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Posts posted by Panelfan1

  1. 11 minutes ago, Nexus said:
    The Felix Comic Art Podcast is back!
    Thanks to all who wrote in during our hiatus. We know you missed the show, and we missed doing it, too. Although we're only planning to resume a semi-monthly schedule going forward, know that we'll get these out as often as we can. Thanks again to everyone for their encouragement.
    My guest for our return show is Todd Hignite. Todd is Vice-President of Heritage Auctions, as well as an art rep for such important comics creators as Daniel Clowes, Jaime Hernandez, and Adrian Tomine. I've been looking forward to talking to Todd for a long time and he doesn't disappoint. We cover his career, the art market, Todd McFarlane-era collectors, as well as the many treasures that have been offered by Heritage, including the latest, Bernie Krigstein's classic EC story, "Master Race". We pack a lot into this hour, hope you enjoy!
    Our website is felixcomicart.com. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Support the show by leaving a rating and review on iTunes. We'll have a bonus episode out very soon just for iTunes reviewers with the inimitable Gene Park. We're glad to be back, thanks for listening!

    Great to see you back!


    Also semi-monthly is 2x a month. Perhaps you meant bi-monthly?

  2. I found the article interesting


    When you read this advice:


    Buy what you love

    "The first thing that goes through my mind is 'does this give me goosebumps?'" he said. "Is it something I will want to look at every day and with the same enthusiasm a year from now, or two years from now. And how will it fare in comparison to other great artists next to it?"


    As an art collector it makes sense.

    The problem I had was that the article mentioned :

    He has a keen eye for great art that's also made for incredible investments. He bought one of Andy Warhol's famous "soup-can" paintings in 1996 for $340,000. It's now likely worth over $9 million.

    So.. while not judging the investment angle. .. I find it hard to believe he gets goosebumps from an image of a can of soup (unless we are talking the price of the art.)  340m to 9mil in 20 years is goosebump material.

    Now it's easy to joke around based on limited knowledge. So happy to admit I may have it totally wrong. Gene would know better.

  3. 4 hours ago, JollyComics said:

    Assumed safely, it still looks like the original art to me even the signature is there.

    For my part - I think the Sal signature looks good on this page.   It's not covering any important elements. It wouldn't bother me a bit to get art with a signature like this on it

  4. 2 hours ago, Oddball said:

    I haven’t followed the news too much but I’ve read two articles saying the show was racist for casting a white actor.  For portraying a character who is white in the comics. So what am I missing? If that’s all it is, it’s quite ridiculous.

    People want to see racism in everything these days. The show featured characters of all ethnicities and none of the characters were racist as far as I could tell from watching.

  5. 11 hours ago, RB3 said:

    Not sure about that.  The person I bought this from bought it from Albert Moy.  I emailed Albert and he said that there were two original pencils done, one with them looking up and this one.  The one with them looking up according to Scott Williams was inked and then sent to Alex Sinclair for color.  This second one was only inked by Scott.  If you take a magnifying glass to mine, you can see erasures of the pencil.  For example in Supermans belt theres a circle within the circle belt buckle, you can clearly see that under magnifying it on mine.  I talked with Scott about this before shelling out the cash and he confirmed with me that this was the original pencils with his inks.  Also, there is a note on the back of the piece, which Scott has identified as his hand writing.  I talked with Scott about the price I paid and everything and I'm sure that Scott would have informed me or Albert would have informed me that there was a penciled version floating around out there.  But things happen.

    Oh and yes, under the Icons book, the regular one is a pencil version of them looking up, with the colored version as the dust jacket.  On the Previews Exclusive version, its the same image as on the dust jacket.

    Maybe someone can get Jim to chime in, or Scott as to if another piece is out there.


    Looks like you might have  solved it. 2 images

     The pencils looking up is not inked.  Yours (looking straight ahead was inked ). Unless someone has a photo of the looking up one inked?

  6. 5 hours ago, MagnusX said:

    Now that Netflix had officially cancel the Iron Fist Show
    and the blatant signature,
    I wonder how bad the final price will be for the consignor...


    What?! They cancelled it?! Yeah -  I genuinely was interested in seeing what happens next even though the show was weak.

  7. 7 hours ago, RB3 said:

    I was lucky enough to make an ultra mega original art haul yesterday, well for me its a mega!!  It took me a little detective work to find out what was what on this piece, but thankfully it worked out in the end.  So what is it???  My new Jim Lee Preview Exclusive Icons book cover!!!  

    So what made it such a chore to research.  Well, first theres the pencil version that Jim did.  This is the one that Scott Williams inked over.  Then there is a Jim Lee/Richard Friend Print.  If you look, Friend dated it 2013.  I was concerned when I was offered the Williams one, I wasnt sure which was which nor what was going on.  So I contacted Jim Lee, Scott Williams, Richard Friend and Albert Moy to get to the bottom of this.  Unfortunately Jim did not respond, which is ok, I'm sure Jim gets tons of emails and messages a day and its impossible to get to everyone and to miss things.  But however, Scott, Richard and Albert did get back with me.  

    Scott inked the original pencils.  A few years later, someone contacted Richard on CAF to have a copy inked.  Richard cant remember if it was a blue line copy or just a computer grey pencil copy that he inked over.  Then Richard made prints to sell of his piece.    So, there is a commissioned "copy", I guess you could say "Recreation" cover out there.  

    Anyway, I am very happy to be able to add this piece to my collection as I transition from comics to more high end OA, well atleast for me this was high end.  I had to sell an Amazing Fantasy 15 and trade a McFarlane Spider-Man page along with some cash for it!!  

    The one I bought is the original Lee pencil with Scotts inks, NOT the copy with Richards inks.  




    First off - awesome pick up.  If you look at the Icon book under the dustacket - it's the pencil art. Ow I could be totally wrong - but I thought AI had seen the pencil only version for sale on a caf about 2 years back. The owner was asking 10k.  It's possible it was this inked one- but I genuinely remember that it was pencil as I was considering buying it.  Not sure if anyone elserecalls the item as pencils only.

  8. 4 hours ago, dirtymartini1 said:

    We have a new champ! Someone is smoking better hashish than Jim Lee and his rep @ $15k for a commission. JSC for the win. Hey at least its published! If anyone wants some pseudo manga art, step right up with your saw bucks. BYOK Bring your own kaopectate. This one is a bargain folks. :golfclap:Dont worry if you miss out on 1, he only did like 10 different variant covers. 


    Wondering if you collect Campbell art? It is a bit aggressive - but a couple cool covers to be had.  As a fan who already has a few pieces - nothing here I would jump at .  Could see some selling though.

  9. Been having an email conversation with a friend recently where he brought up something I never heard of. Restoring faded inks. Especially in cases where an artist might have used non archival markers.

    Below is a copy of his email to me. Would love thoughts and opinions from all of you. Have you seen this done? Is it ok?

    I'm not sure if you're aware, but a few months back Robert Dennis publicly floated the idea of doing "re-inking" on art where the original artist used markers with ink that has faded or turned purple/brown over time. Personally, as sad as it is to know that some pieces will eventually fade into oblivion, I think that is still what should happen, if the only alternative is to have anyone other than the original artist "re-ink" an old, faded cover. As a matter of fact, I'd still prefer to leave them fade, even if the original artist was still alive and willing to retrace it.
    In any case, the reason this topic is on my mind now is because I just noticed this cover.....

    ....and right in the middle of the description you will see the following statement: "This cover has ZERO FADING as Gil Kane drew this one in pencil and "permanent" black marker!"
    The words "zero fading" are even emphasized in upper case letters. The problem with that statement is that it isn't true at all. That DC Presents #60 cover was drawn by Kane with the usual marker he used for all of his art in those days, and the entire cover HAS faded. Approximately half of it has faded black inks, and the other half has inks that have turned purple.
    I don't know if the scan has been manipulated in Photoshop to look blacker, or if some one has "re-inked" the cover, but I'm guessing it's the latter. 
    below are the 2 images.
    Hey Mike B. - feel freet to chime in.  This art is only meant to be used as an example for the topic - as its what sparked the conversation about restoration and shows what could be a good example.  If the facts are different in this case  - happy to hear about it - but again, the point here is to have a more general discussion - not pick on this one example.

