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Disney+'s THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT (2021)
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On 1/19/2022 at 3:09 PM, fantastic_four said:

If you mean Empire and Return of the Jedi it's because he was in a car accident and messed up his face towards the end of filming Star Wars.  He tried to swerve across four lanes of traffic to make an exit and rolled his car a few times.  I heard conflicting stories about how bad it was--the only consistency I heard was that he at minimum broke his nose and cheekbone--but it was bad enough for Lucas to feel that it had to be written into the Empire screenplay by having the Wampa smack him silly on Hoth.

If you mean the Abrams/Johnson sequels, then he WAS old enough to have use for an AARP card in those.

I mean the latter. I felt he came off looking a lot older than he should have been, that is all. No doubt he WAS old enough for an AARP card, but i don't think he WAS old enough to feel comfortable using it in public. 

He died from mediating too hard.

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Now if they would just mix the EDM bar casino with the Spy Kids we might end up with the Skids from Letterykenny. :roflmao:


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Bar / casino.
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Well... better than episode 3 (and I guess that's not hard to be!)

True, he does talk a lot (even Morrison said so in interviews). And also agree that he doesn't need to keep telling everyone his name - I mean, why would a toaster care what your name is? Almost like Geoffry from GOT ("Any man who must say 'I am the king' is no king")

But, the story was better (though still the writing was bad - how many times did they re-tell events that we ALREADY SAW IN PREVIOUS EPISODES). 

B- on this episode





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On 1/20/2022 at 7:10 AM, onlyweaknesskryptonite said:

Now if they would just mix the EDM bar casino with the Spy Kids we might end up with the Skids from Letterykenny. :roflmao:



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So, I think I get why he told the rat catcher droid he was Boba Fett. The last time he was there, he was double crossed as he said. Basically, this was his “I tell your friends in the palace I’m baaaaccckkk”

could it have been executed better? Yup, but I get it.  

Also, glad to see a Wookie getting some revenge on the trandoshans. For those unfamiliar, they’d captured and hunt Wookiees for sport. And, in the first episode a trandoshan offered a wookie pelt as tribute. 

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This episode seemed like nothing of note really happened, and after watching it I felt like I just watched a trailer for the show. Some nice set pieces, but no real meat.

Also lol at one of the biggest things I was excited for, him taking on Bib Fortuna and usurping the entire organization (literally the entire point of the show!), was reduced to a single second flash back. 

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On 1/20/2022 at 10:34 AM, Sauce Dog said:

This episode seemed like nothing of note really happened

It was the final piece of the puzzle for how the series fits with what we saw in the Mandalorian.  We now know how Fennec survived getting shot, who the caped figure was at the end of that Mando episode from a few years ago (easy to guess for most of us, but it verified the suspicion), why he's going after Jabba's position, and most of all he gets Slave I back and uses it satisfyingly to gun down those bikers.  Plus his Sarlac almost swallows Slave I whole, and we get to see the Sarlac getting nuked by one of those seismic charges Slave I is outfitted with.  Seemed noteworthy to me!  :ohnoez:

Definitely the best episode so far.  But I do get why people are disillusioned with it...lots of mistakes being made with the story and direction.  Still PLENTY of good stuff in there that people are overlooking, but hey, same thing happened with the prequels which also had far more awesome than cringe-worthy elements, so it's what I'd expect.  (shrug)

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One thing that I think would have really helped the show go over better with viewers is if D+ somehow worked into the trailers or if the first episode featured Fett’s explanation for why he wants to head a gotra and leave the bounty hunting life behind. It's not like it was a spoiler for what the season would hold.

Things made a bit more sense after that conversation. It also made revisit the War of the Bounty Hunters series on Marvel Unlimited last night. You can kind of get the sense that Fett is getting a little sick of it all by the end of the story, especially the final two issues.

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On 1/20/2022 at 11:13 AM, fantastic_four said:

same thing happened with the prequels which also had far more awesome than cringe-worthy elements, so it's what I'd expect.  

Agree. The prequels have aged well.

Watching my back the rest of the day for my younger self to show up and smack me for saying that

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On 1/20/2022 at 5:45 PM, october said:


Yeah, I would have never thought of saying such a thing. Then I watched Clone Wars and it put a whole different lens in how I view that trilogy. 

Also, don’t think I ever mentioned it to you, but Zombie Dust is one of my go-tos. Always enjoyable. 

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On 1/20/2022 at 2:58 PM, awakeintheashes said:

Yeah, I would have never thought of saying such a thing. Then I watched Clone Wars and it put a whole different lens in how I view that trilogy. 

That’s the impression I get:  that the Clone Wars played no small part in the prequels “aging well”.   Which makes me almost wonder if that’s what’s going on here. Almost. 

I’ve only seen a few CW episodes when my boys were watching it. I thought it was alright but never struck me as something I’d want to invest the time getting caught up on, but I know others appraise it much more highly. 

So when Moff Gideon cuts himself out of his TIE Fighter I thought “huh, so he’s got a lightsaber, interesting”. Then I go online and everyone’s face is melting off with “It’s the Darksaber! IT’S THE DARKSABER!!!!!” and I thought “ok, so apparently this particular lightsaber is ‘a thing’”.  So I watched a YouTube video and got caught up on what that was all about. 

Then in the second season of the Mandalorian I noticed in the comments that the episodes were being divided up into “good” and “filler” episodes, and it just so happened that all the “good” episodes either had an appearance of a CW character or advanced a CW storyline in some way. 

It kind of feels like the same thing here. It seems like the positive spin for this show is coming from those who are anticipating an appearance of a character or storyline from either CW or the EU. Whereas for me, I’m not coming to the show with that investment, I’m just watching what’s in front of me. 

But I don’t think that explains it either. I thoroughly enjoyed the Mandalorian even though I really didn’t get all the CW backstory that everyone else was getting out of it. 

Part of the problem for me is tonal. If this were an, I don’t know, a 3P0/R2 show or a BB8 show I could probably roll with this tone a little better.  But when I watched Fett and Fennec infiltrate the Palace and compare that to the Mandalorian infiltrating the Client’s stronghold to rescue Grogu, I have a hard time believing it’s the same creative team making this show.  When Fett started chasing that rat-catcher droid around I literally threw my hands up and was like “What IS this?”

I also think, frankly, it’s not very well written. With this episode they seem to abandon their established narrative format - that everything we see in flashback is Boba’s memories while he’s in the Bactra tank…which includes him crawling out of the Sarlaac pit and the Jawas stripping his armor off.  Even if he was unconscious when stripped, at the very least he would remember he was wearing the armor when he came out. But now in this episode he forgets this detail so we have an excuse to see the Sarlaac get blown up. 

I also feel that the show suffers from the same thing that I didn’t like about Solo - that it spends way too much time filling all these little details about past stuff that I really don’t care about. Just move the story forward.  

Anyway, I’m glad that others are enjoying it but for me at the end of every episode I ask myself why I keep watching it. Hoping it will get better I guess?  Like I said before, if Mandalorian season 3 is like this I’m probably going to check out for good. 

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