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MGN 4 literally doubled in price overnight on graded copies once the movie news hit. Finding a 9.8 for less than $700 is going to be a tough task now.


LCS are all probably wiped out but I would try to find some raw copies in the wild.




Is this what RMA meant ? If so, then we probably deserve a crash. Anyone who suddenly wants this book simply because the concept of a potential movie was announced and pays "$700+" will probably lose money, as hundreds and hundreds (thousands?) of copies are now being boxed and readied for CGC as I type this. Although I do still find RMA's comments hypocritical, considering he will be an active particpant in the "madness". I don't think anybody who pays $700 for this book would ever (or have any right) to go back to the dealer who sold them the book six months later and blame them for their nonsensical impulse buy. And I don't think that is anything RMA (or any other dealer) worries about. It really is a "GIMME GIMME GIMME" on both sides then, isn't it RMA.


By the way, the books to own are (still) X-men 1, Hulk 181, NM 87 and 98.


Those no-name D-lister mutants in MGN 4 will not be what carry any movie (assuming the movie even happens). The general public has gone to see every x-men movie thus far essentially for wolverine. The comic fan boys want to see Deadpool and Cable now. The real X-men would undoubtedly appear in any "New Mutants" movie as well.


And Oops, what if the potential title literally means what it says and FOX actually creates "new mutants" that never appeared in any comic. Quite the possibility, since, lets face it, the "new mutants" that appeared in the comics really are quite lame. lol




The demand is there, that's all that matters. Besides this book was once at $500 for a 9.8 a few years ago before dropping slightly, so now with a movie inflation it's not that surprising to see it rising to these levels again. Will be interesting to check the census in a few months and see how many 9.8 first prints come out of hiding.

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If anyone wants to hook a brother up with one of the MGN 4s for relatively cheap for a guy that never realized it was the 1st appearance when finishing his New Mutants collection a few years ago.... I'd be mighty obliged. I doubt it's gonna happen, but hey... can't hurt to ask. Totally missed that one until this madness started & realized "oh , now I'm not getting it".


An admirable request, worthy of a bump. :bump:

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MGN 4 literally doubled in price overnight on graded copies once the movie news hit. Finding a 9.8 for less than $700 is going to be a tough task now.


LCS are all probably wiped out but I would try to find some raw copies in the wild.




Is this what RMA meant ? If so, then we probably deserve a crash. Anyone who suddenly wants this book simply because the concept of a potential movie was announced and pays "$700+" will probably lose money, as hundreds and hundreds (thousands?) of copies are now being boxed and readied for CGC as I type this. Although I do still find RMA's comments hypocritical, considering he will be an active particpant in the "madness". I don't think anybody who pays $700 for this book would ever (or have any right) to go back to the dealer who sold them the book six months later and blame them for their nonsensical impulse buy. And I don't think that is anything RMA (or any other dealer) worries about. It really is a "GIMME GIMME GIMME" on both sides then, isn't it RMA.


By the way, the books to own are (still) X-men 1, Hulk 181, NM 87 and 98.


Those no-name D-lister mutants in MGN 4 will not be what carry any movie (assuming the movie even happens). The general public has gone to see every x-men movie thus far essentially for wolverine. The comic fan boys want to see Deadpool and Cable now. The real X-men would undoubtedly appear in any "New Mutants" movie as well.


And Oops, what if the potential title literally means what it says and FOX actually creates "new mutants" that never appeared in any comic. Quite the possibility, since, lets face it, the "new mutants" that appeared in the comics really are quite lame. lol




The demand is there, that's all that matters. Besides this book was once at $500 for a 9.8 a few years ago before dropping slightly, so now with a movie inflation it's not that surprising to see it rising to these levels again. Will be interesting to check the census in a few months and see how many 9.8 first prints come out of hiding.


Last sale I'm seeing is in December for $361.



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I try not to dispense personal information on the boards. I don't know about "comic prices" in general being sustainable. Some might be, some may not be. I think the newer/more common the comic, the more vulnerable it likely is. That's not what my gripe with RMA was about though.


What I do not believe is sustainable at all is this "day trader" mentality with comics and the way people rush to buy a book in a herd mentality based solely on alternative media speculation, and cause prices on books like NM 1 and MGN 4 to double, triple, etc overnight, based on nothing more than a rumour and a title. If there's a "crash" that's where it is going to be IMO and I would imagine that would be the last thing the dealers who post in this thread would be rooting for or even wanting to talk about. Doing so may very well create a self fulfilling prophecy.




I think long-term dealers are probably bringing it up because they don't want their customers to feel cheated by them when the music stops. Trust me, if a bubble is going to pop, nothing said on these boards is going to cause it or prevent it. Remember, the long-term dealers all went through the 90s madness, and had to deal with the aftermath. That kind of thing happening to your business probably gives them a strong desire to discourage bubbles.



Amen. How many collectors walked away from their pull files and the hobby when the 90's bubble blew? Tons. Marvel was dead and it almost killed the hobby.


Now that publishing in general is struggling - how many guys here get the daily newspaper or subscribe to print magazines? - a collapse in the bubble might end printed comic publishing and will drive off droves of 'collectors'.





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Although I do still find RMA's comments hypocritical, considering he will be an active particpant in the "madness". I don't think anybody who pays $700 for this book would ever (or have any right) to go back to the dealer who sold them the book six months later and blame them for their nonsensical impulse buy. And I don't think that is anything RMA (or any other dealer) worries about. It really is a "GIMME GIMME GIMME" on both sides then, isn't it RMA.

I haven't seen any hypocrisy. (shrug)


He has essentially said two things: many books are being fuelled by hype and speculation, and, as a seller, he'd sell at this point. Just because he'd sell at elevated prices doesn't make him a hypocrite.


It's not a business' job to provide a value judgement in pricing its wares, it's a business' job to sell its product at prevailing market value.

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GPA shows 7 sales in 2014 over $500 with a high sale price of $551.


Yes and with the most recent sales being $450 in October and then $361 in December.




I don't want to get drawn into anything here, just supporting Broke's statement that 9.8 books sold in the $500 range last year. You are correct as well.

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GPA shows 7 sales in 2014 over $500 with a high sale price of $551.


Yes and with the most recent sales being $450 in October and then $361 in December.




I don't want to get drawn into anything here, just supporting Broke's statement that 9.8 books sold in the $500 range last year. You are correct as well.


I only point it out as a means of establishing what the book was trading for (on a downward trend) immediately before the announcement of a (possible) movie featuring (unannounced) characters that may or may not first appear in MGN 4 (and definitely do not appear first in NM 1).


So we now have a baseline and can safely say that whatever happens from here forward is a result of the movie hype speculation and artificial price inflation that RMA decries, yet concurrently participates in, capitalizes on and fuels (not that there's anything wrong with that, but let's at least call a duck a duck). (thumbs u



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MGN 4 literally doubled in price overnight on graded copies once the movie news hit. Finding a 9.8 for less than $700 is going to be a tough task now.


LCS are all probably wiped out but I would try to find some raw copies in the wild.




Is this what RMA meant ? If so, then we probably deserve a crash. Anyone who suddenly wants this book simply because the concept of a potential movie was announced and pays "$700+" will probably lose money, as hundreds and hundreds (thousands?) of copies are now being boxed and readied for CGC as I type this. Although I do still find RMA's comments hypocritical, considering he will be an active particpant in the "madness". I don't think anybody who pays $700 for this book would ever (or have any right) to go back to the dealer who sold them the book six months later and blame them for their nonsensical impulse buy. And I don't think that is anything RMA (or any other dealer) worries about. It really is a "GIMME GIMME GIMME" on both sides then, isn't it RMA.


By the way, the books to own are (still) X-men 1, Hulk 181, NM 87 and 98.


Those no-name D-lister mutants in MGN 4 will not be what carry any movie (assuming the movie even happens). The general public has gone to see every x-men movie thus far essentially for wolverine. The comic fan boys want to see Deadpool and Cable now. The real X-men would undoubtedly appear in any "New Mutants" movie as well.


And Oops, what if the potential title literally means what it says and FOX actually creates "new mutants" that never appeared in any comic. Quite the possibility, since, lets face it, the "new mutants" that appeared in the comics really are quite lame. lol




Wow, JDR, you may want to dial back your condescension. You're not the self-appointed say-all for fandom.


I love The New Mutants, and I can guarantee you that many others have a strong affection for them too, particularly those of us who grew up in the 80s. And we think they are far from lame. I'm not as big a fan of the mutant characters created in the 90s and after, including Cable and Deadpool, but there's plenty of fans who do like them (under-statement) and consider them cooler characters than anything that came before. For that matter, I'm not much a fan of Wolverine either to be honest. Never have been. Give me heroes who shoot beams from their eyes, or turn their bodies into steel or ice or fire (though not so much stone....sorry, Stone Boy), or have wings or are really really fast. Your "what I like rocks and what you like sucks" attitude is ridiculous.


Now, regarding your proclamations of MGN 4, you really have no idea what you are talking about, it's laughable frankly. This book has sold for $300-500 in 9.8 1st print for years, and is already highly collectible. There just are not that many copies in this kind of high grade. Hell, you could make a strong argument that this book in HG has been undervalued for years. 33 years has taken its toll, and the black cover (especially the back!) is a to find without scratches and ticks. You guys know more about pressing than I do, but I don't think pressing would help this book so much. So no, to think "hundreds and hundreds or even thousands" are being boxed right now to send to CGC is a gross exaggeration. Obviously, the census will go up now that NM has the spotlight focused on it (census numbers are shockingly low for such a key book, which contributes to its high price), but if anyone is waiting for hundreds and hundreds or even thousands of copies to hit the census before buying, especially if they're waiting for 9.8s to flood the market, then they'll be waiting for quite a while.


As for the movies, the general public has gone to see every X-Men film thus far essentially because it has the Marvel brand and the X-Men brand attached. I don't recall Wolverine being in Iron Man, Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc, and the general public seemed to turn out in ok numbers for those movies. The New Mutants will do as well as any X-Men movie because A) Marvel and B) mutants. Do I hope it's the original New Mutants? Hell yeah! If Cable's involved though, it'll probably be the Liefeld mutants. meh. But I'll still definitely see it. And no, there is zero possibility that these will be original new mutants that have never appeared in comics. To say that that is "quite the possibility" is ludicrous. Come on, man. Why risk a franchise and bother trying to create new characters when you already have a built-in audience for long-established characters?


And your whole argument about the bubble and a crash overlooks a potential key factor to this current speculation age. I think you're severely underestimating collectors' understanding of the market these days. I don't believe people are blindly speculating and expecting every book will keep going up in value like impulse speculators did in the 90s. I think a very large portion of the hobby understands the volatile nature of these investments, BUT they feel it is worth the risk so as not to miss the next Walking Dead 1. I also think current speculators (I'm tired of that word, I'm going to start calling them hobbyists) have been listening for decades to the so-called experts in this hobby (myself included) poo-poo'ing all the "drek" of the 80s and 90s and claiming that nothing from these eras will ever amount to anything because they were printed in the quadrababillions and every collector bagged and boarded each copy. Well, time has proven a different story. Hobbyists from those eras still neglected their collections, threw them out, allowed 20-30+ years of time to creep into their pages, read them over and over, stored them incorrectly, gave them to their kids to read, sold them off long ago and want them back, and many other factors that over-simplified the "large print run drek" theory that has been laughed about from the moment those books were printed. Do I think all of these books are valuable or will retain these "bubble" prices? No. But the hobby is now creating a new generation of key books from by-gone eras that will likely stand the test of time going forward as they seep into the hobby's, and the public's, consciousness. I would urge people to be selective though on what they might invest in. MGN 4 -- definitely. X-Force 18 -- maybe not so much. BA 12 -- yep. TMNT 44 -- buyer beware. None of us can continue speculating on every single hot book that pops up month to month. Well, most of us can't anyway.


Ok, I'm off my soapbox. Carry on. Nothing to see here. :foryou:

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MGN 4 literally doubled in price overnight on graded copies once the movie news hit. Finding a 9.8 for less than $700 is going to be a tough task now.


LCS are all probably wiped out but I would try to find some raw copies in the wild.




Is this what RMA meant ? If so, then we probably deserve a crash. Anyone who suddenly wants this book simply because the concept of a potential movie was announced and pays "$700+" will probably lose money, as hundreds and hundreds (thousands?) of copies are now being boxed and readied for CGC as I type this. Although I do still find RMA's comments hypocritical, considering he will be an active particpant in the "madness". I don't think anybody who pays $700 for this book would ever (or have any right) to go back to the dealer who sold them the book six months later and blame them for their nonsensical impulse buy. And I don't think that is anything RMA (or any other dealer) worries about. It really is a "GIMME GIMME GIMME" on both sides then, isn't it RMA.


By the way, the books to own are (still) X-men 1, Hulk 181, NM 87 and 98.


Those no-name D-lister mutants in MGN 4 will not be what carry any movie (assuming the movie even happens). The general public has gone to see every x-men movie thus far essentially for wolverine. The comic fan boys want to see Deadpool and Cable now. The real X-men would undoubtedly appear in any "New Mutants" movie as well.


And Oops, what if the potential title literally means what it says and FOX actually creates "new mutants" that never appeared in any comic. Quite the possibility, since, lets face it, the "new mutants" that appeared in the comics really are quite lame. lol




Wow, JDR, you may want to dial back your condescension. You're not the self-appointed say-all for fandom.


I love The New Mutants, and I can guarantee you that many others have a strong affection for them too, particularly those of us who grew up in the 80s. And we think they are far from lame. I'm not as big a fan of the mutant characters created in the 90s and after, including Cable and Deadpool, but there's plenty of fans who do like them (under-statement) and consider them cooler characters than anything that came before. For that matter, I'm not much a fan of Wolverine either to be honest. Never have been. Give me heroes who shoot beams from their eyes, or turn their bodies into steel or ice or fire (though not so much stone....sorry, Stone Boy), or have wings or are really really fast. Your "what I like rocks and what you like sucks" attitude is ridiculous.


Now, regarding your proclamations of MGN 4, you really have no idea what you are talking about, it's laughable frankly. This book has sold for $300-500 in 9.8 1st print for years, and is already highly collectible. There just are not that many copies in this kind of high grade. Hell, you could make a strong argument that this book in HG has been undervalued for years. 33 years has taken its toll, and the black cover (especially the back!) is a to find without scratches and ticks. You guys know more about pressing than I do, but I don't think pressing would help this book so much. So no, to think "hundreds and hundreds or even thousands" are being boxed right now to send to CGC is a gross exaggeration. Obviously, the census will go up now that NM has the spotlight focused on it (census numbers are shockingly low for such a key book, which contributes to its high price), but if anyone is waiting for hundreds and hundreds or even thousands of copies to hit the census before buying, especially if they're waiting for 9.8s to flood the market, then they'll be waiting for quite a while.


As for the movies, the general public has gone to see every X-Men film thus far essentially because it has the Marvel brand and the X-Men brand attached. I don't recall Wolverine being in Iron Man, Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc, and the general public seemed to turn out in ok numbers for those movies. The New Mutants will do as well as any X-Men movie because A) Marvel and B) mutants. Do I hope it's the original New Mutants? Hell yeah! If Cable's involved though, it'll probably be the Liefeld mutants. meh. But I'll still definitely see it. And no, there is zero possibility that these will be original new mutants that have never appeared in comics. To say that that is "quite the possibility" is ludicrous. Come on, man. Why risk a franchise and bother trying to create new characters when you already have a built-in audience for long-established characters?


And your whole argument about the bubble and a crash overlooks a potential key factor to this current speculation age. I think you're severely underestimating collectors' understanding of the market these days. I don't believe people are blindly speculating and expecting every book will keep going up in value like impulse speculators did in the 90s. I think a very large portion of the hobby understands the volatile nature of these investments, BUT they feel it is worth the risk so as not to miss the next Walking Dead 1. I also think current speculators (I'm tired of that word, I'm going to start calling them hobbyists) have been listening for decades to the so-called experts in this hobby (myself included) poo-poo'ing all the "drek" of the 80s and 90s and claiming that nothing from these eras will ever amount to anything because they were printed in the quadrababillions and every collector bagged and boarded each copy. Well, time has proven a different story. Hobbyists from those eras still neglected their collections, threw them out, allowed 20-30+ years of time to creep into their pages, read them over and over, stored them incorrectly, gave them to their kids to read, sold them off long ago and want them back, and many other factors that over-simplified the "large print run drek" theory that has been laughed about from the moment those books were printed. Do I think all of these books are valuable or will retain these "bubble" prices? No. But the hobby is now creating a new generation of key books from by-gone eras that will likely stand the test of time going forward as they seep into the hobby's, and the public's, consciousness. I would urge people to be selective though on what they might invest in. MGN 4 -- definitely. X-Force 18 -- maybe not so much. BA 12 -- yep. TMNT 44 -- buyer beware. None of us can continue speculating on every single hot book that pops up month to month. Well, most of us can't anyway.


Ok, I'm off my soapbox. Carry on. Nothing to see here. :foryou:


With all due respect, I think you may have missed the ironic nature of my posts regarding any impending "bubble" or "crash". It should be readily apparent that my statements on that topic should be taken in context with what RMA has said on it. Further, I have never said or implied "what I collect is great and what you collect sucks" so I don't know where you are getting that from. I collect everything including stuff I know is cr@p. The difference is I don't get bothered when someone calls it cr@p. lol


With regards to the "value" of MGN 4- I have not stated anything incorrect about what it has sold for most recently. The two most recent sales were significantly down from the $500 figure that it realized for a moment in time and indicated a downward price trend.


I appreciate your passion for this series and these characters, but I notice that said passion was conspicuously absent (at least publicly) prior to this movie announcement. Such is the nature of the current comic collecting beast I suppose when it comes to movie hype these days. Movies create "key comics" as opposed to "key comics" creating movies. Speaking of movies, that kind of reminds me of "Wag the Dog".


As a last note, I do think it is potential folly to be over-paying for a book based solely on the announcement of a (possible) movie title and nothing more. I do agree with you on the likelihood that we will be seeing the Liefeld "new mutants" in the movie (if it is actually made).



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I just had the chance to buy a MGN 4 off eBay...a solid NM...possibly a 9.6....for $80 BIN....and passed on it.The seller had a few hundred positive feedbacks and his grading was legit, no scan of the back cover so I pussed out.Dumb arse move on my part.


Decided to pull the trigger,15 minutes ago and.....it had already sold for a measly $80.



meh....oh well, snooze ya lose.


I still have 2 high grade copies to submit tomorrow at the AC Con, if I can make it there.


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MGN 4 literally doubled in price overnight on graded copies once the movie news hit. Finding a 9.8 for less than $700 is going to be a tough task now.


LCS are all probably wiped out but I would try to find some raw copies in the wild.




Is this what RMA meant ? If so, then we probably deserve a crash. Anyone who suddenly wants this book simply because the concept of a potential movie was announced and pays "$700+" will probably lose money, as hundreds and hundreds (thousands?) of copies are now being boxed and readied for CGC as I type this. Although I do still find RMA's comments hypocritical, considering he will be an active particpant in the "madness". I don't think anybody who pays $700 for this book would ever (or have any right) to go back to the dealer who sold them the book six months later and blame them for their nonsensical impulse buy. And I don't think that is anything RMA (or any other dealer) worries about. It really is a "GIMME GIMME GIMME" on both sides then, isn't it RMA.


By the way, the books to own are (still) X-men 1, Hulk 181, NM 87 and 98.


Those no-name D-lister mutants in MGN 4 will not be what carry any movie (assuming the movie even happens). The general public has gone to see every x-men movie thus far essentially for wolverine. The comic fan boys want to see Deadpool and Cable now. The real X-men would undoubtedly appear in any "New Mutants" movie as well.


And Oops, what if the potential title literally means what it says and FOX actually creates "new mutants" that never appeared in any comic. Quite the possibility, since, lets face it, the "new mutants" that appeared in the comics really are quite lame. lol




Wow, JDR, you may want to dial back your condescension. You're not the self-appointed say-all for fandom.


I love The New Mutants, and I can guarantee you that many others have a strong affection for them too, particularly those of us who grew up in the 80s. And we think they are far from lame. I'm not as big a fan of the mutant characters created in the 90s and after, including Cable and Deadpool, but there's plenty of fans who do like them (under-statement) and consider them cooler characters than anything that came before. For that matter, I'm not much a fan of Wolverine either to be honest. Never have been. Give me heroes who shoot beams from their eyes, or turn their bodies into steel or ice or fire (though not so much stone....sorry, Stone Boy), or have wings or are really really fast. Your "what I like rocks and what you like sucks" attitude is ridiculous.


Now, regarding your proclamations of MGN 4, you really have no idea what you are talking about, it's laughable frankly. This book has sold for $300-500 in 9.8 1st print for years, and is already highly collectible. There just are not that many copies in this kind of high grade. Hell, you could make a strong argument that this book in HG has been undervalued for years. 33 years has taken its toll, and the black cover (especially the back!) is a to find without scratches and ticks. You guys know more about pressing than I do, but I don't think pressing would help this book so much. So no, to think "hundreds and hundreds or even thousands" are being boxed right now to send to CGC is a gross exaggeration. Obviously, the census will go up now that NM has the spotlight focused on it (census numbers are shockingly low for such a key book, which contributes to its high price), but if anyone is waiting for hundreds and hundreds or even thousands of copies to hit the census before buying, especially if they're waiting for 9.8s to flood the market, then they'll be waiting for quite a while.


As for the movies, the general public has gone to see every X-Men film thus far essentially because it has the Marvel brand and the X-Men brand attached. I don't recall Wolverine being in Iron Man, Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc, and the general public seemed to turn out in ok numbers for those movies. The New Mutants will do as well as any X-Men movie because A) Marvel and B) mutants. Do I hope it's the original New Mutants? Hell yeah! If Cable's involved though, it'll probably be the Liefeld mutants. meh. But I'll still definitely see it. And no, there is zero possibility that these will be original new mutants that have never appeared in comics. To say that that is "quite the possibility" is ludicrous. Come on, man. Why risk a franchise and bother trying to create new characters when you already have a built-in audience for long-established characters?


And your whole argument about the bubble and a crash overlooks a potential key factor to this current speculation age. I think you're severely underestimating collectors' understanding of the market these days. I don't believe people are blindly speculating and expecting every book will keep going up in value like impulse speculators did in the 90s. I think a very large portion of the hobby understands the volatile nature of these investments, BUT they feel it is worth the risk so as not to miss the next Walking Dead 1. I also think current speculators (I'm tired of that word, I'm going to start calling them hobbyists) have been listening for decades to the so-called experts in this hobby (myself included) poo-poo'ing all the "drek" of the 80s and 90s and claiming that nothing from these eras will ever amount to anything because they were printed in the quadrababillions and every collector bagged and boarded each copy. Well, time has proven a different story. Hobbyists from those eras still neglected their collections, threw them out, allowed 20-30+ years of time to creep into their pages, read them over and over, stored them incorrectly, gave them to their kids to read, sold them off long ago and want them back, and many other factors that over-simplified the "large print run drek" theory that has been laughed about from the moment those books were printed. Do I think all of these books are valuable or will retain these "bubble" prices? No. But the hobby is now creating a new generation of key books from by-gone eras that will likely stand the test of time going forward as they seep into the hobby's, and the public's, consciousness. I would urge people to be selective though on what they might invest in. MGN 4 -- definitely. X-Force 18 -- maybe not so much. BA 12 -- yep. TMNT 44 -- buyer beware. None of us can continue speculating on every single hot book that pops up month to month. Well, most of us can't anyway.


Ok, I'm off my soapbox. Carry on. Nothing to see here. :foryou:


I love this post. :sumo::cloud9:

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MGN 4 literally doubled in price overnight on graded copies once the movie news hit. Finding a 9.8 for less than $700 is going to be a tough task now.


LCS are all probably wiped out but I would try to find some raw copies in the wild.




Is this what RMA meant ? If so, then we probably deserve a crash. Anyone who suddenly wants this book simply because the concept of a potential movie was announced and pays "$700+" will probably lose money, as hundreds and hundreds (thousands?) of copies are now being boxed and readied for CGC as I type this. Although I do still find RMA's comments hypocritical, considering he will be an active particpant in the "madness". I don't think anybody who pays $700 for this book would ever (or have any right) to go back to the dealer who sold them the book six months later and blame them for their nonsensical impulse buy. And I don't think that is anything RMA (or any other dealer) worries about. It really is a "GIMME GIMME GIMME" on both sides then, isn't it RMA.


By the way, the books to own are (still) X-men 1, Hulk 181, NM 87 and 98.


Those no-name D-lister mutants in MGN 4 will not be what carry any movie (assuming the movie even happens). The general public has gone to see every x-men movie thus far essentially for wolverine. The comic fan boys want to see Deadpool and Cable now. The real X-men would undoubtedly appear in any "New Mutants" movie as well.


And Oops, what if the potential title literally means what it says and FOX actually creates "new mutants" that never appeared in any comic. Quite the possibility, since, lets face it, the "new mutants" that appeared in the comics really are quite lame. lol




Wow, JDR, you may want to dial back your condescension. You're not the self-appointed say-all for fandom.


I love The New Mutants, and I can guarantee you that many others have a strong affection for them too, particularly those of us who grew up in the 80s. And we think they are far from lame. I'm not as big a fan of the mutant characters created in the 90s and after, including Cable and Deadpool, but there's plenty of fans who do like them (under-statement) and consider them cooler characters than anything that came before. For that matter, I'm not much a fan of Wolverine either to be honest. Never have been. Give me heroes who shoot beams from their eyes, or turn their bodies into steel or ice or fire (though not so much stone....sorry, Stone Boy), or have wings or are really really fast. Your "what I like rocks and what you like sucks" attitude is ridiculous.


Now, regarding your proclamations of MGN 4, you really have no idea what you are talking about, it's laughable frankly. This book has sold for $300-500 in 9.8 1st print for years, and is already highly collectible. There just are not that many copies in this kind of high grade. Hell, you could make a strong argument that this book in HG has been undervalued for years. 33 years has taken its toll, and the black cover (especially the back!) is a to find without scratches and ticks. You guys know more about pressing than I do, but I don't think pressing would help this book so much. So no, to think "hundreds and hundreds or even thousands" are being boxed right now to send to CGC is a gross exaggeration. Obviously, the census will go up now that NM has the spotlight focused on it (census numbers are shockingly low for such a key book, which contributes to its high price), but if anyone is waiting for hundreds and hundreds or even thousands of copies to hit the census before buying, especially if they're waiting for 9.8s to flood the market, then they'll be waiting for quite a while.


As for the movies, the general public has gone to see every X-Men film thus far essentially because it has the Marvel brand and the X-Men brand attached. I don't recall Wolverine being in Iron Man, Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc, and the general public seemed to turn out in ok numbers for those movies. The New Mutants will do as well as any X-Men movie because A) Marvel and B) mutants. Do I hope it's the original New Mutants? Hell yeah! If Cable's involved though, it'll probably be the Liefeld mutants. meh. But I'll still definitely see it. And no, there is zero possibility that these will be original new mutants that have never appeared in comics. To say that that is "quite the possibility" is ludicrous. Come on, man. Why risk a franchise and bother trying to create new characters when you already have a built-in audience for long-established characters?


And your whole argument about the bubble and a crash overlooks a potential key factor to this current speculation age. I think you're severely underestimating collectors' understanding of the market these days. I don't believe people are blindly speculating and expecting every book will keep going up in value like impulse speculators did in the 90s. I think a very large portion of the hobby understands the volatile nature of these investments, BUT they feel it is worth the risk so as not to miss the next Walking Dead 1. I also think current speculators (I'm tired of that word, I'm going to start calling them hobbyists) have been listening for decades to the so-called experts in this hobby (myself included) poo-poo'ing all the "drek" of the 80s and 90s and claiming that nothing from these eras will ever amount to anything because they were printed in the quadrababillions and every collector bagged and boarded each copy. Well, time has proven a different story. Hobbyists from those eras still neglected their collections, threw them out, allowed 20-30+ years of time to creep into their pages, read them over and over, stored them incorrectly, gave them to their kids to read, sold them off long ago and want them back, and many other factors that over-simplified the "large print run drek" theory that has been laughed about from the moment those books were printed. Do I think all of these books are valuable or will retain these "bubble" prices? No. But the hobby is now creating a new generation of key books from by-gone eras that will likely stand the test of time going forward as they seep into the hobby's, and the public's, consciousness. I would urge people to be selective though on what they might invest in. MGN 4 -- definitely. X-Force 18 -- maybe not so much. BA 12 -- yep. TMNT 44 -- buyer beware. None of us can continue speculating on every single hot book that pops up month to month. Well, most of us can't anyway.


Ok, I'm off my soapbox. Carry on. Nothing to see here. :foryou:


I love this post. :sumo::cloud9:


You would. (thumbs u



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MGN 4 literally doubled in price overnight on graded copies once the movie news hit. Finding a 9.8 for less than $700 is going to be a tough task now.


LCS are all probably wiped out but I would try to find some raw copies in the wild.




Is this what RMA meant ? If so, then we probably deserve a crash. Anyone who suddenly wants this book simply because the concept of a potential movie was announced and pays "$700+" will probably lose money, as hundreds and hundreds (thousands?) of copies are now being boxed and readied for CGC as I type this. Although I do still find RMA's comments hypocritical, considering he will be an active particpant in the "madness". I don't think anybody who pays $700 for this book would ever (or have any right) to go back to the dealer who sold them the book six months later and blame them for their nonsensical impulse buy. And I don't think that is anything RMA (or any other dealer) worries about. It really is a "GIMME GIMME GIMME" on both sides then, isn't it RMA.


By the way, the books to own are (still) X-men 1, Hulk 181, NM 87 and 98.


Those no-name D-lister mutants in MGN 4 will not be what carry any movie (assuming the movie even happens). The general public has gone to see every x-men movie thus far essentially for wolverine. The comic fan boys want to see Deadpool and Cable now. The real X-men would undoubtedly appear in any "New Mutants" movie as well.


And Oops, what if the potential title literally means what it says and FOX actually creates "new mutants" that never appeared in any comic. Quite the possibility, since, lets face it, the "new mutants" that appeared in the comics really are quite lame. lol




Wow, JDR, you may want to dial back your condescension. You're not the self-appointed say-all for fandom.


I love The New Mutants, and I can guarantee you that many others have a strong affection for them too, particularly those of us who grew up in the 80s. And we think they are far from lame. I'm not as big a fan of the mutant characters created in the 90s and after, including Cable and Deadpool, but there's plenty of fans who do like them (under-statement) and consider them cooler characters than anything that came before. For that matter, I'm not much a fan of Wolverine either to be honest. Never have been. Give me heroes who shoot beams from their eyes, or turn their bodies into steel or ice or fire (though not so much stone....sorry, Stone Boy), or have wings or are really really fast. Your "what I like rocks and what you like sucks" attitude is ridiculous.


Now, regarding your proclamations of MGN 4, you really have no idea what you are talking about, it's laughable frankly. This book has sold for $300-500 in 9.8 1st print for years, and is already highly collectible. There just are not that many copies in this kind of high grade. Hell, you could make a strong argument that this book in HG has been undervalued for years. 33 years has taken its toll, and the black cover (especially the back!) is a to find without scratches and ticks. You guys know more about pressing than I do, but I don't think pressing would help this book so much. So no, to think "hundreds and hundreds or even thousands" are being boxed right now to send to CGC is a gross exaggeration. Obviously, the census will go up now that NM has the spotlight focused on it (census numbers are shockingly low for such a key book, which contributes to its high price), but if anyone is waiting for hundreds and hundreds or even thousands of copies to hit the census before buying, especially if they're waiting for 9.8s to flood the market, then they'll be waiting for quite a while.


As for the movies, the general public has gone to see every X-Men film thus far essentially because it has the Marvel brand and the X-Men brand attached. I don't recall Wolverine being in Iron Man, Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc, and the general public seemed to turn out in ok numbers for those movies. The New Mutants will do as well as any X-Men movie because A) Marvel and B) mutants. Do I hope it's the original New Mutants? Hell yeah! If Cable's involved though, it'll probably be the Liefeld mutants. meh. But I'll still definitely see it. And no, there is zero possibility that these will be original new mutants that have never appeared in comics. To say that that is "quite the possibility" is ludicrous. Come on, man. Why risk a franchise and bother trying to create new characters when you already have a built-in audience for long-established characters?


And your whole argument about the bubble and a crash overlooks a potential key factor to this current speculation age. I think you're severely underestimating collectors' understanding of the market these days. I don't believe people are blindly speculating and expecting every book will keep going up in value like impulse speculators did in the 90s. I think a very large portion of the hobby understands the volatile nature of these investments, BUT they feel it is worth the risk so as not to miss the next Walking Dead 1. I also think current speculators (I'm tired of that word, I'm going to start calling them hobbyists) have been listening for decades to the so-called experts in this hobby (myself included) poo-poo'ing all the "drek" of the 80s and 90s and claiming that nothing from these eras will ever amount to anything because they were printed in the quadrababillions and every collector bagged and boarded each copy. Well, time has proven a different story. Hobbyists from those eras still neglected their collections, threw them out, allowed 20-30+ years of time to creep into their pages, read them over and over, stored them incorrectly, gave them to their kids to read, sold them off long ago and want them back, and many other factors that over-simplified the "large print run drek" theory that has been laughed about from the moment those books were printed. Do I think all of these books are valuable or will retain these "bubble" prices? No. But the hobby is now creating a new generation of key books from by-gone eras that will likely stand the test of time going forward as they seep into the hobby's, and the public's, consciousness. I would urge people to be selective though on what they might invest in. MGN 4 -- definitely. X-Force 18 -- maybe not so much. BA 12 -- yep. TMNT 44 -- buyer beware. None of us can continue speculating on every single hot book that pops up month to month. Well, most of us can't anyway.


Ok, I'm off my soapbox. Carry on. Nothing to see here. :foryou:


I love this post. :sumo::cloud9:


You would. (thumbs u




And, it goes without saying, you wouldn't . . . DF :grin:

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