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Three Stolen Books--Please read
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313 posts in this topic

8 minutes ago, revat said:

There's some conflicting philosophies on this for sure.  I'm with you, but I can easily see the other side too.  I think chance they are deterred is far greater than the chance they pull the trigger.  But the sheer number of types of potential unwanted results goes up too.  Now there's a chance you get shot, shoot a bad guy, shoot a good guy (or cause other property damage), get your gun stolen, get robbed anyways, get cited for discharging or carrying (depending on your licensing and your jurisdiction), or simply get robbed.  So the outcomes are more extreme, but the overall chance of a negative outcome is somewhat decreased.  So its really a little big subjective to each individual how he weighs the expected results, both negative and positive.

I hear you, and I looked at the other side as well but quickly disregarded it.

I personally can't justify a transaction like this when it can most likely be avoided by just paying the 3% or 4% in PayPal fees and mailing the books out.

Even the OP has stated he's not really sweating the books because they were "left overs" or "extras" or whatever he referred to them as. If that was the case then he should have taken them to a local shop, tossed them on eBay in auction, sold them here, etc... and paid the fees. 

Now the OP is planning on more face to face interactions "strapped", yet a $30k loss in books isn't really a big deal to him? 

Then why carry a gun at all?

Someone may just catch a glimpse of it and take action thinking he's about to rob them. So many variables are added in when a gun is in the mix. Now we are talking about carrying a gun to save a few bucks on comic books after he has claimed to have just been robbed at gun point.  :facepalm:

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2 minutes ago, comix4fun said:

How much of this description did you give to the Cops? It sounds like there's more than one robbery in the area like this. 

The cops know every freaking detail. I even gave them bags the one guy touched that they left behind. They even tried to get finger prints. The cops I dealt with are useless. And I don't blame them. Finding comics is not high in there to do list. I rather they are fighting crime and stopping people from being abused than look for my comics. It's my mistake. Lesson learned 

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7 minutes ago, comix4fun said:

This is a major felony in any state, especially California.

This is felony aggravated armed robbery. Any cop would be salivating at this one it's a path to the gold shield. The dollar amount, the guns used, combined with the conspiracy to commit it's a combined 30-60 years in prison for the three of them. 

I think you know it's not "some comics", it's the act, the weapons, in broad daylight, in public. These are dangerous people and it's probably not a one-off for them. You really, really, shouldn't let this go. You should be talking to a detective or his supervisor at this point. 

To be honest it didn't feel like that. They asked me questions, went to Carl's to ask about cameras. Asked for details and that's it. They don't seem to be doing much. 

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14 minutes ago, SOLAR BOY said:

To be honest it didn't feel like that. They asked me questions, went to Carl's to ask about cameras. Asked for details and that's it. They don't seem to be doing much. 

I forgot to ask, did you give them the second cell phone number, the one from the earlier meeting? 

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12 minutes ago, comix4fun said:

I forgot to ask, did you give them the second cell phone number, the one from the earlier meeting? 

Yea I did. Gave them both. They check both. Didn't lead to anything. I really thought I got the fingerprints but the cops called me and said they could not get any finger prints. 

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1 minute ago, SOLAR BOY said:

Yea I did. Gave them both. They check both. Didn't lead to anything. I really thought I got the fingerprints but the cops called me and said they could not get any finger prints. 

I worked with a print tech once-she said they never got prints off objects due to the way people handle things.  Thats Hollywood stuff.

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45 minutes ago, IntoAnother said:

I hear you, and I looked at the other side as well but quickly disregarded it.

I personally can't justify a transaction like this when it can most likely be avoided by just paying the 3% or 4% in PayPal fees and mailing the books out.

Even the OP has stated he's not really sweating the books because they were "left overs" or "extras" or whatever he referred to them as. If that was the case then he should have taken them to a local shop, tossed them on eBay in auction, sold them here, etc... and paid the fees. 

Now the OP is planning on more face to face interactions "strapped", yet a $30k loss in books isn't really a big deal to him? 

Then why carry a gun at all?

Someone may just catch a glimpse of it and take action thinking he's about to rob them. So many variables are added in when a gun is in the mix. Now we are talking about carrying a gun to save a few bucks on comic books after he has claimed to have just been robbed at gun point.  :facepalm:

Dude this isn't a debate. Why do some of you find the need to respond in this way? This isn't you telling me what you would do different. When it happens to you your reaction would be different. And you are taking my comments completely incorrectly. I didn't say the books I lost don't matter I said I learned my lesson. Don't remember exact books because they were keys. Most were common. And I'm strapped now because I'm not changing my way of doing anything because of a couple thugs. I learned a lesson and would not do the same. 


And nothing at all all I said has anything at all to do with saving money. Once in a while go look at my threads man. I have 25k+ views on every single sale of mine because I get books cheap and sell them cheap. I sell to help collectors and have a big following on here. Nothing about me is about saving money. Save your comments for another post please. Not needed here at all. Thank you 

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Damn.. this was the "left over stuff" you were having  a hard time moving? I mean.. ASM 9-24 alone is a great run of books and should sell themselves even in mid grade.

Seriously though, at the end of the day, I like others here are just glad you're safe. I agree on safety when dealing with CL transactions as it can be both really good but there is also the possibility of it going sideways like this. Sorry it happened to you but it's good to have reminders like this, for all of us that do frequent Craigslist to be vigilant and have a high level of situational awareness.

I would think the police would be interested not so much in the aspect of comics, even with the high dollar amount associated, but because it was technically armed robbery and there may be repeat occurrences.  They were successful once it's likely they'll do it again to someone else.

Like I said though, glad you're safe and I'll keep an eye out for these books up here in the Nor Cal area.

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2 minutes ago, NoMan said:

I'm wondering if the bad guys are reading this. I Googled "Comic Book robbery El Monte" and it linked right to this thread...

If they are i would like to say to them prisons are full of guys who thought they could keep pulling robberies indefinitely.  (thumbsu

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3 minutes ago, NoMan said:

I'm wondering if the bad guys are reading this. I Googled "Comic Book robbery El Monte" and it linked right to this thread...

At this point I wouldn't be shocked if the robbers were wonderful members of this community that we deal with on a daily basis. Reading this and smiling with the money they made off resellin my comics. Hope they are smiling when a higher power is judging them one day. 

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1 minute ago, oceans11 said:

Damn.. this was the "left over stuff" you were having  a hard time moving? I mean.. ASM 9-24 alone is a great run of books and should sell themselves even in mid grade.

Seriously though, at the end of the day, I like others here are just glad you're safe. I agree on safety when dealing with CL transactions as it can be both really good but there is also the possibility of it going sideways like this. Sorry it happened to you but it's good to have reminders like this, for all of us that do frequent Craigslist to be vigilant and have a high level of situational awareness.

I would think the police would be interested not so much in the aspect of comics, even with the high dollar amount associated, but because it was technically armed robbery and there may be repeat occurrences.  They were successful once it's likely they'll do it again to someone else.

Like I said though, glad you're safe and I'll keep an eye out for these books up here in the Nor Cal area.

I had a friend who was accosted for a nickel by some transient who then squirted him with lighter fluid and the guy went away for a long time for strongarm robbery with a caustic chemical.

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4 minutes ago, SOLAR BOY said:

Dude this isn't a debate. Why do some of you find the need to respond in this way? This isn't you telling me what you would do different. When it happens to you your reaction would be different. And you are taking my comments completely incorrectly. I didn't say the books I lost don't matter I said I learned my lesson. Don't remember exact books because they were keys. Most were common. And I'm strapped now because I'm not changing my way of doing anything because of a couple thugs. I learned a lesson and would not do the same. 


And nothing at all all I said has anything at all to do with saving money. Once in a while go look at my threads man. I have 25k+ views on every single sale of mine because I get books cheap and sell them cheap. I sell to help collectors and have a big following on here. Nothing about me is about saving money. Save your comments for another post please. Not needed here at all. Thank you 

I have seen your threads. Its actually one of the reasons I'm inquiring the way I am. 

We are in a time where anything is possible. For all we know this entire story is made up for attention or sympathy because you messed up another transaction or two. You also rather recently had a sales thread because you "need some money for moving expenses". 

People with far more posts than you have scammed these boards. It's nothing pesonal, just trying to protect the community as you are claiming to with this thread. 

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2 minutes ago, oceans11 said:

Damn.. this was the "left over stuff" you were having  a hard time moving? I mean.. ASM 9-24 alone is a great run of books and should sell themselves even in mid grade.

Seriously though, at the end of the day, I like others here are just glad you're safe. I agree on safety when dealing with CL transactions as it can be both really good but there is also the possibility of it going sideways like this. Sorry it happened to you but it's good to have reminders like this, for all of us that do frequent Craigslist to be vigilant and have a high level of situational awareness.

I would think the police would be interested not so much in the aspect of comics, even with the high dollar amount associated, but because it was technically armed robbery and there may be repeat occurrences.  They were successful once it's likely they'll do it again to someone else.

Like I said though, glad you're safe and I'll keep an eye out for these books up here in the Nor Cal area.

The asm 9-24 has maybe 3-4 keys in it and they were mid grade. I sold the asm 31, the 39,40,50, 121,129 already. The ones left over just when were not keys. Doesn't mean it wasn't a lot of value. 

My last 3 threads I've sold prob sold like 400 non keys for close to $12k. It adds up.  Things happen. I'll tell you what this thread taught me. It taught me about a lot of the people on these boards I don't deal with. It's amusing. 

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I'm marked by unaffected simplicity, however, that being said, I don't think these guys are collectors. They gotta be selling them or attempting to sell them somewhere. Probably in Southern California as I doubt they're very well traveled. 

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2 minutes ago, IntoAnother said:

I have seen your threads. Its actually one of the reasons I'm inquiring the way I am. 

We are in a time where anything is possible. For all we know this entire story is made up for attention or sympathy because you messed up another transaction or two. You also rather recently had a sales thread because you "need some money for moving expenses". 

People with far more posts than you have scammed these boards. It's nothing pesonal, just trying to protect the community as you are claiming to with this thread. 

Protect the community? That comical. What the hell would I be scamming exactly? I don't need sympathy or want any and I made that clear. And I sold books for my move and my friends on here know I moved to Sacramento from la. 

Just move along with your nonsense man. Defending the community. 

People with a lot more posts? My point is I do threads to help people fill collections. You were acting like I need to save money on By using CL lol.  You're funny. That's the reason I brought up my posts. A lot of the collections that I sell on here I make little profit to help others. Not sure were you are coming from but go post your nonsense elsewhere please. You're alone on this and no one needs your comments here. 

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