give him eye holes?


Daredevil always had eye holes.


I have long wondered about that but never been sure. He is usually portrayed as having some sort of red covering over his eye, but whether or not it was opaque was never clear to me. I'm assuming that since he's blind that they're opaque, but that others might assume that they're like a one-way mirror.



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The black mask is obviously see through because he needs to be able to see...at least what he can see through his eyes.


And the same for the red mask. Eye holes so he can see the shapes, colors whatever he sees.


Huh? He's blind. His radar sense is based upon the same echolocation that bats do, so what he is able to "see" actually comes in through his ears. Which raises the obvious next question that makes very little sense to me--why do most iterations of his costume cover his ears? Even the scarf-mask he wears in this series covers his ears. Seems like he'd want to keep those uncovered. ???


The strange thing about Daredevil is that not only is he greatly inspired by Batman, if you were to take Batman and give him a bat-like power, Daredevil's echolocation makes the absolute most sense. Daredevil is more bat-like than Batman is. :insane:

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I'm not sold on Fisk yet. I've always thought the character more refined then to throw a temper tantrum cause his date didn't go as planned. Came off a bit childish.


My recollection is that he was always insanely jealous and protective when it came to Vanessa, and that he would resort to extreme violence from time to time when he either lost his temper or to prove a point.


A bit more that is slightly spoilerish for those who aren't through episode 4 yet...



She's not his wife yet in that scene, but his obsessive attraction to her straight from the comics is clearly there. Having read all of the Miller run onwards through Bendis and Brubaker, as soon as I saw that guy ruin his date I knew from past experience with the character he would be punishing him in some way. I didn't expect him to kill him, but wasn't that surprised by it, particularly after he admitted he did it hoping to start a war with the Russians.


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The difference, again is the power of offscreen suggestion. Take my Joker example from The Dark Knight when he kills Gambol with the knife in his mouth we don't see anything. We know what he did we don't have to see his face torn up. It would add nothing to the character of the Joker to have seen Gambol's mutilated face onscreen. And that is the sort of approach to violence I would prefer to see. Would you have seen Fisk differently if that scene proceeded mostly the same but didn't have the squashed brains spill out and bloody rain? That's the edge of going too far in my opinion.


I gotta agree. My guess is because some things about DD are cheesy they felt they had make what they could as adult as possible. It's make some people say "Wow this ain't no show for kids!" and then then they look past some of the cheese aspects like his name and lack or powers or whatever.


It's more like Frank Miller would have shown violence exactly like this when he significantly darkened up Daredevil during his run, but he couldn't because of the Comics Code.

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So 2 day binge then wait a year or more for new episodes....I guess it's no different than watching a movie and waiting 1.5 years for the sequel


Rewatch the show! Whenever the new seasons of House of Cards comes out, my wife and I rematch the season slowly for about a month leading up to it.


Have that many people never binge watched a show? There seems to be a lot of confusion with it. I haven't had cable for years so my wife and I have been binge watching shows for the last 7 or 8 years, I guess.


I always binge watch. I watched 5 seasons of breaking bad in about 4 weeks. It gives the series a lot more flow that way I think. I'm sure there's heaps of people who watch shows that way...




I've always read comics this way too. I let them stack up until a 3, 6, or 9 issue arc is done. I hate having to remember plots and stories from week to week; I inevitably forget things. The little summary sequences they do now at the start are nice for that, but I prefer to not need them and just watch all parts of a story arc in a short amount of time.

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Know when I realized that Marvel really finally figured out this TV format thing the way they have movies? When I saw the credits. The 2 listed as "staff writers" are the husband/wife paring of the Gage's. They both really got most of their start working on Law & Order: SVU. But Cristos jumped into comics, starting with a few Wildstorm books before moving over to Marvel.


Marvel seriously looked in their bullpen of comic writers already working for them, found the guy that had both comic writing experience & tv crime drama experience (who also happened to have a wife that fit this criteria as well) and said "wanna do our superhero crime tv drama series?".


They used common sense, picked the right people that already happened to work for them & said "this is entirely in your wheelhouse. run with it" instead of doing the typical Hollywood hemming & hawing & complicating decisions. Just "oh look at this person who understands the source material AND the medium it's being presented in. Let's just hire them."

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Finished the series.

It was fun.


Kinda funny;

it's usually been the case that for years my T.V. watching had been G and PG fare, and any R rated stuff was primarily from the movie theater.


Now with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the G and PG stuff is from the movie theater and the R rated stuff is from T.V.

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No way will they wait 1 year for the next 13 ep show.....the smell of money will be too great....after the response to dd they'd be nuts not to fasttrack season 2


Another of many nice things about the Netflix model is that they aren't 'commercial' in the sense that they rely on advertising, DVD sales or syndication to make the money.


Netflix negotiates a price and pays it. That's it. If their internal metrics (which aren't made public) show it is popular enough among current customers -- and is among the first thing viewed by new customers -- it is worth it.


Given a worldwide subscription base topping 54mm and growing there is zero chance this won't get a second season. Maybe with the Punisher and Moon Knight thrown in? Ghost Rider? Blade?


Are we seeing the Marvel Knights imprint showing up in 13-episode arcs?

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