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CGC shipped me Action Comics #1 Superman page, FedEx lost it, Help appreciated!
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454 posts in this topic

Just read a few pages of this thread and really sorry that your Action #1 page is lost or stolen.. I feel for you man, and it just burns inside. I hope you get it back in one piece soon. Will keep on the lookout for the page. GL!

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What I don't understand is, legally, how can FedEx ever stop searching for the package if there's evidence of it entering their facility and zero evidence of it ever leaving?


By reimbursing you the $100 it was insured. Done deal as far as they are concerned.


You are really barking up the wrong tree and should be focusing your efforts in a more positive direction, especially when dealing directly with fedex. You want them to help: think outside of the box, search the damaged parcel section, rescan all the "stale" packages, check the previous location, re-check the destination location, call "bob" and see if he has seen it, etc.


By approaching them negatively you are going to get the minimum amount of effort from them. Which at this point is probably going to be nothing more than they have already done.


The good news is that there is still a good chance that it shows up.

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The biggest concern for me is the fact it was sent via overnight delivery.


Of the people who had packages turn up much later, for a variety of reasons, I wonder how many of those were sent overnight ?

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maybe 7-8 years ago, some on the boards will recall I had 2 boxes of detective comics stolen while in UPS high value care ...I didn't properly insure...I lost a ton of money (legal actions were persued, but ultimately failed for a myriad of reasons)


the ultimate ending, was that the burden of value was on me, and because I hadn't insured for my ex post facto stated (and easily proven) value, I was responsible for the loss, even though UPS investigators were able to determine the boxes had, indeed, been stolen by an employee, while in their care...


will continue to hope for a positive resolution in this case, but ultimately, this thread can serve a good lesson to all to properly (and FULLY) insure collectibles...especially in today's environment



I'm sooo sorry to hear this happened to you. I can't imagine the emotional roller coaster you must have went through. Is it safe to say that you still scour the marketplace for these stolen gems 'till this day? I know for one, that would have questioned my faith in humanity. A very sad story indeed

they were discovered a year later, but because UPS had paid some insurance on them, they technically owned them and wouldn't proceed with trying to reclaim , so they were sold to whomever


I would have thought that they would offer them to you at the insured value as recompense.


If it comes to it, could the OP refuse a $100 insurance reimbursement and retain ownership of the page? hm

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What value of a collection would you guys say is worth getting insurance for?


I view this like all insurance - you get insurance when it would cost you too much pain in case of a loss. It's going to be a combination of your financial situation and the value of the collection, so it will vary with each person. You also need to factor in things like the OP's situation - maybe if the books are just sitting at your house you need to worry less, if you are continually shipping things back and forth you might want more protection.

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What value of a collection would you guys say is worth getting insurance for?


I view this like all insurance - you get insurance when it would cost you too much pain in case of a loss. It's going to be a combination of your financial situation and the value of the collection, so it will vary with each person. You also need to factor in things like the OP's situation - maybe if the books are just sitting at your house you need to worry less, if you are continually shipping things back and forth you might want more protection.


Right. If you don't have insurance, you are self-insuring. Which is insurance with a 100% deductible.

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I send well over 500 boxes a year with Fed Ex for work and I do have boxes that get "lost" every year, but sooner or later every one has turned up.

The longest wait was about 4 weeks.

Comic wise, the longest I had a lost box from USPS/Canada Post was over 6 weeks.

I have a buddy who works at the Canada Post distribution center where the book was scanned in but not out, and even with the tracking number he couldn't locate it.

6 weeks later it got delivered to me.

He was shocked.

So don't give up hope yet (as hard as that may seem right now).



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As some others have said, don't lose hope yet. I've had an overnight package delivered a month late by FedEx. Hopefully, it turns up.


What did the tracking number say during the time period it went missing?


From what i remember it showed an arrival scan in Cali then nothing for weeks until it showed a scan at my local FedEx hub in NY. FedEx couldn't find it when I called them trying to figure out what happened to it; it just showed up one day.

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Today's updates:


-I went to the FedEx ship center that the package is addressed to, they said they keep all of their incoming packages in one area, searched it, couldn't find it.


-I received a call from FedEx telling me that they still have been unable to locate my package, and asked if I'd like to begin the claims process. I expressed my concern, that I don't want to file a claim, get stuck with $100 and then lose legal ownership of the page. I told them that if I were compensated for the value of what was lost, then that would be a different story. They were unable to speculate as to what might happen in the claims process. So, I requested that the search continue.

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FedEx is protected in the event of damage or loss, but not free of liability in the event of internal theft, correct?


As of now, I've been provided with no direct evidence to prove it was stolen, but because the package went missing on FedEx property, I have no means to investigate on my end. Some have suggested that the police can not, and will not, conduct a physical search themselves. If this is true, and it may be, can someone please help me track down the law/statute that states this.


But "if" I am provided with no means of external investigation (e.g. the police), am I at least entitled to the details of FedEx's investigation? When searches took place, the duration of the searches, the locations within the hub that were physically searched, the number of employees that were spoken to in an effort to track the package down, etc.


Because if my package was stolen by one of their own employees, a thorough investigation could make all of the difference in aiding the chance of recovery. Conversely, a shallow search could easily allow a stolen package to slip through the cracks.


What if they refuse to provide the details of their search, or, if those details illustrate a lack of thorough effort on their part to locate the lost property?

Edited by Wayne-Tec
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FedEx is protected in the event of damage or loss, but not free of liability in the event of internal theft, correct?


As of now, I've been provided with no direct evidence to prove it was stolen, but because the package went missing on FedEx property, I have no means to investigate on my end. Some have suggested that the police can not, and will not, conduct a physical search themselves. If this is true, and it may be, can someone please help me track down the law/statute that states this.


But "if" I am provided with no means of external investigation (e.g. the police), am I at least entitled to the details of FedEx's investigation? When searches took place, the duration of the searches, the locations within the hub that were physically searched, the number of employees that were spoken to in an effort to track the package down, etc.


Because if my package was stolen by own of their own employees, a thorough investigation could make all of the difference in aiding the chance of recovery. Conversely, a shallow search could easily allow a stolen package to slip through the cracks.


What if they refuse to provide the details of their search, or, if those details illustrate a lack of thorough effort on their part to locate the lost property?


I get your'e upset, but you're talking about things I'm not sure you have the power to influence...short of following the age old advice: you'll get more bees with honey.

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FedEx is protected in the event of damage or loss, but not free of liability in the event of internal theft, correct?


As of now, I've been provided with no direct evidence to prove it was stolen, but because the package went missing on FedEx property, I have no means to investigate on my end. Some have suggested that the police can not, and will not, conduct a physical search themselves. If this is true, and it may be, can someone please help me track down the law/statute that states this.


But "if" I am provided with no means of external investigation (e.g. the police), am I at least entitled to the details of FedEx's investigation? When searches took place, the duration of the searches, the locations within the hub that were physically searched, the number of employees that were spoken to in an effort to track the package down, etc.


Because if my package was stolen by own of their own employees, a thorough investigation could make all of the difference in aiding the chance of recovery. Conversely, a shallow search could easily allow a stolen package to slip through the cracks.


What if they refuse to provide the details of their search, or, if those details illustrate a lack of thorough effort on their part to locate the lost property?


I get your'e upset, but you're talking about things I'm not sure you have the power to influence...short of following the age old advice: you'll get more bees with honey.


I've been very kind speaking to their staff over the phone, and in-person at the ship center it was addressed to. I've spoken with people just doing their job, who have been helpful on their end, who have in-turn received my thanks.


I'm asking questions here to get feedback regarding my legal rights. If I'm not afforded any of the protection mentioned previously, I'd just like to be directed towards the laws/statutes that state so. People are often unaware of the legal rights they are provided with, so, they sit back and accept the worst of a situation. This page is important to me. Not just because I spent a lot of money to acquire it, but because I'm passionate about our hobby and this is Action #1.

Edited by Wayne-Tec
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Well, FedEx ships upwards of 3 million packages per day. If they successfully deliver 99.9% of them, that still leaves at least 3,000 packages per day that are misdirected, lost, or stolen. In a five-day week that's 15,000 packages. I imagine the true total is probably multiples of that.


To operate successfully through the decades, I would think they have devised bulletproof ways of insulating themselves from liability beyond the $100 limit (or limit of whatever insurance is purchased).


The scale of the number of lost packages -- and we're leaving aside similar or larger numbers of lost packages with UPS and the USPS -- makes it extremely unlikely that the police would be willing to become involved absent some evidence that there was a theft. Similarly, I think it may be difficult to find a lawyer willing to bring a civil suit.

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FedEx is protected in the event of damage or loss, but not free of liability in the event of internal theft, correct?


As of now, I've been provided with no direct evidence to prove it was stolen, but because the package went missing on FedEx property, I have no means to investigate on my end. Some have suggested that the police can not, and will not, conduct a physical search themselves. If this is true, and it may be, can someone please help me track down the law/statute that states this.


But "if" I am provided with no means of external investigation (e.g. the police), am I at least entitled to the details of FedEx's investigation? When searches took place, the duration of the searches, the locations within the hub that were physically searched, the number of employees that were spoken to in an effort to track the package down, etc.


Because if my package was stolen by own of their own employees, a thorough investigation could make all of the difference in aiding the chance of recovery. Conversely, a shallow search could easily allow a stolen package to slip through the cracks.


What if they refuse to provide the details of their search, or, if those details illustrate a lack of thorough effort on their part to locate the lost property?


I get your'e upset, but you're talking about things I'm not sure you have the power to influence...short of following the age old advice: you'll get more bees with honey.


I've been very kind speaking to their staff over the phone, and in-person at the ship center it was addressed to. I've spoken with people just doing their job, who have been helpful on their end, who have in-turn received my thanks.


I'm asking questions here to get feedback regarding my legal rights. If I'm not afforded any of the protection mentioned previously, I'd just like to be directed towards the laws/statutes that state so. People are often unaware of the legal rights they are provided with, so, they sit back and accept the worst of a situation. This page is important to me. Not just because I spent a lot of money to acquire it, but because I'm passionate about our hobby and this is Action #1.


I feel for you - this is horrible and that was/is a sweet page. I still think it will show-up, but easy for me to say.


If you really want answers to your legal questions it is likely best to speak to a lawyer locally. Legal advice on the internet in a forum is usually not going to be the most helpful and or reliable.

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I spoke again with FedEx this evening.


I requested, in writing (print or digital), the detailed results of their searches. Without it, I have no way of knowing how extensive their searches were. I was told they will not provide me with that information. I asked that my request for the information, and their refusal to provide it, be listed in their case notes. The CSR, who was helpful and sympathetic, said that he would.


I asked if the searches were conducted accounting for the possibility of internal theft (given the notoriety of the box's contents) and the CSR stated that he didn't know. If the searches were not conducted with attention paid to that possibility, a lot could have been missed.


I was told that since CGC listed no declared value, or description of the package's contents, I'm unlikely to be offered any more than $100. Had they done so, more could have been done during the claims stage.

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I'm asking questions here to get feedback regarding my legal rights.


Not to sound harsh, but plenty of people have tried to answer this. Its just not the answer you want.


Keep in mind this is just a message board. Sounds like you might be better served talking to a lawyer if you really want peace of mind as far as what your legal rights are.

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^ Agreed. I think Wayne-Tec has reached the capacity of what this board can do and offer. Time to visit handleonthelaw.com maybe?


Does FFB still peruse the boards? I'm not sure as a consumer of their shipping service you necessarily have rights to COMPEL them to deliver that information. That said, a lawyer can try...but that will cost you.


I'm not sure what you're looking for that will satisfy you....it sounds like you don't believe them or trust them to do their job to look for the package. And I get that you feel like they're not doing everything YOU THINK THEY SHOULD BE DOING...but they're not going to dance along to your tune.


At the end of the day, that's what insurance is for. That is the albatross we should learn from this experience.

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I'm asking questions here to get feedback regarding my legal rights.


Not to sound harsh, but plenty of people have tried to answer this. Its just not the answer you want.


Keep in mind this is just a message board. Sounds like you might be better served talking to a lawyer if you really want peace of mind as far as what your legal rights are.


I've spoken with lawyers, but they don't know the extent of my rights in this specific situation. All of you guys here, even those who feel my situation is bleak, have been tremendously helpful. I just haven't seen, or been able to find on my end, any laws or statutes stating that I won't be afforded the protection of criminal investigation.


I'd like to again, thank everyone for their support and feedback. :foryou:

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