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SPOILER-FILLED thread about Agents Of SHIELD
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I think that Ward was told by Garrett to shoot the fake clairevoyant as a means to erase the trail from Coulson. Ward of course wouldn't deny this order because he's both a loyal soldier and Garrett was his mentor leaving it difficult for him to choose sides.


Eventually Ward will come to the good side and there will be an epic fight between Ward and Garrett with Garrett's dramatic death by Ward an epic conclusion to an episode already expected (classic Star Wars student vs teacher battle). They wouldn't do another rematch between Coulson and Garrett because that already happened. The even that would cause higher ratings is the latter.

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Wouldn't Paxton's character know if Ward was Hydra? Or are people suggesting Ward is pretending to switch sides? What about the two guards he shot in the head and the innocent guy in the wheelchair he murdered?


He just looked conflicted, so maybe he's been brainwashed with some super secret suggestion implanted making him shoot people as directed by the Clairvoyant or someone higher.


I don't know Marvel well enough, but didn't Jean Gray and Dr X have the ability to mentally force people to do things? Maybe there is someone else with those powers.


Or he could just be a terrible actor;)


I think that part of the MU is not utilizing people with "powers" per se, I.E. mutants, etc. The Clairvoyant turned out to be someone with incredible access of information, not someone who saw things in the sense of the word. I think all the "powers" in the show are technology-driven or Asgardian magic. (Wasn't the guy in the first episode with "powers" part of the Centipede Project?)


The actor who plays Ward is terrible. Perhaps he's testing badly and they are going to kill him off. Perhaps he's been brainwashed and he will play the sensitive and brooding-I've-killed-innocent-people-now-please-pass-the-black-fingernail-polish tough guy once he's snapped out of it. I don't know. Frakes was a horrible Riker in the first season of STTNG, but he evened out and turned into a great actor within that character. Maybe that's what will happen with Brett Dalton.


I liked the twist, should be an interesting lead-up to the season cliffhanger.



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Can anyone offer any reason (that at least would ring true in the context of the MCU) why anyone in the 21st century would want to belong to an organization like Hydra? I fear we're heading into Austin Powers-like absurdity with this plotline.


Without going into some political rant, there are probably numerous people in this world who would want to join an organization that wants to tear down the existing "damaged" society, to build up what they would consider a better one. This is not a new concept in the history of man. While fantastical, it is definitely not out of the realm of possibility that something like this could occur, even in the 21st century.


Without having seen Cap 2 (going tonight), my guess is that Hydra, as an organization, exists like a parasite. It latches on to other organizations (SHIELD, FBI, Nazi party), for sustenance and recruits, because above all else, it seeks to profit/benefit from war, unrest, societal control and upheaval, which if discovered and made public, would instantly lead to its immediate purge and dissolution. Afterall, those institutions mentioned above are there to supposedly protect and safeguard the interests of the people upon whose tax dollars they were funded by, or whose political agenda they are meant to foster. I can't imagine there would be much call for public funding of an organization whose sole purpose is to sew the seeds of mistrust, war, upheaval, or profiteering from all of the above, so Hyrda must remain hidden. While it's origins are facist, I think they take a back seat to the pragmatic need to stay out of the limelight...if anything, Hyrda learned what happened in WW2 to those leaders who boldly proclaimed themselves to be facists; the world rose up and defeated them. Now it infiltrates and controls those organizations that the public thinks are there to protect and defend them, quietly amassing power until the day it no longer needs to hide in the shadows....which, apparently, has finally come.

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Can anyone offer any reason (that at least would ring true in the context of the MCU) why anyone in the 21st century would want to belong to an organization like Hydra? I fear we're heading into Austin Powers-like absurdity with this plotline.


It's a comic book story.


I enjoy the similar Ra's/LoA storyline. Except in TDKR which actually took me 4 different viewings to see the whole movie. There was only so much :sick: I could take at a time. Kinda like SM3. And the scenes in IM3 whenever the little kid was on screen.



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Can anyone offer any reason (that at least would ring true in the context of the MCU) why anyone in the 21st century would want to belong to an organization like Hydra? I fear we're heading into Austin Powers-like absurdity with this plotline.


Lola is the new Shaguar.

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Samuel Jackson will be on the SHIELD Finale.


SHIELD finale is right, because with the poor ratings that are coming in, ABC (which, like Marvel, is owned by Disney) will cancel the series.


It's really too bad the writers dithered for 10+ episodes before they finally decided to start putting out real quality. The non-comic book audience -- which was responsible for the big ratings the first couple of episodes -- was irrevocably alienated during the "A-Team Meets 90210" phase.



"ABC's Agents of SHIELD has continued to see ratings decline with the latest episode of the drama only pulling in 4.9 million viewers overall. This was a 15 percent decrease from last week, Variety reported, but many industry experts thought that following the release of Captain America: The Winter Solider, more fans would be tuning into Agents of SHIELD."


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Plenty of people haven't seen Cap yet and don't want to watch AOS until they have seen the movie, which could explain some of it? That's why I didn't watch the episode (since my wife hasn't seen the movie); I recorded it instead.



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It hasn't been picked up for a second series yet has it?


When do they usually announce whether it will be returning? I would've thought they would know by now even if they haven't told the public? (shrug)

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Remember, even though there are a LOT of attractive females, the producers are not just catering to males, lol.


There needs to be a good looking youngish male lead and Fitz is not it.


Ok, ok. . . I'll do it.

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It hasn't been picked up for a second series yet has it?


When do they usually announce whether it will be returning? I would've thought they would know by now even if they haven't told the public? (shrug)


My thing with this show is, how many episodes are going to be in a season, I think they are up to like episode 20 or something. Maybe they will never have season just # episode like comics lol

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It hasn't been picked up for a second series yet has it?


When do they usually announce whether it will be returning? I would've thought they would know by now even if they haven't told the public? (shrug)


My thing with this show is, how many episodes are going to be in a season, I think they are up to like episode 20 or something. Maybe they will never have season just # episode like comics lol



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I hope it gets renewed. I haven't had much luck with television shows lately. . . with Big Bang falling off a lot (for me), my weekly "must watch" list is getting very short.

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