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Are prices still climbing or have they eased up a bit???
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On 10/8/2021 at 11:52 AM, Sweet Lou 14 said:
On 10/8/2021 at 9:33 AM, valiantman said:

That's fine, but I only responded to you because you said: 

... and you were quite wrong.  So, my suggestions are not telling anyone to do anything, other than to ignore your suggestions, because what you claim that "data across the ages" shows "higher returns" do not.

You're mad that I tried suggesting something to you that you didn't care for, but don't be mad at me when I point out your advice doesn't stand up to a calculator --- which has no feelings at all.


It’s a real shame you decided to respond like this. I thought I would give interacting with you another chance, but you just can’t stop yourself from being the most insufferable poster on this site.

Seriously, stay away and I will do the same. 


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On 10/8/2021 at 10:42 AM, Wolverinex said:

The question is if this bearish trend due to a correction from the ridiculous prices or if this is the normal seasonal dip as we head towards Christmas?

My sales are actually up quite a bit over the past two weeks… I always anticipate a Christmas dip (and that’s when I buy) but I don’t see envy sign of it yet.

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On 10/8/2021 at 1:03 PM, Wolverinex said:

Yeah that was one of the books of sports card YouTuber was pumping along with ASM 252. I haven't seen any of his videos recently.  wonder what he is doing now... freaking out?

You just answered your own question about the market. It peaked in May and has been leveling off or trending down since. Not every book but in general. Prices and more so sales would usually slow down in summer, no school, nice weather, vacations. So we had that. Not as many people sheltering in place is huge. But maybe the biggest factor is the new money seeing what they felt was low census numbers. Thought it was a good investment so bought up and kept buying. Any actual collector who had a few hundred or thousand bucks already had these books. So if you bought something to invest it and not only did it not go up but went down, what are you thinking right now? Want to buy some more? Even if you did you can only buy so much without selling and who wants to sell for a loss?

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On 10/9/2021 at 1:17 AM, DC# said:

Session 3 - Day 4.   I am getting bored now.......if I don't do any other recaps I think it is safe to say the overall story will likely be the same.  




You got the weekend off so get back to it Monday. Only 2 more nights left! JK. Excellent work. Life is short. Don't get burned out on anything. 

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On 10/9/2021 at 4:17 PM, DC# said:

Session 3 - Day 4.   I am getting bored now.......if I don't do any other recaps I think it is safe to say the overall story will likely be the same.  


Whats your take on things??   The peaks are coming off for a lot of books, but a few alternates, or late to the party are rising.   Is this seasonality, or something attached to a larger pattern?

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On 10/7/2021 at 10:46 PM, BigLeagueCHEW said:

Amazing Spider-Man 361 has plummeted in value over the past 6 months. Watched a newsstand copy in 9.8 sell for $760 about a week ago vs. when I sold mine for $1600 a while back.

Here he goes about 1 month ago when he predicted 361 would stay at $1200... sometime should message him the new prices. 


Start at 6.41 . His "non key" keys




Edited by Wolverinex
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It's interesting.  Seems like the majority of the drops are occurring in 70s, 80s, and 90s books.  Some 60s books have dropped as well, but early Marvel's are still holding strong.  At least that's what I am seeing when I value my collection.  I think it's because the supply of the 70s and 80s books is much higher.  Just my 2 cents.

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So you guys are saying these are not strong investment books?

joking of course but I have won more of these type books this auction than in the past. I have been looking at grabbing all the Marvel Star titles and had been getting way outbid on those lately.

Run collectors are doing well if they are buying. I have landed several copies in this auction for way less than past asking. I had WTB ads for a couple runs and we’re getting books offered at twice market at the time, random issues even where I had bought for less than 20 bucks were being offered at 100.  I almost responded asking if they could sell my under copies for half. 

 At any rate it is nice to be able to pick up the off the radar books again at decent prices. These last few days have had so many books sell for less than the grading fees. 


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On 9/17/2021 at 12:20 PM, valiantman said:
On 9/16/2021 at 9:49 PM, Beige said:



Calling complete BS on this.

There are others over $1000 cheaper readily available on dealer sites and ebay.

Black "MATURE" label isn't available on eBay for less.

What's with all of the junk?  Is that on the slab?


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On 10/9/2021 at 10:51 AM, DC# said:

Not even my wife asks what my take is :)     I will caveat that I have been back into this hobby for 3-4 years after multiple decades away so my thoughts are probably far less informed than many on this board who have seen far more cycles.   I would also consider myself a collector who likes a good investment.   So I don't buy stuff because it is hot or to flip - I only buy things I really love for my "Wall of 52" (whittling down my collection to 52 slabs that I love and that are for the most part likely to sustain pretty high value over the years - Silver/Bronze).    I will never own a FF #48 no matter how hot it is because I hate that cover.     And though I have been slowly selling my childhood collection over the past few years - I am neither a super active buyer or seller.    Yes I have a few more books to pick up (anyone got a Hulk #1 they want to part with?) or upgrade but I am not that emotionally invested in the daily ups and downs of the market.   But I do find it interesting.  

So what is my take?   All signs are the huge bull market, which really started years ago thanks to MCU - it just got really nuts this past year, has entered a bear phase.  

- The market has been very volatile the past 12 months.   Volatility causes a lot of stress for buyers and sellers as people can feel they are making decisions without accurate information.   And I think some of the volatility was brought on by the volume/velocity of sales.    In looking at GPA, many books have seen trading volume across most/many grades that were way above historical norms.   At some point volumes will come down as volatility fatigue sets in.   And as volumes come down - prices may start to stabilize for some books.     I think the ComicLink auctions right now are a great example of where the volume is driving down prices.   I see some prices coming down on Heritage and Comic Connect too - but they don't feel nearly as steep as CL.   But that is just a feeling more than data - I would need to look at it more closely.  

- The gap between super high-grade keys/mega keys (9.8s in Bronze, top 1-2% in Silver) and the high/mid grades may be permanently further apart.   I think there is enough new interest in investment grade books that could keep those big boys within their own market dynamics and may also keep them from declining as fast as other grades.   Kind of seeing that already in some sales.   

- All the theories about new investors, crypto, etc have been well trodden here and other places.   Probably some truth to all of it.   No one will ever know the degree.    But something definitely happened as long-term collectors didn't suddenly all agree that Hulk 181 should be worth 150% more.   Quite the opposite - many long-terms were scratching their collective heads at some of the moves.   Some of the new people will stay a bit longer, some will find other sandboxes to play in.    The speed at which those more transient participants leave the market will have a huge impact on how fast and deep the market corrects.   

- I do think that many, many key books will set a new floor that will be materially above the 2019/2020 averages.    I say that for the true keys - not the spec books that have a first appearance of a 3rd tier character that might show up in the background in the next movie or series.    Truly beloved characters and issues will find their footing.    Dealers and long-term collectors will likely be the ones who help establish the floor.    They may not believe that a 9.2 IH181 was ever a $13k book based on their long experience with it - but living with these new high marks for so long may have altered their view a bit.   Those "institutional buyers" are probably not going to let it fall back to the $5-6k range before buying back in.   

- Lastly, there will always be exceptions to the rule.   Because money is emotional, we can often try to convince ourselves that the exception is the rule.    This whole topic of "is the market up or down" can be very emotional to people.  There have been some very heated discussions on this very thread because we can and are emotionally invested in the positions we have taken - both philosophically and financially.   People don't like the feeling of loss - tons of research about the fear of loss being a far more powerful motivation that the desire for a gain.     For those who are active sellers who may "need" to sell in the coming weeks and months - there is the risk of what is known as "chasing the market down."    That is when your real estate agent tells you to list your house for $925k based on marketing conditions and you demand a $1M listing.   The house sits for months and you lower the price to $950k and then again to $925k before finally getting an offer and selling for $885k after 9 months.    You probably could have sold the house for $30k-$40k more had you listened to market conditions and quieted your emotions.    

Anyway - my measly 2 cents for this discourse.    I'm not too emotionally invested in the opinions above so always welcome insights and opinions from those that have different experiences than mine.  

Do you ever follow Covrprice.com?  All their data comes from genuine sales across multiple platforms, and they post high sellers in volume as well as dollars every day, along with 2 feature articles about the week's market every week.

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On 10/10/2021 at 6:08 AM, Pat Thomas said:

Do you ever follow Covrprice.com?  All their data comes from genuine sales across multiple platforms, and they post high sellers in volume as well as dollars every day, along with 2 feature articles about the week's market every week.

I just had a look, using the first week free option.   There doesn't seem to be any current pricing information??

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On 10/9/2021 at 5:34 PM, Microchip said:

I just had a look, using the first week free option.   There doesn't seem to be any current pricing information??

Just scroll down the first page after you sign in. Sign up for their newsletter whether you join or not, and you'll get the top ten percentagewise increases emailed every week (plus 10 runners up), and you'll also get a weekly email about noteworthy sales the previous week and why they might have occurred. It fascinates me too, and I'm slowly getting all my comics into their database, but I just have so many (and I'm a perfectionist too). I'm a little over halfway finished, so I'll be lucky to finish this year.

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