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New custom Marvel labels are now available
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On 5/31/2024 at 2:23 PM, Devilla06 said:

sucks I honestly prefer the custom label over the grade. I can't tell the difference between a 9.2-9.9 just if some grader had a good day or not. Gotten some pretty bad binary tears and color rubs get a 9.8 on huge books then ridiculous perfect 10.0 book coming back a 7.5 for a finger print. 


The Deadpool 9.9 label hopefully comes back. Would love that in a lot of my books and the Scottie Young Dr Doom playing with super heroes 

Prepare to be disappointed with the new batch of new labels that just got announced. Really missed the mark and I would assume that Marvel must be rejecting the good ones? Honestly no idea why the new ones got the greenlight. 

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Posted (edited)

Oof - are those 5 new labels at the bottom of the list? 



I presume those are the Alex Ross Heroes/Villans - which are great... but I don't think they work as labels ... : /  Maybe they'll look better in hand?

The Miles and the X-Men labels seem sort of uninspired, and the Thor - sure, that comes from an iconic cover, but seems pretty awkward as label w/o the Surfer for context...

I just noticed they unvaulted the old venom label (at the top) .

Edited by dbcn
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Posted (edited)

Thor is fine.  But there was already a Thor label in the past.

X-Men label might be fine (it's too hard for me to see it without better resolution)... but again, not only did they already have an X-Men label that's now retired, but there is STILL another X-Men label available (plus a Wolverine label as well).

Miles Morales... same story!  They JUST retired a Miles Morales label to make room for a worse Miles Morales label???  What sense does that make?

The Superheroes/Supervillains labels have some potential.  I'm attaching a better image of them for everyone to actually see what's happening.  And that's gonna be the issue, isn't it?  Although the Alex Ross artwork is great, on the labels it looks dull, distant, and hard to discern who's who.

And even if it were crystal clear... which books would they actually makes sense on?  Maybe the superheroes would make sense on Infinity Gauntlet #1, or Secret Wars 1 or 8.  Books like that with a ton of characters on the cover.  Avengers Annual 10 is another that comes to mind.  But that's certainly a limited usage.  And about the only cover I can think of with multiple villains on it is Spider-Man Annual 1.

Would those labels look better than the generic blue label?  Maybe.

But overall, we got 2 group labels with potentially limited usage.  And 3 labels of characters that we already had labels for in the past.  I presume no one is going to be overly impressed with this.


Screen Shot 2024-06-03 at 3.48.35 PM.png

Screen Shot 2024-06-03 at 3.49.20 PM.png

Edited by WOLVERINE335
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On 6/3/2024 at 3:56 PM, WOLVERINE335 said:

I presume no one is going to be overly impressed with this.

I guess there hasn't been a formal press release about it so maybe there's a minuscule chance they'll change, but yeah, pretty underwhelming.

It's disappointing, after waiting this long for the new labels (and many great suggestions of what people would like to have seen) - seems like a wasted effort.

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On 6/3/2024 at 12:34 PM, dbcn said:

Oof - are those 5 new labels at the bottom of the list? 



I presume those are the Alex Ross Heroes/Villans - which are great... but I don't think they work as labels ... : /  Maybe they'll look better in hand?

The Miles and the X-Men labels seem sort of uninspired, and the Thor - sure, that comes from an iconic cover, but seems pretty awkward as label w/o the Surfer for context...

Oof were my thoughts as well. The last labels have been so well thought out I’m left with so many questions here.

1. this is the 3rd Thor label and 4th if you want to include female Thor

2. another miles label? This is the 3rd and the worst of all. Why replace a solid miles label with an inferior one?

3. Alex ross ones look like a cluttered mess.  

4. trying to capitalize on the success of X-Men ‘97? with an awkward looking label? Why though? Its the worst, awkward looking label. Its like the ugly cousin of the vintage X-Men label they had previously and retired. 

5. You un-vault a Venom label? There is already a Venom label that matches most Venom comics fairly well. Why not something else or is it because Venom is popular and its all about the $?

Was hoping for some diversity and thought behind the selections but am left with so many questions.

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These new labels suck.

Why does CGC not think about the Marvel media coming out in 2024?
Deadpool should have got a new label this year to tie into Deadpool v Wolverine.
Scarlet Witch and Doctor Strange to tie into Agatha.

'Beyond the Spider-Verse' has been delayed indefinitely.
X-Men '97 Season 2 is next year.
No Thor movie is on the horizon.
And the Alex Ross labels are 'too busy'.


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On 6/3/2024 at 5:39 PM, troydivision1 said:

These new labels suck.

Wonder if that’s why there hasn’t been a press release…

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On 6/3/2024 at 6:41 PM, dbcn said:

Wonder if that’s why there hasn’t been a press release…

There was. If you looked under news you would have seen it posted but for some reason it appears to have been taken down. Yes these labels suck, they are bad and make zero sense. We waited half a year for…this?

It has me questioning CGC’s mindset and also wonder if Kathleen Kennedy took over sole control of the custom label task and decided to make them “lame”.

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Doesn't make any sense!  Marvel and CGC want money.  Fine.  Yes.  We understand.  Customers want a variety of cool, new labels with NEW characters that haven't been available yet.  WHY wouldn't Marvel and CGC give customers what they want???  We'd be happier, and they'd make more money!

I agree with what Troydivision1 said.  Consider the upcoming content and capitalize on that (Deadpool for sure!).  Or, just hit up some popular characters that haven't seen a label yet:  Punisher, Star Wars, Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch, Dazzler (if indeed Taylor Swift is playing her!), Psylocke... whoever... just not crappier versions of characters we've already had!

Thor label is cool enough, I guess.  The rest are inexplicable.  Whoever is behind this should be relieved of their duties and replaced with people that have some concept of why fans would want these labels in the first place.

And the more I look at it, the more convinced I am that although the Alex Ross group illustrations are cool as he did them... that is NOT how they appear on the label.  Even leaving aside the potential issue of finding the right books to use them with... they're all dull and faded and likely need a magnifying glass to even understand what you're looking at!  Terrible decision making all around.

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On 6/3/2024 at 7:52 PM, WOLVERINE335 said:

Doesn't make any sense!  Marvel and CGC want money.  Fine.  Yes.  We understand.  Customers want a variety of cool, new labels with NEW characters that haven't been available yet.  WHY wouldn't Marvel and CGC give customers what they want???  We'd be happier, and they'd make more money!

I agree with what Troydivision1 said.  Consider the upcoming content and capitalize on that (Deadpool for sure!).  Or, just hit up some popular characters that haven't seen a label yet:  Punisher, Star Wars, Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch, Dazzler (if indeed Taylor Swift is playing her!), Psylocke... whoever... just not crappier versions of characters we've already had!

Thor label is cool enough, I guess.  The rest are inexplicable.  Whoever is behind this should be relieved of their duties and replaced with people that have some concept of why fans would want these labels in the first place.

And the more I look at it, the more convinced I am that although the Alex Ross group illustrations are cool as he did them... that is NOT how they appear on the label.  Even leaving aside the potential issue of finding the right books to use them with... they're all dull and faded and likely need a magnifying glass to even understand what you're looking at!  Terrible decision making all around.

Lol it truly is mindboggling. The Alex Ross one has to be the worst. Its like someone crapped on the label and then they wiped the off. You can't even tell what the faded mess is and it will then be covered up with writing, which will make it look even worse. I don't see anything on social media about these but sure enough they are on the site.

What confuses me the most is where is the diversity? You get rid of Jane Foster and Spider-Gwen to replace them with thor, miles and x-men. Why not a Ms. Marvel or X-23? 

Also they fixed the issue with the Fantastic 4 label so why not fix the Spider-Gwen label and re-release it so that she isn't awkwardly covered up by the hologram? 


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HAHA.  How about replacing Miles Morales with... wait for it... a worse version of Miles Morales!  Now THAT'S diversity!!!

And they "un-retire" Venom while they STILL HAVE another Venom label?  Hahaha.  Again... mind blowing diversity.  Great job.

Gator Guru brings up a great point about the writing too.  Not only are the Alex Ross illustrations dulled, faded, de-colorized, and squished into a size where they'll be unrecognizable... but then the cherry on top... they'll print the Title, Issue #, Publisher, Date, Certification # and Bar Code over their faces!!!! Hahahaha.  How stupid can they get?

As for that Hologram that gets in the way... why is it even there????  Whatever "added security" it brings, it can do so just as easily affixed the BACK of the label.  Again... just so dumb.

Thor is the ONLY decent new addition (albeit a repeated character).  At least it's a classic image from an iconic cover, and people will be able to see and recognize it easily.  That one gets a pass.  The rest are failures.

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2/4 on my original guesses is probably as well as can be expected.

These are pretty underwhelming overall and are pretty safe from a financial standpoint. The Alex Ross heroes/villains should be generic enough that it sees a lot of cross book usage.

I still wish they would at least try a test run for a golden age label using public domain characters that way there is as little investment as possible and higher chance to meet ROI targets.

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On 6/3/2024 at 11:09 PM, WOLVERINE335 said:

HAHA.  How about replacing Miles Morales with... wait for it... a worse version of Miles Morales!  Now THAT'S diversity!!!

And they "un-retire" Venom while they STILL HAVE another Venom label?  Hahaha.  Again... mind blowing diversity.  Great job.

Gator Guru brings up a great point about the writing too.  Not only are the Alex Ross illustrations dulled, faded, de-colorized, and squished into a size where they'll be unrecognizable... but then the cherry on top... they'll print the Title, Issue #, Publisher, Date, Certification # and Bar Code over their faces!!!! Hahahaha.  How stupid can they get?

As for that Hologram that gets in the way... why is it even there????  Whatever "added security" it brings, it can do so just as easily affixed the BACK of the label.  Again... just so dumb.

Thor is the ONLY decent new addition (albeit a repeated character).  At least it's a classic image from an iconic cover, and people will be able to see and recognize it easily.  That one gets a pass.  The rest are failures.

The problem with the Thor label is yet again its redundant as well as someone already mentioned cropped to cut Silver surfer out. Those in the know will look at it and think something is off, missing etc. I think its the only decent one but still they missed the mark, like not even close and if this is the direct they are going then count me out. I'm not waiting another 2+ years to see what other they throw at the wall.

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I’ve got the answer.  On the Thor labels, instead of the usual square hologram… they should put a custom hologram shaped like the Silver Surfer!  Boom!

(I’ll be awaiting CGC’s phone call in their attempts to hire me as a consultant for all label related matters  🤣)



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On 6/4/2024 at 9:07 AM, WOLVERINE335 said:

I’ve got the answer.  On the Thor labels, instead of the usual square hologram… they should put a custom hologram shaped like the Silver Surfer!  Boom!

(I’ll be awaiting CGC’s phone call in their attempts to hire me as a consultant for all label related matters  🤣)



Labels so bad that only AI could have made them. No need for a consultation when free AI can just pump out miles, thor, venom, spider-man labels all the time.

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On 6/4/2024 at 8:07 AM, WOLVERINE335 said:

I’ve got the answer.  On the Thor labels, instead of the usual square hologram… they should put a custom hologram shaped like the Silver Surfer!  Boom!

(I’ll be awaiting CGC’s phone call in their attempts to hire me as a consultant for all label related matters  🤣)



I would 100% reholder my ss4 if they did that! 


Remember back in December they were “coming soon”? lol. The stack of books I have been sitting on to submit will just be going for standard labels. This announcement just saved me some money. Thanks for looking out for my wallet CGC!!

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On 6/4/2024 at 4:39 PM, Jason Goldman-Hall said:

Hopefully, as the ad says, this is just the start, and we get some labels that aren't just more versions of the same people we've already had a ton of labels for recently, that was a pretty underwhelming release of new ones.

Really disappointed they took away some diverse characters and replaced them with the same male characters in worse designs than before.


So much for diversity and inclusion CGC. 

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I like the X-men 97 and Thor ones. The miles one is ugly. I love Alex Ross but I’ll never in a million years use those group shot ones it’s too busy it’s almost an eyesore. Can’t believe we have 2 venoms but zero Caps or DPs. 

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